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FSUIPC7 in development mode


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While doing an airplane for MSFS I've been facing a strange problem with FSUIPC7.
Fortunately there is a "sync" possibility in the aircraft editor in MSFS which needs to be used after doing changes to the flight_model.cfg or any other .cfg file. That is a life-saver, otherwise the entire sim would have to be restarted after every small change.

So far it is good and as the autopilot (an external one) is using FSUIPC for everything it works great when I'm in the sim.
The problem comes or starts when I "re-sync" the plane, when FSUIPC remains connected just as it should but interestingly to get the autopilot work again I have to close and restart FSUIPC each and every time when in the sim a "resync" was done.

Have you tested any scenario like that? Is there any solution for the problem that seems to be permanent?

thanks in advance

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Hi Achoriham,

1 hour ago, Agniparvata said:

Have you tested any scenario like that? Is there any solution for the problem that seems to be permanent?

No I haven't.  You could try unchecking Auto-Connect to FS. Then, when you "re-sync", manually disconnect and re-connect, to see if that solves your issue.


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Hi John,

Yes I always use "Auto-Connect to FS". It doesn't make a difference.
Manually disconnecting or re-connecting doesn't help, only a full restart of FSUIPC.

Also tried to check the log and console window which don't say anything particular in this case, FSUIPC "thinks" it is still connected fine.



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Can you go to Log -> Custom, and enter x400. Then generate a short log file where you reload and have your issue.

Also try manually disconnecting and re-connecting after the reload.

Attach you logs and I'll take a look when I have time, but even if there is an issue it is very minor with a simple workaround (ie. restarting FSUIPC7).


Later: Ah, sorry - misread your post. The problem is now with reloading a flight, not when you resync. 
What do you mean by 'reloading a flight' - how are you doing this?

Edited by John Dowson
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14 hours ago, John Dowson said:

Later: Ah, sorry - misread your post. The problem is now with reloading a flight, not when you resync. 
What do you mean by 'reloading a flight' - how are you doing this?

Hi John,

Whenever you are in an actual flight, or runway, so the flight has started, by pressing ESC you get back to the "Options" screen, when you either save or load a flight or flight-situation. Just like as it used to work for FSX and later iterations.
The flight is saved in the corresponding ...\LocalState\ folder in a new .flt format.

So when someone loads or re-loads a saved flight FSUIPC7 is no longer functioning, though it stays connected.

Hope it help


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Hi Achoriham,

ok, was just checking how you were reloading, as there are currently know issues with FLT files saved via SimConnect (i.e. autosave files).

I just checked a few times saving/loading flights via MSFS, and haven't experienced any issues. Can you download the latest release and try again please, just to make sure that you are up-to-date. Then, if you still have the issue, can you try disconnecting and re-connecting to see if that helps. You could also try activating axes logging and moving your controls to see if these are being logged/sent.

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