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[Lua] Sound not working in FSUIPC7

Matthew Twomey

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I can't seem to get the sound working in FSUIPC7. Here's what I'm doing:

s = sound.play("click2");
if (sound.query(s)) then
    ipc.log("Sound played.");
    ipc.log("Sound not played.");

Here's the result I'm getting:


(and obviously no sound is playing)

I have a 1 minute long wav file (named 'click2.wav') right in C:\ (just to make sure there were no path spaces issues). Windows can play the file fine, but I've also tried several different files.

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Two questions:

1.  What syntax is this?  "sound.path([[C:\]]);".
Surely that should be sound.path("C:\\")

2.  Have you checked to make sure MSFS doesn't have exclusive access to your sound driver? With FSUIPC7 being a separate process, unlike in previous incarnations, that's a factor.

BTW you don't need ; at the end of each statement in Lua. I know it's a habit from C/C++ and so on. It does no harm, just not needed.




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