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P3D4.3 FSUIPC related CTD

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I have recent problems with CTDs with P3D4.3. Because of this I deleted all generated files and added my addons again. The sim was stable until I added FSUIPC. I get a CTD after loading the flight. It does not happen, with the default flight, but as soon as I go to an airport with SODE jetways, I get a CTD. I tried FSDT LSGG and a freeware LFSB with SODE jetways. Without FSUIPC I can visit these airports without problem. Before these problems came, I used FSUIPC long time, never had a problem. I'm using the latest version of FSUIPC for P3D4 from August 3rd. 

I deleted the weather files and wxstationlist.bin with no effect. 

That is the actual log from FSUIPC. I didn't get a windows error log unfortunately.

********* FSUIPC5, Version 5.14 (3rd August 2018) by Pete Dowson *********
Running inside Prepar3D v4
Module base=7FFAC8C50000
Windows 10 Home 64 Bit reported as Build 17134, Release ID: 1803 (OS 10.0)
Prepar3D.exe version =
Reading options from "G:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Modules\FSUIPC5.ini"
Checking the Registrations now ...
User Name="Daniel Mrawek"
User Addr="blaunarwal@yahoo.de"
FSUIPC5 Key is provided
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
      125 System time = 03/11/2018 10:02:49
      125 FLT path = "G:\Users\Daniel\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files\"
      125 Using DialogMode
      125 FS path = "G:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\"
      250 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------
      266 Product= Mad Catz F.L.Y.5 Stick
      266    Manufacturer= Mad Catz
      266    Vendor=0738, Product=1302 (Version 1.51)
      266    GUIDs returned for product: VID_0738&PID_1302:
      266       GUID= {24ED04F0-5EDB-11E5-8009-444553540000}
      266       Details: Btns=14, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V213,X1023,Y1023,Z255
      266 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      312 Device acquired for use:
      312    Joystick ID = 0 (Registry okay)
      312    0=Mad Catz F.L.Y.5 Stick
      312    0.GUID={24ED04F0-5EDB-11E5-8009-444553540000}
      312 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      344 LogOptions=00000000 00000001
      344 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      344 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay
      344 Opened separate AI Traffic client okay
   185094 Running in "Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v4", Version: (SimConnect:
   185094 Initialising SimConnect data requests now
   185094 FSUIPC Menu entry added
   185109 ... Using Prepar3D with Academic License
   185109 G:\Users\Daniel\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files\EHAM.fxml
   185109 G:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\BlackBox Airbus A321\BB_A321_CFM.air
   611125 Loading Complete ...
   613984 Aircraft loaded: running normally now ...
   614094 User Aircraft ID 2 supplied, now being used
   614922 System time = 03/11/2018 10:13:04, Simulator time = 10:07:10 (09:07Z)
   614922 Aircraft="Airbus A321-211 CFM Swiss 'HB-ION'"
   620891 -------------------- Starting everything now ----------------------
   620937 ASN active function link set
   620937 Ready for ActiveSky WX radar with additional data

Can I add other data to solve this problem?



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On 11/3/2018 at 9:21 AM, Blaunarwal said:

I have recent problems with CTDs with P3D4.3. Because of this I deleted all generated files and added my addons again. The sim was stable until I added FSUIPC. I get a CTD after loading the flight. It does not happen, with the default flight, but as soon as I go to an airport with SODE jetways, I get a CTD.

FSUIPC doesn't have anything to do with scenery really. It doesn't care where you are and certainly not about jetways.

On 11/3/2018 at 9:21 AM, Blaunarwal said:

Can I add other data to solve this problem?

I really do need the Windows crash data, from the Event Viewer.  But first please install the current interim version 5.141e, so that any data in the crash data is clearly related to the current code. You can get it from the Download Links subforum above.



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I usually use the latest version, but I never saw this one. I usually got the actual version from here http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html. It's called the Official Peter Dowson Page.

The actual version didn't change things. I still get the same CTD and since there was only a little change, I didn't expect a wonder.

The sim itself got not changed in the last months, only the addons, which are mainly sceneries and a few aircraft in my case. Hardware: I changed my RAMs with faster ones.  

New Log

********* FSUIPC5, Version 5.141e (29th August 2018) by Pete Dowson *********
Running inside Prepar3D v4
Module base=7FFEC8610000
Windows 10 Home 64 Bit reported as Build 17134, Release ID: 1803 (OS 10.0)
Prepar3D.exe version =
Reading options from "G:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Modules\FSUIPC5.ini"
Checking the Registrations now ...
User Name="Daniel Mrawek"
User Addr="blaunarwal@yahoo.de"
FSUIPC5 Key is provided
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
       15 System time = 05/11/2018 18:32:40
       15 FLT path = "G:\Users\Daniel\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files\"
       15 Using DialogMode
       31 FS path = "G:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\"
      156 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------
      172 Product= Mad Catz F.L.Y.5 Stick
      172    Manufacturer= Mad Catz
      172    Vendor=0738, Product=1302 (Version 1.51)
      172    GUIDs returned for product: VID_0738&PID_1302:
      172       GUID= {24ED04F0-5EDB-11E5-8009-444553540000}
      172       Details: Btns=14, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V213,X1023,Y1023,Z255
      172 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      187 Device acquired for use:
      187    Joystick ID = 0 (Registry okay)
      187    0=Mad Catz F.L.Y.5 Stick
      187    0.GUID={24ED04F0-5EDB-11E5-8009-444553540000}
      187 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      203 LogOptions=00000000 00000001
      203 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      203 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay
      203 Opened separate AI Traffic client okay
   193078 Running in "Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v4", Version: (SimConnect:
   193078 Initialising SimConnect data requests now
   193078 FSUIPC Menu entry added
   193078 ... Using Prepar3D with Academic License
   193094 G:\Users\Daniel\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files\EHAM.fxml
   193094 G:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\BlackBox Airbus A321\BB_A321_CFM.air
  1057672 Loading Complete ...
  1062750 Aircraft loaded: running normally now ...
  1062937 User Aircraft ID 2 supplied, now being used
  1063562 System time = 05/11/2018 18:50:23, Simulator time = 08:17:07 (07:17Z)
  1063562 Aircraft="Airbus A321-211 CFM Swiss 'HB-ION'"
  1070578 -------------------- Starting everything now ----------------------
  1070640 ASN active function link set
  1070640 Ready for ActiveSky WX radar with additional data

Still no Event from windows eventviewer. Also AppCrashView does not list a report. I'd really would like to give you this report, but P3D4 does not send a report. 

I know, FSUIPC has nothing to do with scenery. But the sim does not crash on some places but does on others. Without FSUIPC the sim runs fine. I thought, its maybe an interaction with the SODE module. Just a thought of an unkowning. 

Never mind. 



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5 hours ago, Blaunarwal said:

I usually use the latest version, but I never saw this one. I usually got the actual version from here http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html. It's called the Official Peter Dowson Page.

Only the main releases (with Installer) are provided through that portal. I have no control over that -- the link there actually points back here, to the same place as "Updated Modules",  Interim updates, normally fixes or small changes put out for evaluation, are released here with just the replacement module supplied.

All the rest of my software for flight sims is also provided here, in Download Links.

5 hours ago, Blaunarwal said:

I know, FSUIPC has nothing to do with scenery. But the sim does not crash on some places but does on others. Without FSUIPC the sim runs fine.

This sort of behaviour has always been related to corrupt weather files. Did you delete all the .wx files in the P3D4 documents folder as well as wxstationlist.bin in the user AppData P3D4 folder?

5 hours ago, Blaunarwal said:

. I thought, its maybe an interaction with the SODE module.

I can't imagine any way that might happen. SODE is running on many PCs including mine without problems, and since I updated GSX to version 2 I think even more airports have SODE in use.

To check this, though, you could temporarily stop SODE running.  Just rename the SODE folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\12bPilot.

Whether or not this is the problem then I can only think that somehow SimConnect is corrupted within P3D.  Try uninstalling the P3D4 Client (only) -- without deactivating -- then install it again via the Client msi file. This will change nothing but replace the program files of P3D (EXE and DLLs mainly).



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2 hours ago, John Dowson said:

Maybe worth checking thou

That didn't apparently involve FSUIPC, and the "fix" was a registry flag change.  The user here says that without FSUIPC running then all is okay. He needs to check this he other way round too, whether without only SODE it is all okay.

Either way, because there is no direct relationship between FSUIPC and SODE, it would point to something in P3D itself being or getting corrupted. The usual reason I know for corruption in P3D is bad weather files, but perhaps there are other possibilities.



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