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Engine start switch set-up help

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I'm trying to set-up 2 joystick buttons, one for jet eng 1 start and 1 for jet eng2 start. I found "Toggle starter 1" and 2 in the fsuipc fs controls list.

I assigned the buttons and they work for a split second then the starter shuts off.

Tried checking the "control to repeat while being held" box and still doesn't work if I hold the button down.

Here is the catch, if press the button repeatedly it will spin up the engine.

Tried a toggle switch also wired into the joystick button. Still did not work.

Am I missing something or is there a better or different way to accomplish this task. Thanks in advance,


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FWIW, Rob, that's exactly how the starter switch on my GA pit is set up, and it works just fine.

I have it set to "Magneto Start", with "Control to repeat while held" checked, and the starter motor chugs away as long as the key is held in "Start".


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Hi Rob,

I'm trying to set-up 2 joystick buttons, one for jet eng 1 start and 1 for jet eng2 start. I found "Toggle starter 1" and 2 in the fsuipc fs controls list.

I assigned the buttons and they work for a split second then the starter shuts off.

Tried checking the "control to repeat while being held" box and still doesn't work if I hold the button down.

I had a similar problem when I wanted to assign the "GPS clear button" to a button on the PFC Digital Avionics. Pressing the button once worked but holding it down to display the default NAV page didn't. I had a closer look into the FS controls and found that there are two more controls for the "GPS clear button":

-GPS clear button down and

-GPS clear button up.

I assigned the first to "action when button is pressed" and the second to "action when button is released" and it works fine now. I can't look into FS rigth now but maybe there are similar controls for the starters (starter 1 engaged, starter 1 released - something like that).

If this doesn't apply, look into FS9's assignments to find out wich keys are assigned to toggle the starters and assign keys if necessary. Then try to assign key presses in FSUIPC instead of FS controls, maybe the repeat function works better then (I did it this way in FS2002 to operate the starters of the Baron wich showed a similar behaviour when using the mouse).

Hope this helps.



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I assigned the buttons and they work for a split second then the starter shuts off.

Tried checking the "control to repeat while being held" box and still doesn't work if I hold the button down.

It should work, but there was a bug in some versions of FSUIPC where the button repeat action didn't work. Make sure you are using the latest version (3.11).



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