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Wideclient not connecting

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Hello Peter


I have been using FSUIPC and Wideclient now for ever (well a long time at least) they are registered versions. Tonight I have started my rigs and the server sits "waiting for clients" and the client sits "waiting for a connection"

I have FSX SE in Win764 Ultimate i5-4460 @ 3.2GHz with 16G RAM and the client on Win764 i5-2500 @ 3.3GHz with 4G RAM.


I have attached the two log files in the hope they help, but I am flummoxed having tried turning off my antivirus completely and downloading the latest wideFS.








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13 minutes ago, qva70 said:

I have attached the two log files in the hope they help, but I am flummoxed having tried turning off my antivirus completely and downloading the latest wideFS.

The logs merely show the Server sending out Broadcasts, none of which arrive at the Client.

This is covered by the User documnetation provided. You either need to make sure the WorkGroup names are the same of the two PCs (Windows won't broadcast to PCs on a different orkGroup), or use the ServerIPAddress and Protocl parameters in the Client INI file so it knows where the Server is.

The anti-virus shouldn't have anything to do with it. if things are actually getting blocked it will be a firewall.




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59 minutes ago, qva70 said:

SOHO=small office/home office and a domain not workgroup.

Are there some advantages using a Domain instead of a Workgroup. I must admit ignorance in this area.

34 minutes ago, qva70 said:

So it all appears to working fine after telling client explicit IP address. Our server was recently upgraded and must have affected this.

Good. Glad that works. Maybe broadcasts don't work in domains.



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Hi Pete, we run our own email and web server from home so the domain is required to make this happen. I guess unless you are running a business then there is no advantage. We just get to keep our email addy if we change providers.  

Thanks again for the help 😃



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