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Where does WideFS go?

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18 minutes ago, unc1rlm said:

I have it registered but since there is no Modules in p3dv5..where do I unzip it too....

There's no part in the WideFS download you need in the P3D5 PC. You need WideClient.exe on your CLIENT PC, not the P3D PC! The only other part you need are the documents (the.PDF files). Just unzip to any chosen folder, even one you perhaps create called "WideClient", on your client PC(s).



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Ok Thanks Pete.. I thought the Wide Server dll's (use too) go in the modules folder on p3dv4 and previous...Maybe I should clarify.. I am networking..my bad. 


Update WideFS connected from client to p3dv5..



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9 minutes ago, unc1rlm said:

I thought the Wide Server dll's (use too) go in the modules folder on p3dv4 and previous...Maybe I should clarify.

There's no use for WideServer.DLL with FSX, FSX-SE or P3D. It was incorporated into FSUIPC4 then FSUIPC5 and now FSUIPC6 -- in other words, since 2006.

This is mentioned in the documentation, and in fact on the download sites for WideFS.  You only need WideClient and the documentation. WideFS is registered in the FSUIPC installer, which then enables the built-in wideServer.



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