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Hi Pete,

I need for a button a FSX&P3D control for the  function "New View" e.g. "Overhead Panel".

I was looking around and only found in the FSX&P3D controls list some of this:

"New_View", "View", "View_Mode"  and I never know, do I need parameters and which one. I tested these function without a result.

Is there a document which describes the usage of these controls related to the FSX or P3D functions?

thanks in advance

------- Clarification of my question ------

from FSX Help Information:

There are SIX MAIN VIEWS (S).  Each has a subset reachable by pressing A.

You can see all of them by pulling down the Views menu and choosing View Mode.

You can open any of them in a new window by pulling down that Views menu and choosing New View.

I want to assign  a controller button to this function " selecting New View and selecting OVERHEAD view"  in a new window.

------ I hope this helps -----

********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.974b (14th March 2018) by Pete Dowson *********
Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit with SP 1.0 reported as Build 7601 (OS 6.1)
fsx_mas.exe version = 10.0.61472.0
Reading options from "Z:\FSX\Modules\FSUIPC4_mas.ini"
Running inside FSX on Windows 7
... FSX has been renamed as "fsx_mas"
Module base=16900000
User Name="xxxxxxxxx"
User Addr="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
FSUIPC4 Key is provided
WideFS7 Key is provided



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I'd guess you have to make a zzzwhatever.lua in the \modules dir

that you trigger with your assign button and in the dropdown "lua zzzwhatever"

in the lua the ipc.control(zzzzzzzzzzzzz, 0) <> "zzzzzzzzzzzzz" you find in the "The 2016 List of FSX and P3D Controls.pdf" f.i.:

NEW VIEW 65825


^^^ chk of these are the correct ones

in the zzzwhatever.lua:

ipc.control(65825, 0) -- new view (prob a copy of the active view)
ipc.control(67156, 0) -- top down (change to topdown)

you prob do not need a parameter

ipc.control(65825) -- new view (prob a copy of the active view)
ipc.control(67156) -- top down (change to topdown)

this is from the top of my head



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello mtjoeng,

I tested with your proposal and I got a new window with the Cockpit View. Thats good.

But how can I select (e.g.by parameter) which View and the position of the new window in my FSX screen?

I think I read very carefully all the docs, written by Pete, but unfortunately I didn't find a solution.


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1 hour ago, alihor said:

But how can I select (e.g.by parameter) which View and the position of the new window in my FSX screen?

I don't think you can, not by assignable control. You can only cycle through them, forward or back. And the position is controlled by you moving and sizing the window as you wish. I think that is saved when you save a flight.

These are not FSUIPC functions, more questions of FSX.



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Thanks Pete, this is not good news. 

But there is still open  my question before 


New_View", "View", "View_Mode"  and I never know, do I need parameters and which one. I tested these function without a result.

Is there a document which describes the usage of these controls related to the FSX or P3D functions?

E. g. : how is the usage of  IPC. Control (65825),   the   New View control. What parameter? I do not understand. Sorry. 

I now experiment in panel.cfg  and  aircraft.cfg, with  the camera and window segment. 



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32 minutes ago, alihor said:

how is the usage of  IPC. Control (65825),   the   New View control. What parameter? I do not understand. Sorry. 

Sorry, but I've never used these controls in any case. Just try them, see what they do. FSUIPC is only presenting you with a list of controls as supplied to it by P3D or FSX. That may even change with P3D as it is developed. The names used are the ones supplied by the Sim.

For "New View' it probably does the same as the [ keypress: i.e. just opens a new view. But I don't know. There are many hundreds of controls, I just don't know what they all do.

If you know how to do it on the keyboard, direct to the Sim, then note that the keyboard shortcut may well be invoking one of the controls. You can see which one by enabling Event Logging in FSUIPC's logging and seeing what is logged when you invoke the action. You can even see this on screen in real time if you run the Sim 9temporarily) in Windowed mode and enable the Console Log, also on the Logging Tab.

If no event is logged it is likely that what you want can't be done by simple assignment.



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This is very good information and advise. Thanks.

Now I know better what happens. I pressed the key for New_View and I found the corresponding control 65825 (see below).

            249835 LogOptions changed, now 60000000 0000001D
             249991 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=Y, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N
             251489 KEYDOWN: VK=219, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0
             251489 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS
             251489 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65825 (0x00010121), Param= 0 (0x00000000) NEW_VIEW
            251785 KEYUP: VK=219, Waiting=0
            255373 Memory in use: 2542Mb, Avail=1554Mb, MaxFreeBlock=1448Mb

I will continue my investigations and report in case of a solution  😀

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