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Problem calibrating my Logitech Extreme 3D Pro joystick in P3D V4 on Windows 10.

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Hi peeps. hope you've all had a good weekend.


For the last 3 days I have been having a major headache getting my joystick calibrated properly.  I have made a youtube video explaining what is wrong and the steps I have done before making this post so please watch the video before commenting as it will save us both time


My PC is fully updated with drivers etc so it's not that either.


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I would really prefer you to explain your issue with FSUIPC. Sorry, but I gave up on your video after several minutes as there was nothing in it related to FSUIPC (and I can't even see the screen properly due to the angle!). You seem to be assigning/calibrating  in P3D, not FSUIPC.

If you are assigning your device in FSUIPC, we recommend disabling controllers completely in P3D and assigning and calibrating in FSUIPC only. Alternatively, you can remove your assignments, but P3D may automatically re-assign the device if it detects it as a new controller.

Your attached FSUIPC5.ini file shows that you have no assignments in FSUIPC at all, so FSUIPC isn't currently doing much. However, if you are assigning in P3D but trying to calibrate in FSUIPC, your calibration entries for rudder and aileron look bad:


Re-calibrate those, or replace them with:


Please take time to read the manuals provided - especially the User Guide, which should show you how to calibrate your controller.
If you have any issues, please post again describing your issue with FSUIPC (this is not support for P3D!), and attach your FSUIPC5.ini and FSUIPC5.log files, and maybe also your FSUIPC.Joyscan.csv file.



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