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Mystery button press


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When assigning switches i am getting a mystery button press which interrupts the assigning process. The

button is numbered M7 in FSUIPC7 but I cannot find which switch this relates to on my cockpit. I have flicked or pressed

every switch on my cockpit but none have the letter M preface.

Any ideas how I can trace this mystery button? I am worried that it may be causing issued with MSFS.



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Hi Keith,

21 minutes ago, Stinger2k3 said:

The button is numbered M7 in FSUIPC7 but I cannot find which switch this relates to on my cockpit

Check your FSUIPC7.ini file. The [JoyNames] section should contain a list of your devices with both the JoyID number and letter assigned ('M' will be the letter assigned to the device).

17 minutes ago, Stinger2k3 said:

I did a buttons and keys console log but it does not show M7 operating in there ?

Then it wasn't pressed or MSFS wasn't running (or FSUIPC7 not connected).  However, if you have button logging active when in the buttons & switches assignment panel, you should see a log message like this:


221000  9220 FirstButtonChange res=00000108 (0.1, 8 )

In that line, the 1 indicates the joystick id, and the 8 the button number.





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Note also that you can use the IgnoreThese ini parameter (in the [Buttons] section) if its causing issues:


IgnoreThese: This can be used to list a number of buttons which are to be ignored by FSUIPC in the Buttons &
Switches tab. This is to deal with faulty button signals which are repeating without control and thus preventing the
others from being registered on the screen ready to program. The parameter takes this form:

       IgnoreThese= j.b, j.b, ...
listing the joystick number (j) and button number (b) of each button to be ignored. To make it easy, you can edit the INI
file whilst in the Button assignments dialogue and simply press “reload all buttons” to activate the changes.
Note that the action of ignoring buttons only applies to those numbered 0–31 on each possible joystick (not any “POV”
hats), and they are only ignored in the dialogue—if they are already assigned the assignment will still be effective.
This parameter can also be used in the [Axes] section of the FSUIPC7.INI, using the axes letter instead of the button
number (see later)



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Thanks John, all sorted by using the IgnoreThese command.

For my cockpit throttle I use a Saitek unit, but only the throttles. The buttons of the unit were hidden inside my cockpit throttle enclosure. It was one of these hidden buttons causing the issue, so was the reason i couldn't trace it by operating all of the buttons and switches that I do use.

Many thanks


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