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Hello, I recently purchased FSUIPC 4 for P3D.

Previously, I used FSUIPC for FS2004 and created the macros to command keys in the most complex aircraft, such as the 737 PMDG, Digital Aviation Cheyenne, FSD Navajo, etc.
In P3D, I can not create the macros!

When clicking on create the mouse macros, and when the key is pressed with the mouse in P3D, nothing happens (before, it appeared a green stripe with the codes).
How do I assign the buttons and keys with this new FSUIPC, for example, a simple light taxi key of the 737 NGX PMDG?

I read the .h file from the PMDG SDK, it speaks of the commands, but no listed command is in the list of FSUIPC commands.
Is there a file to replace which includes these commands?

Thank you!



FSUIPC4 and FSUIPC5 provides additional Offsets for PMDG models listed in related PDF files in subfolder ..\Modules\FSUIPC Documents\ i.e. for PMDG737NGX you will find Offset Mapping for PMDG 737NGX.pdf

To control switches ... you need to send Controls, as you found already in their SDK.


  On 8/25/2017 at 9:02 PM, Thomas Richter said:


FSUIPC4 and FSUIPC5 provides additional Offsets for PMDG models listed in related PDF files in subfolder ..\Modules\FSUIPC Documents\ i.e. for PMDG737NGX you will find Offset Mapping for PMDG 737NGX.pdf

To control switches ... you need to send Controls, as you found already in their SDK.



Hello Thomas, how are you?

I found the documents that speak of PMDG mapping, however, in FSUIPC does not have the option to choose the same.
Do I have to make any modifications to a file? Or some file replacement?

Thank you!

Diogo Alencar

  On 8/26/2017 at 1:33 PM, Luke Kolin said:

Yes it does - when sending a custom control you just have to calculate and enter the control number manually.




Calculate??? Wow! Now I did not understand anything!
What to calculate? And how to calculate?
Thank you in advance!

  On 8/26/2017 at 9:54 PM, Diogo Alencar said:

Calculate??? Wow! Now I did not understand anything! What to calculate? And how to calculate?


No need to panic. The PMDG aircraft come with an aircraft SDK (in the PMDG folder under your simulator directory). There should be a .h file which at its end has a listing of the control names and their relevant IDs.

As an example, I have a joystick button set to toggle the autopilot disconnect bar in the PMDG737. The event to toggle this is defined as EVT_MCP_DISENGAGE_BAR, and its value is defined in the file as (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 406). THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN is 69632, so the control I need to pass to P3D is 69632+406 which is 70042.




In addition to what Luke said, don't forget to activate the SDK broadcast in the 737NGX_Options.ini, per the instructions in the Offset Mapping for PMDG737NGX.pdf file in the FSUIPC Documents folder.  I use P3Dv4 and every time I install a hot fix, etc. it rewrites the .ini file and I have to change it back.  I map a button on the yoke to 70636 which is the A/P DISC on the sim yoke.  I believe you should also set the parameter to 1.

Good luck,




using a tutorial from someone about FSUIPC and PMDG might not be very helpful for FSUIPC5 and PMDG.

As described in this topic, just above your message, you should use instead controls and not macros.


  On 8/27/2017 at 2:35 PM, Luke Kolin said:

No need to panic. The PMDG aircraft come with an aircraft SDK (in the PMDG folder under your simulator directory). There should be a .h file which at its end has a listing of the control names and their relevant IDs.

As an example, I have a joystick button set to toggle the autopilot disconnect bar in the PMDG737. The event to toggle this is defined as EVT_MCP_DISENGAGE_BAR, and its value is defined in the file as (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 406). THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN is 69632, so the control I need to pass to P3D is 69632+406 which is 70042.





His tip was of great value, with the observation of the parameters, made by Budman9mm finally concluded my doubts.
I was able to map all the commands in my home cockpit!
I would like to thank everyone for their attention and help.
Thank you very much!!!

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