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Assign action based on two buttons pressed together


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My current FSUIPC Version: 4.947

My Saitek AV8R stick has a "Mode" switch which provides 3 different assignments for each of the 8 panel switch positions.  This is accomplished by setting two of the stick's buttons high.

Before I obtained FSUIPC I used the Saitek control software which allowed the Mode switch and the stick buttons the ability to program 24 unique functions which were then sent on to FSX.

If a similar capability exists in FSUIPC would someone kindly point me to the correct instructions to get this done?  It has been a while since I read all the details of FSUIPC programming but I  seem to recall reading that there is a way to apply a boolean "AND" to button ID's and have it initiate a command or keypress.  Is this only available by editing a file directly or also through the ADDON interface?

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Note that Saitek "Mode" switches can be tricky. I don't know the AV8R stick, but if your mode switch registers in FSUIPC then you should be ok. If FSUIPC can't see your Mode switch, it could be tricky as you need to determine what the switch is doing (i.e. button number)...if thats the case, the following support request relating to the Saitek Yoke Mode switch may help:

Or it may be possible to determine what button the "Mode" switch is using via the 'windows test page', according to this post:




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Just another remark for the benefit of any other person with a similar inquiry.

I have not yet set about the work of programming the buttons but I believe there is a good chance it will succeed based on the suggestions of Reinhard and John.

The AV8R stick mode switch does indeed register as buttons 13 & 14 in Modes A & B respectively which remain fully on when selected and off when in OFF position.  The associated momentary contact SPDT toggle switches T1-T8 register as buttons 5-12 when pressed.

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