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P3D v4 fsuipc 6.0 is not working

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I bought fsuipc6 few days ago.

I used fsuipc5 for p3dv4.5

and today I tried install fsuipc6.

but I cant see module folder is p3d installed folder. and I cant see any fsuipc menu in p3d

so fsuipc6 is not working p3d v4.5? and is not fsuipc install module folder inside p3d installed folder?

I installed p3d d drive. Is it affected fsuipc?

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7 hours ago, Younghoo Kang said:

tried install fsuipc6.

In P3Dv4.5, P3Dv5 or both?

7 hours ago, Younghoo Kang said:

but I cant see module folder is p3d installed folder

There is no Modules folder with FSUIPC6, unless that is the folder you selected during the installation process.  Please see the provided Installation and Registration manual for details on installation options and file locations.

7 hours ago, Younghoo Kang said:

I cant see any fsuipc menu in p3d

Then I need to see your installation log.

7 hours ago, Younghoo Kang said:

installed p3d d drive. Is it affected fsuipc?

No, it doesn't matter where P3D is installed.

Suggest you read the provided installation manual and try again. If you still have problems, please post your installation log.



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It`s my install log. 

and  I just try to p3d v4.5 because I don`t buy a P3D v5.

I am not sure. So I want just check it. Because on the manual there isn`t module folder. But I can`t see the fsuipc under add-on

I re-install fsuipc but still missing fsuipc add-ons menu



Edited by Younghoo Kang
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The problem is this:
    Cannot determine location of P3Dv4 add-on folder
This is due to the fact that the installer cannot determine the location of your Documents folder from the registry (i.e. some standard windows registry entries are missing).

You have two options:

1. Manually create the required add-on.xml file. Place the following file under C:\Users\KYH\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6 add-on.xml

This should work IF P3D still recognises your add-ons folder under Documents.

2. Re-run the installer but this time uncheck the 'add-on.xml' checkbox. This will then install FSUIPC6 using the older dll.xml install method.

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Thank you for your help!! It was solved.

But first step was not working. But, After install, P3D notify to me that fsuipc 6 add-ons activate.
But still missing FSUIPC under add-ons menu

So Try to 2 step. After that, FSUIPC is working

Thank You for Your help


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11 minutes ago, Younghoo Kang said:

But, After install, P3D notify to me that fsuipc 6 add-ons activate.
But still missing FSUIPC under add-ons menu

So you got the pop-up asking you if you wanted to activate FSUIPC6 (so it recognised the add-on.xml), you approved (clicked 'Yes'), but there was still no FSUIPC entry in your add-ons menu? If that is the case, its very strange and I would have to see your SimConnect log to resolve this.

But if you are happy using the dll.xml install method, just go with that.


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6 hours ago, John Dowson said:

So you got the pop-up asking you if you wanted to activate FSUIPC6


Not to open new topic...just a question...

I am trying to get or purchase FSUIPC6 key but when I skip it install basic version and said to re-run installer and goes on and on in circle....If I press register it installs if I press skip installs it again....obviously basic version. So what do I do...and yes I owned V5 but my understanding that I need to get/buy for V6, but it doesn't prompt me anywhere so I can buy new license....

Let me know...


Disregard....I found the way...before was that could activate and repurchase during installation.... found the way thru SimMarket....

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38 minutes ago, alexanderluzajic said:

before was that could activate and repurchase during installation

There's never been a way of purchasing FSUIPC during installation. not without opening your browser and going to the SimMarket purchases page, paying, getting the key, and coming back to the waiting Installer.  The only purchase way has always been via SimMarket.



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  • 1 year later...

Hello Mr Dowson,

I have been using FSUIPC since 2004 and I have never had this problem before. Windows10 and P3Dv4,5. I have recently completed a full Win10 install and am now reinstalling all the LM stuff.

It appears that I have successfully installed FSUIPC v6.1.1


However, there is no sign of FSUIPC in Add-Ons in P3Dv4 nor in my VA ACARS.

The xml file is in : Documents/P3Dv4 Add-ons/FSUIPC6 :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="AddOnXml" version="4,0" id="add-on"><AddOn.Name>FSUIPC6</AddOn.Name><AddOn.Description>Flight Simulator Universal Inter-Process Communication version 6</AddOn.Description><AddOn.Component><Category>DLL</Category><Path>C:\Users\Ian Oak-Rhind\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\FSUIPC6.dll</Path></AddOn.Component></SimBase.Document>

C:/users/me/appdata/Roaming/Lockheed Martin/P3dv4/Add-ons/ [Package:0] Path:D:/Documents/P3Dv4/add-ons/FSUIPC/ ACTIVE : FALSE/ REQUIRED/FALSE

In the P3Dv4 root older...there are no entries relating to FSUIPC.

Sorry to be so long winded and I hope I have provided sufficient data for you to be able to tell what I have done wrong!

Many thanks in advance

Ian Oak-Rhind (ianoakrhind@orange.fr)

SimMarket order : 2311998 on 16/04/2020



Edited by John Dowson
key removed
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5 minutes ago, ianor said:

C:/users/me/appdata/Roaming/Lockheed Martin/P3dv4/Add-ons/ [Package:0] Path:D:/Documents/P3Dv4/add-ons/FSUIPC/ ACTIVE : FALSE/ REQUIRED/FALSE

What is this?

Can you attach your files please, or at least paste them quoted, so I know what is what....

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That was quick! Many thanks.

My apologies for including my key. I thought that would be safe on this Forum. mea culpa.

InstallFSUIPC6.log file. in the following post

Below is the text found in the file : C:/users/me/appdata/Roaming/Lockheed Martin/P3dv4/Add-ons

Path=D:\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6




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Found it :


FSUIPC6 Installer v1.2.7 for v6.1.1
Running in folder 'F:\P3Dv4 Files\FSUIPC\FSUIPC6'
Determining installation details...
FSUIPC5 SetupPath:
HKCU entry: E:\P3Dv4.5\
Returning Modules location: E:\P3Dv4.5\Modules
Documents folder location for add-on: D:\Documents
P3Dv4: P3Dv4Installed=1, InstallType=None, OriginalInstallDir=, FSUIPCInstalledv4=,
       DLLFile=, XmlAddonFile=, InstallDocumentsLocation=D:\Documents\FSUIPC6
Default installation directory is now 'C:\Users\Ian Oak-Rhind\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6'
Installing via add-on xml method
Documents folder location for P3Dv4 add-on: D:\Documents
Creating add-on directory D:\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6...
Create folder: D:\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6
Creating add-on xml file D:\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\add-on.xml...
Saving add-on xml...
Add-on xml created for P3Dv4.
Output folder: C:\Users\Ian Oak-Rhind\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6
Extract: FSUIPC6.dll... 100%
Installing DLL with InstallType=AddOn
FSUIPC6 dll file installed in C:\Users\Ian Oak-Rhind\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6.
XML-add-on installation was selected - no DLL.xml update needed.
FSUIPC6.dll installation completed.
Installing User Manuals...
Create folder: D:\Documents\FSUIPC6
Documents directory created: D:\Documents\FSUIPC6
Output folder: D:\Documents\FSUIPC6
Extract: Installing and Registering FSUIPC.pdf... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC for Advanced Users.pdf... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC History.pdf... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC Offsets Status.pdf... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC User Guide.pdf... 100%
Extract: Profiles in Separate Files.pdf... 100%
Output folder: F:\P3Dv4 Files\FSUIPC\FSUIPC6
FSUIPC6 User Manuals installed in D:\Documents\FSUIPC6.
Installing Lua Documentation...
Output folder: D:\Documents\FSUIPC6
Extract: FSUIPC Lua Library.pdf... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf... 100%
Extract: Lua License.pdf... 100%
Extract: Lua Plugins for VRInsight Devices.pdf... 100%
Extract: LuaFileSystem.pdf... 100%
Extract: Example LUA plugins.zip... 100%
Output folder: F:\P3Dv4 Files\FSUIPC\FSUIPC6
FSUIPC6 Lua Documents installed in D:\Documents\FSUIPC6.
Installing PMDG Offset Mappings documentation...
Output folder: D:\Documents\FSUIPC6
Extract: Offset Mapping for PMDG 737NGX and 737NGXu.pdf... 100%
Extract: Offset Mapping for PMDG 747QOTSII.pdf... 100%
Extract: Offset Mapping for PMDG 777X.pdf... 100%
Output folder: F:\P3Dv4 Files\FSUIPC\FSUIPC6
PMDG Offset Mapping documents installed in D:\Documents\FSUIPC6.
Installing ASN WX Radar Facilities documentation...
Output folder: D:\Documents\FSUIPC6
Extract: ASN WX Radar facilities in FSUIPC.pdf... 100%
Output folder: F:\P3Dv4 Files\FSUIPC\FSUIPC6
ASN WX Radar facilities documentation installed in D:\Documents\FSUIPC6.
Installing SDK...
Create folder: C:\Users\Ian Oak-Rhind\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\SDK
SDK folder created: C:\Users\Ian Oak-Rhind\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\SDK
Output folder: C:\Users\Ian Oak-Rhind\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\SDK
Extract: FSUIPC feedback control.txt... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC for Programmers.pdf... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC_User_Lib_for_VC_2010.zip
Extract: FSUIPCDotNetClient2.4.zip... 100%
Extract: Library for FS Internal Users.zip... 100%
Extract: Module_User_lib_for_VC_2010.zip... 100%
Extract: ModuleUser64.zip... 100%
Extract: New Weather Interface for FS2004.zip... 100%
Extract: NewWeather.h... 100%
Extract: ReadMe.txt... 100%
Extract: UIPC_RealBasic_SDK.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_ASM.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_BCB5.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_C.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_.NET_(C#,VB.NET).txt... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_Delphi.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_JAVA.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_JAVA_64bit.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_MFC.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_Python.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_VisualBasic.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC64_SDK_C_version2.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPCAWI.zip... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC_Java_SDK_by_Mouseviator_v1.1_with_C_Libs.zip... 100%
Installation of SDK completed.
Installing HidScanner...
Create folder: C:\Users\Ian Oak-Rhind\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\Utils
Utilities folder created: C:\Users\Ian Oak-Rhind\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\Utils
Output folder: C:\Users\Ian Oak-Rhind\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\Utils
Extract: HidScanner.exe... 100%
HidScanner installed in C:\Users\Ian Oak-Rhind\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\Utils
Installing FS-Interrogate 2...
Output folder: C:\Users\Ian Oak-Rhind\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\Utils
Extract: FSInterrogate2std.exe... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC.FSI... 100%
FS-Interrogate 2 installed in C:\Users\Ian Oak-Rhind\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\Utils
Output folder: D:\Documents\FSUIPC6
Extract: FSI2 Manual.pdf... 100%
FS-Interrogate 2 User'Manual installed in D:\Documents\FSUIPC6
Installation of FS-Interrogate 2 completed.
Installation completed. Generating uninstaller...
Created uninstaller: C:\Users\Ian Oak-Rhind\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\uninstallFSUIPC6.exe
Updating registry for v4 installation...


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Ah, this seems to be the issue:


Default installation directory is now 'C:\Users\Ian Oak-Rhind\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6'
Installing via add-on xml method
Documents folder location for P3Dv4 add-on: D:\Documents
Creating add-on directory D:\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6...
Create folder: D:\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6
Creating add-on xml file D:\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\add-on.xml...

It looks like two different Documents folders were returned. Were you prompted for an admin username and/or password when you installed?
This usually occurs when the user under which you are installing doesn't have admin privileges. If this is the case, then I suggest you first uninstall (by running the provided installer or from the Windows App management panel) and then (temporarily) give your user account admin privileges, and then re-run the installer.

Other than that, you can try two other methods:
   1. manually move your add-on.xml file from D:\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\add-on.xml to C:\Users\Ian Oak-Rhind\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\add-on.xml.
   2. Re-install, but this time deselect the 'add-on.xml' checkbox. Doing this, the old method of using the DLL.xml file will be used to auto-start FSUIPC6 with P3d.

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Hello John,

Many thanks for the above. Very much appreciated.

Well....I seem to have sorted it. I uninstalled FSUIPC6 and then reinstalled it directly into the P3Dv4 root folder...as opposed to the default installation directory.

FSUIPC now appears in the sim Options>Add-ons as well as in my VA ACARS.

Very strange....to me, at least!


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