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Mouse Macro Issues

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Hello, I'm setting up my Saitek throttle quad for the FSW MU-2. The start buttons within the sim, are press until lightoff, then they automatically

cutout at 60% engine RPM.  I created a Mouse Macro for one of my buttons. It works great, for the initial start. However, it will continue

to press the start button indefinitely.  IE the starter won't cutout at 60% engine RPM.  I don't have a button off macro, as I believe

the starter button is coded in the sim.   Is there a way, that I can still set this up, as a starter button, and still allow the code to cutout the starter at 60%?

I suspect it may require some LUA script thing.  If so, above my pay grade.  I fly this plane in VR, so I don't see the mouse or throttle quadrant.

Hence trying to emulate the buttons in the sim.   I can feel the buttons and levers on the quadrant, so that works OK for me.

If it's the LUA thing, or not possible, I understand.   I have left a query with the FSW MU2 dev, to see if he could bind the switches, but no answer

as of yet.   Any input appreciated.



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Hi David,

5 hours ago, dwbarnett said:

I created a Mouse Macro for one of my buttons. It works great, for the initial start. However, it will continue

to press the start button indefinitely.  IE the starter won't cutout at 60% engine RPM.  I don't have a button off macro, as I believe

the starter button is coded in the sim.   Is there a way, that I can still set this up, as a starter button, and still allow the code to cutout the starter at 60%?

I'm not sure about cutout at 60%, but there are a few things you could try before resorting to lua.

Your mouse macro is I guess something like this:
    <n>=<name>=RX<id>, 3

Where '3' is a mouse left click. You can try duplicating this macro, giving it a unique number and name, the same <id> but using '13' for a mouse left release. You can then assign this new macro to the button release on the same button as the press for the original macro.
This would then send the mouse click release when you release the button. Worth a try. You could also try a both actions (i.e. press and release) in the same macro, but there may be an issue with the timing if this is done, but also worth a try. ,If the 'cutout' is automatic in the sim when you give a single mouse button press/release, then it should work if you do the same via a mouse macro (so maybe just try this first!).

There's no point in looking at lua if you don't actually know what to send to tell it to 'cutout'.

Also, check that you haven't set repeat on for the button.

By the way, have you tried logging events to see if any known events (or controls)  are used when you start? If so, it may be better to use these instead. Otherwise, maybe the aircraft provides some lvars for this - there is a control (or lua script) you can use to log these.


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Perhaps something to try, sorry, do not own the MU-2.
The command JET STARTER (65572, use parameter for engine number) is a throwback from the old days in the lear 45. Automatic, the starter stays engaged until combustion occurs, then disengages. It probably won't matter that it's trying to spool up a turboprop.

EDIT - Got a hold of a friend that has this aircraft, you will need a macro or lua to control the following L:Vars:
Engine 1 Press - 1 (>L:C441_STARTER1,bool)
Engine 1 Release - 0 (>L:C441_STARTER1,bool)
Engine 2 Press - 1 (>L:C441_STARTER2,bool)
Engine 2 Release - 0 (>L:C441_STARTER2,bool)
*(the var names seem to be leftovers from a previous release of theirs)

Copy the following code and paste it into an empty text file, save it as MU2_Start.mcro and place it in the modules folder.


Then in the FSUIPC dialog use the commands for your buttons: MU2 Start: L:C441 STARTER1 set  &  MU2 Start: L:C441 STARTER2 set, with parameters of 1 for press & 0 for release. It should work for you.


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