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no funciona el fsuipc 6 en P3dv4

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por favor, acabo de adquirir el producto y no funciona, me dice " This version of Prepar 3D is not supported by this version of FSUIPC Few assignments will be available: just those by FSUIPC" despues aparece esto "Cannot operate something wrong with SimConnect library Memory problems Operations restricted

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I need to see your FSUIPC6.log file (from your installation directory), not the installation log. 

What version of P3D are you using? FSUIPC v6.0.4 is compatible with P3Dv4.1 and later. FSUIPCv6.0.5 has just been released, and this is compatible with P3Dv4.3 and later.

If you are on an earlier version of P3D, you should update (its free, so why not!). You should really upgrade to the latest P3Dv4.5 HF.



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I've deleted the FSUIPC6.key file which was included in this message. 

Registration files should NEVER be published openly. if we need to see such detail you will be asked to provide them via a private channel (email of Private Message -- PM).

You again supplied your Install log. John needs your run-time FSUIPC6.log file which is produced when P3D is run with FSUIPc installed. That file is in the same folder as FSUIPC6.DLL (and FSUIPC6.key).




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Señor John, independientemente de cual sea mi licencia yo le pague a usted un producto que decia que funcionaba con la version P3D V4 que es la que yo tengo, si el error fue mio al descargar una version que no funciona con mi programa tenemos 2 caminos, que me reembolse mi dinero o darme una version anterior a Fsuipc 6 y no hago reclamo por otro valor, el precio vale su producto en cualquiera de las versiones, lo importante para mi es que funcione. el archivo log no lo encuentro porque el Prepar3D una vez que instalo el Fsuipc 6 deja de funcionar, no abre. muchas gracias

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Your Log shows that you are using P3Dv4.0, which is not supported by FSUIPC6.

As John has told you, you need to update your P3D4 installation. Update to version 4.5. You'll find it is well worth it as it is much improved. and best of all, it costs you nothing!



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Gracias Pete, se que el trabajo de ustedes es excelente, desde hace años lo uso. No puedo actualizar por Prepar3D, voy a comprar una version anterior del Fsuipc, por favor dime que version es la correcta para mi P3D y si es posible el reembolso del Fsuipc6 que compre. muchas gracias por tu respuesta.


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