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FSX SE, FS labs A320 with TCA thrust quadrant interface


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17 hours ago, JTT said:

I am unable to get my TCA quadrants master switches and or engine mode selector to function correctly. I am not sure which selections to use to get the correct response from flight sim.

I don't know if the FSL A320 responds to the normal FSX controls. Have you checked your controls with a default aircraft? That's the first thing to do.

The more sophisticated add-on aircraft tend to supplant the systems in the flight sim with their own, for added realism rather than the more generic treatment. As a result some of the regular controls simply don't work.

If you prove to yourself that your controls are okay (by checking on a default aircraft), then the next step is to find out what works with your choice of add-on aircraft. It might be that you have to use Mouse Macros or L:Vars (local panel variables).



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