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Can a Lua program be launched automatically?

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Hi John,

I have a small Lua file that I want to run in P3D v3. It indicates the actual IAS because the aircraft’s own gauge isn’t always accurate. I have got it running by assigning a button press to start it but I was wondering if there’s a way of starting it automatically? I need that button for other things.

Once displayed it can stay on screen for the duration of the flight as the window can be sized quite small.

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Hi Ray,

of course - just add to the [Auto] section of your ini (or the [Auto.<profile>] section if profile specific. See p40 of the Advanced User manual.

...ah, but just noticed that you are referring to P3Dv3 not v4, so presume for FSUIPC4, no? Not 100% sure when this was implemented so this feature may or may not be available - check your FSUIPC4 user manual.


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Hi John,

Yes, it's for FS Labs Concorde only available in 32-bit for P3D v3. I shall check the FSUIPC4 manual - thanks!

Does it require a paid version to run Lua files? I'm assuming so. I have the paid version but it's something I want to distribute so that would be important.

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Hi John,

According to the FSUIPC4 manual automatic running of Lua modules is possible. However, despite my best efforts I cannot get it to display when a scenario is loaded. This is what I have in my fsuipc4.ini

[Window.Radar Contact]
Docked=196, 2457, 3575, 2548

1=IAS Display

1=IAS Display

[Window.LUA display]
Docked=6456, 9340, 581, 683

And for suppressing / showing SimConnect windows I have these settings in the [General] section.


They seem okay but the only way of getting the lua to display is via a button assignment.

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