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FSUIPC 5.151 Problem

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Hallo Pete,


ich hoffe es geht dir gut?


Leider habe ich ein neues Problem. Ich habe eine neue Leo Bodnar-Karte in meinem Opencockpits-Pedalen installiert. Jetzt zeigt FSUIPC 5.151 unter Joystick Calibration Throttle immer einen Wert und eine Bewegung an, obwohl ich das Pedal überhaupt nicht FSUIPC benötigt habe. Also, wenn ich diesen stark bewege, ändert sich der Wert unter Ruder.

Wie kann das sein, wenn ich nichts vergeben habe?


Freundliche Grüße




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2 hours ago, Ursli80 said:

I have a new Leo Bodnar card installed in my opencockpits pedals. Now FSUIPC 5.151 under Joystick Calibration Throttle always shows a value and a movement

What does it show in the axis assignment tab. That's more to the point as it is showing only and exactly what it is reading from the device.

The calibration screen could be getting values from somewhere else, a duplicate assignment of controllers left enabled in P3D.

2 hours ago, Ursli80 said:

So, if I move it strongly, the value changes under oars.

Under oars? Sorry, please clarify this!



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Hello Pete,


thanks for your quick answer.


Unfortunately, there are probably problems with the Translator.


I have assigned in FSUIPC at this time no axes.  

Neither Yoke, Tiller or Pedals.


I just then on the register where in the video to see this movement is seen at Throttle, if I have just pressed my rudder to the pedals.  I just wanted to be sure that nothing is assigned and then I noticed this.


I saw these things only because I registered the pedals in Prosim (because of the rudder) and wanted to have the Yoke in FSUIPC assigned and the pedals  just in the prosim.  

I noticed big problems with my Ailron and Elevator.  See you this video .


As soon as I have everything in FSUIPC everything works well (except the Rudder display in the Lower Eicas).

I can assure you that I did not assign in P3D and deleted everything there.  


Best regards


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35 minutes ago, Ursli80 said:

I have assigned in FSUIPC at this time no axes.  

Neither Yoke, Tiller or Pedals.

Calibrated in FSUIPC? 

Are you using FSUIPC for any controllers at all?  If not, what you see in the Calibration tab is what is arriving in P3D. So something is sending those.

38 minutes ago, Ursli80 said:

I just then on the register where in the video to see this movement is seen at Throttle, if I have just pressed my rudder to the pedals.  I just wanted to be sure that nothing is assigned and then I noticed this.

I saw these things only because I registered the pedals in Prosim (because of the rudder) and wanted to have the Yoke in FSUIPC assigned and the pedals  just in the prosim.  

I noticed big problems with my Ailron and Elevator.  See you this video .

I do not want to see videos. If you are not assigning in FSUIPC, and you are not calibrating in FSUIPC, then FSUIPC has no part in any of this. Maybe you have Prosim sending controls to P3D and also have controllers enabled in P3D. Yo must use one source -- FSUIPC assignment, ProSim assignmnet, or P3D. Otherwise yo will get conflicts.

40 minutes ago, Ursli80 said:

As soon as I have everything in FSUIPC everything works well (except the Rudder display in the Lower Eicas).

I thought that the recent versions of ProSim demanded that the main flight controls were assigned there?

But I'm pleased nonetheless that this isn't really an FSUIPC support question at all!

41 minutes ago, Ursli80 said:

I can assure you that I did not assign in P3D and deleted everything there.  

Don't delete things there. Just disable controllers. Otherwise when P3D sees what it may think are new attachments it will automatically make assignments. ALWAYS use the disable controllers option instead. There's no need to delete assignments.



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Hello Pete,

i hope you are fine?  

I wanted to inform you that it was probably due to the Opencockpits (old firmware) Axes Card.  

I have now installed Leo Bodnar cards on the yoke and the pedals and now it works great.  

I would like to apologize for suspecting FSUIPC.


Best regards


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