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Unwanted AI Traffic Remover DOWNLOAD LINK


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Does your PC struggle with AI traffic? Have you ever wanted AI Traffic not to be loaded except where you're flying to/from, to increase performance? Here is your answer!

Unwanted AI Remover will remove any AI which isn't flying to/from your Departure or Arrival airports. This can increase performance significantly!

For example, say you are at London Gatwick - you will notice that AI traffic has loaded at London Heathrow. AI Traffic remover will remove the Heathrow traffic (and any other traffic, except EGKK and where you specify your Arrival airport say, LEBL). I have seen an increase of 7-9 frames at Gatwick alone!

Just follow the simple instructions included!


01/10/2017 - Now updated to Version 1.002 (minor bug fixes and few improvements)











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