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Trouble with MakeRwys

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Installed MakeRwys & LorbySceneryExport inside my main P3Dv4.5 folder and after running both were created MakeRwys_Scenery.cfg & LorbyScenery.cfg with some other files. MakeRwys worked fine creating a lot of runways. Then I installed other sceneries and tried to run MakeRwys again but it didn't work.

I have E:/Lockheed Martin/P3Dv4.5 and F:/P3Dv4.5_Addons/Aerosoft folder sceneries plus ORBX Library folder. By default some sceneries were installed in C:/Documents/Prepar3D v4 Add-ons.

Any clue?


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1 hour ago, Eduardo P said:

Then I installed other sceneries and tried to run MakeRwys again but it didn't work.

In what way "didn't work"? The program isn't going to suddenly change itself just because you install some new sceneries.

2 hours ago, Eduardo P said:

Any clue?

No, none at all. Sorry, but you give no useful information whatsoever i'm afraid. "didn't work" doesn't help at all. 😞



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When I run MakeRwys for 1st time, after installing almost all of my sceneries, it worked just fine and a lot of runways were shown, increasingly in numbers until it stopped, creating files like r5...

Then I installed 3 other sceneries, tried to run MakeRwys but it just showed 0 runways.

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I don't know if it will help but worth a try: I set both the Makerwys.exe and the Lorby exe to run as ADMIN. If I don't then I get different results each time I run Makerwys.

Right click the exe in Explorer and select Compatability tab then tick Run As Administrator.

Hope it helps.


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17 hours ago, Eduardo P said:

Then I installed 3 other sceneries, tried to run MakeRwys but it just showed 0 runways.

As James (AND the documentation in fact -- see below) says, you must run MakeRwys "as administrator". You don't need to tell the Lorby program, though, as MakeRwys runs that and if it is running "as administrator" then so will it.

The reason for this is that the Lorby program needs access to both your AppData and ProgramData folders,  and MakeRwys needs access to Appdata.

I append the relevant paragraph exactly as it appears in the included READ ME document, bottom of page 1.

If you still get 0 runways the log file will be very short, so please paste it here (the file is "runways.txt").


NOTE that you should run MakeRunways“as administrator”.This is especially true on 
Win10. The best wayisto mark it needing adminprivilegesinits (or its shortcut) 
“Properties – Compatibility” settings (right click on the EXE or the shortcut). 

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Tried to run MakeRwys again and took 2 printscreens plus Runways.txt

How does Lorby access both my AppData & ProgramData?

Does MakeRwys need access to AppData? I followed instructions and placed both Lorby & MakeRwys into P3Dv4.5 main folder which in my case isn't a default installation

Tks again for helping me

Screen Shot 08-17-20 at 10.30 AM 001.PNG


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41 minutes ago, Eduardo P said:

How does Lorby access both my AppData & ProgramData?

It knows where to look, and provided you are running MakeRunways "as administrator", does have access.

44 minutes ago, Eduardo P said:

Does MakeRwys need access to AppData? I followed instructions and placed both Lorby & MakeRwys into P3Dv4.5 main folder which in my case isn't a default installation

It has access if you run "as administator", but it doesn't need access if the Lorby program is provided.

The results of the Lorby program are in this file:

E:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\MakeRwys_Scenery.cfg

Does that contain anything at all? Even if it couldn't find any AddOn scenery it should find the SCENERY.CFG file in your ProgramData folder for P3D4v4. Maybe that's got corrupted?

Check the file  just mentioned. Then try temporarily removing the Lorby program and run MakeRunways again (as administator). See if that at least finds the default sceneries.



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12 minutes ago, Eduardo P said:

Here is MakeRwys_Scenery.cfg & LorbyScenery.cfg inside my main P3D4.5 folder and P3D scenery.cfg (that is inside ProgramData)

Is there any way to know if my SCENERY.CFG got corrupted?

The main Scenery.CFG file looks okay.  Except for this at the end:

[ ]

Those two lines need deleting. They look like an aborted attempt by an installer to install sceneries -- probably one of those ones you added. I wouldn't have thought this would upset the Lorby program, but try after fixing it.

What's "LorbyScenery.CFG"?  I don't know that one, though it looks identical to the MakeRwys_Scenery.CFG file which contains only this:

Title=Prepar3D Scenery
Description=Prepar3D Scenery Areas Data


Did you try this: "try temporarily removing the Lorby program and run MakeRunways again (as administator). See if that at least finds the default sceneries." If not please do so and let me know. At present I've no idea what is going on. MakeRunways merely passes on the job of listing the scenery in the correct order to the Lorby program. i've no idea why it is failing.

I'll probably need to ask Lorby-Si to take a look. But first, do you have the Lorby-Si AddOnOrganizer program? if not please get it (https://www.lorby-si.com/downloads.html) Run that and see if you get a proper scenery list.


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I removed Lorby and run MakeRwys with admin rights and it worked. Sending a printscreen of this.

Deleted last two lines.

1) Put Lorby back beside MakeRwys?

2) Do I run Lorby-Si AddOnOrganizer without Lorby inside P3D4.5 main folder or do I need to put it back before running it?

Many tks

Screen Shot 08-17-20 at 03.05 PM.PNG

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49 minutes ago, Eduardo P said:

I removed Lorby and run MakeRwys with admin rights and it worked.

Okay. But of course none of the sceneries you may have installed via the Add-Ons XML method will feature in the generated files.

50 minutes ago, Eduardo P said:

Put Lorby back beside MakeRwys?

Yes. Try is as intended (run as Administrator, mind) to see if fixing the Scenery.cfg glitch helped. If not i'll have to refer to Lorby-Si.

51 minutes ago, Eduardo P said:

Do I run Lorby-Si AddOnOrganizer without Lorby inside P3D4.5 main folder or do I need to put it back before running it?

AddOnOrganise is a separate program altogether, nothing to do with MakeRunways. Running it is just a test to see if whatever is affecting the utility MakeRunways uses also affected the AddOnOrganizer, which is doing the same sort of scanning.



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Hi, Pete

Back to tell you that everything worked just fine. Put LorbySeceneryExport back beside MakeRwys, both with Admin rights, run MakeRwys and it got al my sceneries, even those installed in my G:/P3Dv4_Add-ons. Run Lorby-SI P3D AddonOrganizer and with exception of FlyTampa/Toronto path (which I didn't understand why since I have installed Amsterdam, Boston, Dubai and Vienna too - without any problem) that got a color warning, everything was green or light green.

Anyway here is a printscreen of last MakeRwys run.



Screen Shot 08-19-20 at 10.33 AM.PNG

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