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Eaglesoft Cessna Citation X Reverse Thrust Issue

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I have searched the forums in vain for a solution to this Citation X thrust reverser issue. I did notice that I am certainly not the only one to be affected by it. Those guys seem to have given up on it. The Eaglesoft guys just say "Well F1 and F2 works for us, tough bikkies".

The issue is the inability to get the thrust reversers to move using the normal F2 open throttle quickly and F1 Throttle cut commands. 

In fact initially I struggled to get the actual throttles to move properly and gave up on using FSUIPC and reverted to the default FSX throttle axis for my Thrustmaster Warthog set up.

However recently the control settings would change between sim sessions and revert to set all sorts of odd axes to my rudders, throttles and joystick. So, faced with having to reset everything back before i could start simming, I had another go at FSUPIC. By trial and error I found a combination that worked every bit as well as the FSX control. This entailed just using the axes tab but leaving the calibration tab alone. Any thing other than "axis ignored" and both throttles dont move an iota (after moving them out of their locked position). Strange but true.

Using the Key Press set up I mapped the F1 to Throttle Cut and F2 to Throttle decrease. These keypresses should work but they dont.  If you watch a replay of a landing you can make out a small movement but it would equate to a few inches in real life. 

The only other thing might be the throttles are not fully closed. Just a guess but I cannot get the Joystick Calibration to work so no joy there.


So has anyone else had this problem and found a way around it?






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I ran a test using both the Eaglesoft Citation X and the Leonardo MD 82. Both were started and then accelerated up to about 90 knots. Both cases closed throttles and pushed and held F2.

MD 82 thrust reversers went full open. Citation X did nothing.

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I see that no one else here has chimed in with any help. I think you need to seek help from the makers (Eaglesoft), especially as you appear to suggest that the problems are only with that aircraft.

I don't see any way that FSUIPC is involved in any of the odd goings on you mention. It most certainly doesn't interfere with Throttle Cut and Throttle Decr (the default assignments for F1 and F2). The only thing likely to do that are conflicting signals coming from an assigned throttle axis -- i.e. a jittery device.



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Yes Pete. You are correct. I had posted the problem on their forum but they are not the quickest at responding. Having run out ideas I resorted to reinstalling the Citation and Voila! It now works.

I am curious though as to why I would lose my throttle movement should I attempt to calibrate them using Joystick Calibration. Just a moot point now as they work fine once set up using the Axes assignment tab only.

Thanks for responding Pete.



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2 hours ago, Petercove said:

I am curious though as to why I would lose my throttle movement should I attempt to calibrate them using Joystick Calibration.

If you route the controls via calibration they are then sent on to the sim at a different Simconnect priority level. This has to be done to avoid an eternal loop.

Some aircraft (and PMDG Boeings are like this) collect the values at the same, higher, priority level as FSUIPC, and go on to use them directly. In the case of the PMDG aircraft, they still respond to the lower priority values too, so conflicts can arise if the calibrated values are different to the original ones.

Maybe that Eaglesoft one does something similar to PMDG, but then only takes note of the higher priority posting from the control axis. That's one possibility.

The only other possibility i can think of is that their model doesn't accept the older (FS98) type of throttle axis controls, the only ones which allow a reverse range (which is why FSUIPC uses then if you calibrate with a reverse range).

You can still use FSUIPC for assignment, but for such aircraft use the "send to FS" option in the assignment tab, not "send to FSUIPC ..." option, and then don't calibrate. You'd need to calibrate only using the Windows Game Controllers method.

But by using profiles you can have this method just specifically for the Eaglesoft.



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Here is my configuration I used for the C750 from Eaglesoft when I have been on P3D v3:


5=GY,128,F,66420,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_THROTTLE1_SET }-
6=GY,B,-16384,-8000,x010066D5,x01,x010066D5,x00    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_THROTTLE1_SETEntering=offset byte set, offset 66D5, Leaving=offset byte set, offset 66D5 }-
7=GZ,128,F,66423,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_THROTTLE2_SET }-
8=GZ,B,-16384,-8000,x010066D6,x01,x010066D6,x00    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_THROTTLE2_SETEntering=offset byte set, offset 66D6, Leaving=offset byte set, offset 66D6 }-

2=B66D5=1 RG,3,C65966,0     -{THROTTLE1_DECR}-
3=B66D5=1 UG,3,C65967,0     -{THROTTLE1_CUT}-
4=B66D6=1 RG,2,C65971,0     -{THROTTLE2_DECR}-
5=B66D6=1 UG,2,C65972,0     -{THROTTLE2_CUT}-

So I triggered a change in a user offset 0x66D5 and 0x66D6, when I entered a special zone with the throttle. This again was used in a conditional button to trigger and release the rvereser. In the advanced user manual you find more details about this type of tricky button programming. This was with GoFlight hardware, which has reverser buttons if you move some levers towards the throttle. As this should only happen if you are in the idle area (and not inflight), this trick was necessary. Maybe this helps you to solve your problem or point you toward a solution.



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Hi Reinhard

I don't see an Advanced Manual listed in my Citation X (CX20) docs. A search of the citation's aircraft.cfg file shows no "Axes" or  "Buttons" entries.

I am using FSX-SE version.

I had reinstalled the citation and tested it and the reverser buckets opened fully on pressing F2 but it was only a one time event. Subsequent attempts to use F2 would only cause the reversers to move a little. Watching the thrust reverser levers on the throttle quadrant you could see them briefly move to the reverser position but quickly move back to normal despite the F2 key remaining depressed, Frustrating and time consuming problem.





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OK. I finally sorted this out. In the end the solution was just to map F3 to Throttle Decr instead of F2.  I assume something else was using what ever F2 does when you land.  F3 works great.


Although pressing and holding F3 sees full deployment of the reversers trying to set a joystick button in FSUIPC using F3 does nothing. No a big deal as I use the keyboard for things like flaps and gear anyway.


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1 hour ago, Petercove said:

Although pressing and holding F3 sees full deployment of the reversers trying to set a joystick button in FSUIPC using F3 does nothing.

You should assign the button to the "Throttle Decr" control, not an F3 keypress. And check "repeat".



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