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WideFs and Matlab

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I am trying to interface P3D and Matlab to create some control loops like phugoid control etc. I was thinking if the following idea would work 

    Run Matlab on a PC and P3D on another and then use LAN connection with wideFs  to exchange data 


Thanks in advance 


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Hi Dinesh,

1 hour ago, Dinesh said:

Run Matlab on a PC and P3D on another and then use LAN connection with wideFs  to exchange data 

Well, if you can run Matlab on the same PC as P3D and 'connect' using FSUIPC, then WideFS would allow you to do the same running Matlab on a second PC.

I can't advise further as I don't know Matlab - how does it interface/connect to FSUIPC? If you are writing your own client, it may be better to use the SimConnect or PDK interfaces directly to P3D. 


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presently I couldn't find any software that connects p3d and Matlab. Is there a possibility of connecting p3d and Matlab using fsuipc?  There is an option of connecting xplane with Matlab. What xplane does is send UDP packets of data to a specified IP address and Matlab can be the receiving IP and hence data can get transferred. This got me thinking if something similar to this is possible with p3d and Matlab.

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16 hours ago, Dinesh said:

presently I couldn't find any software that connects p3d and Matlab. Is there a possibility of connecting p3d and Matlab using fsuipc?  There is an option of connecting xplane with Matlab. What xplane does is send UDP packets of data to a specified IP address and Matlab can be the receiving IP and hence data can get transferred. This got me thinking if something similar to this is possible with p3d and Matlab.

It is possible, but only with some programming. FSUIPC with WideFS does this sort of thing, but then you'd need to write a program to interface to FSUIPC. If you wanted a more direct method you'd need to write a program running alongside P3D to use Simconnect to extract the data you need and send it in whatever format you are expecting.

I don't think there are any features actually built into P3D in the way you imply is provided directly in X-Plane (with no add-on like XPUIPC?).Possibly with P3D you could adapt to their multi-PC network linking system. it isn't really an area I've ever invetstigated.

You'd be better off asking Lockheed Martin over in their Support Forum -- https://www.prepar3d.com/.




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