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Last night I found I could not get past "Welcome, Set Your Experience - Checking For Updates": loading does not go past this.

In response I got this in an email from MS which was part of a longer procedure: "·         netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disable"

I mention this because of the last log, attached as it mentions "TCP"

I cannot now get Wiide Client to show on other computers.

How can I get it back please?



WideServer.logFetching info...

  On 3/18/2021 at 1:35 PM, katoema said:

In response I got this in an email from MS which was part of a longer procedure: "·         netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disable"


I'm not sure what affect that has on the WideServer / WideC;ient coummication...

  On 3/18/2021 at 1:35 PM, katoema said:

I mention this because of the last log, attached as it mentions "TCP"


Well of course - WideFS uses TCP and UDP as communication protocols...

  On 3/18/2021 at 1:35 PM, katoema said:

I cannot now get Wiide Client to show on other computers.


 What other computers? The WideServer log you attached showed one WideClient connection:


  1471766 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=1452) TCP
  1472063 Connected to computer "SANDPIPER" running WideClient version 7.156 (skt=1452) TCP


If you have issues for other clients, I need to see the WideClient.log files.

To see if that netsh command is causing the issue (although I don't see why), you can always try resetting with
    netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal



Tried on Sandpiper as I use that to connect to PlanG. This computer I am writing from I will use when Sandpiper is not on - hence WideFS is not working on any. Only one client was on last night - Sandpiper.

I have rest to normal, but still no connection



  On 3/18/2021 at 2:39 PM, katoema said:

This computer I am writing from I will use when Sandpiper is not on - hence WideFS is not working on any. Only one client was on last night - Sandpiper.


Sorry, I don't understand. Your WideServer log shows a wideclient connection. And  you still have not showed me any WideClient log files, either Sandpiper or others.


Also please also check your network config as advised in the WideFS user manual section Configure your Network. You can specify the protocol and server names or ip addresses if having issues.


This is bizarre, the WideClient log for Sandpiper is dated 07/09/2020, yet since September 2020 I have used Wideclint on that PC several times per week!

  On 3/18/2021 at 3:25 PM, katoema said:

This is bizarre, the WideClient log for Sandpiper is dated 07/09/2020, yet since September 2020 I have used Wideclint on that PC several times per week!


Then it is the wrong log file.... Check you don't have multiple installations of the WideClient.

The log you posted shows WideClient connected ok and was working until the FS closed.


  On 3/18/2021 at 3:01 PM, John Dowson said:

Also please also check your network config as advised in the WideFS user manual section Configure your Network. You can specify the protocol and server names or ip addresses if having issues.


Did you do/try this? If not, please do. If so, also show me your WideClient.ini. And please always post your server log with the client log.


  On 3/18/2021 at 5:52 PM, katoema said:

Our network sees every PC, Laptop and other devices and can read and open documents from another computer, so this represents that the network configuration is working.


No, that shows your network is working for those activities. We provide documentation so that we don't have to continually repeat the same advice.
Please read that document and try what is advised there, and then let me know if you have any issues, and supply all necessary files (logs + inis).

  On 3/18/2021 at 5:52 PM, katoema said:

The Server log is at the time it stopped yesterday.


When you attach files, they must all be generated from the same session. Please always supply WideServer + WideClient log files, WideClient.ini and your FSUIPC ini.

BUT, before you post again, please review your network configuration as shown in the WideFS documentation, and try specifyingthe protocol and server names and/or ip addresses.


  On 3/18/2021 at 1:35 PM, katoema said:

In response I got this in an email from MS which was part of a longer procedure: "·         netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disable"


Was it all working ok before this change? And nothing else has changed?
Have you tried rebooting your system?


John, everything had been working with no issues. It was only after following the different steps given by MS that I noted that WideFS was not working, once MSFS was restored.

The computer was rebooted several times, in following MS's instructions. Of course everything was closed down overnight.

Reading through the WideFS User Guide I note there are many items now with W10 v20H2 that I cannot see in the system info any IP addresses or workgroups, etc on the server PC.


WideClient is waiting for Broadcasts from the server to give it the details it needs. For some reason those are not getting through, some something has certainly changed.

Please just follow the advice given in the Configure your Network section of the document and provide the details (IP address and protocol) in the INI! If you persist in not bothering to do this we cannot help further! You are just wasting yours and our time!




Pete, It is not a case of not wanting to do this, but I am having difficulty to find the information required. The PC that I am looking at is relatively new and when I moved everything to do with MSFS, including FSUIPC7, there are the folders where this information should be are just not located within them. When I have the information I will supply it.

Thank you for your patience.



Pete, I and my wife have scoured all the computers and WD backup devices for anything that resembles what we are looking for, with no success.

It has also not been possible to find the WideServer.dll!

The last working WideClient.log which provides details from the server - it is the server details that we cannot find. If you can provide a pointer as to where: folder, file name etc to look for, this may help.




Update: I started FSUIPC.exe on its own, without starting MSFS. In looking at the toolbar along the top I noted WideFS was showing "enable"! Pressing it and restarting FSUIPC I now have a connection on a client PC.

The issue must be in the enable/disable as indicated to John by what MS asked me to do. Therefore having enabled reversed that instruction may have remedied what was required. However, a physical change was necessary in  the FSUIPC7 toolbar. Does that seem logical to you?

  On 3/18/2021 at 2:04 PM, John Dowson said:

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disable



  On 3/19/2021 at 11:46 AM, katoema said:

The issue must be in the enable/disable as indicated to John by what MS asked me to do. Therefore having enabled reversed that instruction may have remedied what was required. However, a physical change was necessary in  the FSUIPC7 toolbar. Does that seem logical to you?


Yes, WideServer needs to be 'enabled' in FSUIPC. However, you don't need to do this manually - it should automatically start when 'ready to fly', i.e. you have to have an aircraft loaded and not in the MSFS menus to connect.
Maybe this was your issue - you just hadn't loaded an aircraft/flight?


  On 3/19/2021 at 11:12 AM, katoema said:

Pete, I and my wife have scoured all the computers and WD backup devices for anything that resembles what we are looking for, with no success.


The documents for WideFS are within the ZIP you must have downloaded -- the one containing WideClient. Just download another copy if you've lost it and its contents! FSUIPC.com.

  On 3/19/2021 at 11:12 AM, katoema said:

It has also not been possible to find the WideServer.dll!


WideServer has been incorporated in FSUIPC since FSUIPC4 days. You only need that with FSUIPC3 and earlier, for FS98, FS2000, FS2002, and FS2004!

  On 3/19/2021 at 11:12 AM, katoema said:

The last working WideClient.log which provides details from the server - it is the server details that we cannot find.


There "server details" are either the NAME of the server, or it's IP address!

The protocol you can choose yourself. UDP is faster than TCP but its transmissions aren't checked and may not arrive in order. 




OK, I have now loaded MSFS and FSUPIC7 several times and it does not load automatically. Also I have to enable WideFS each time.



  On 3/19/2021 at 2:17 PM, katoema said:

OK, I have now loaded MSFS and FSUPIC7 several times and it does not load automatically. Also I have to enable WideFS each time.


Sorry, but it really helps if you can be clear if you need assistance. I don't know what you mean by 'loaded', sorry. As I have explained. it should enable automatically when both the following are true:
   - it is set to be enabled automatically, or if it was enabled when you last shut-down
  - when you have a flight loaded and ready-to-fly

If that is not the case, THEN let me know. So, if you are ready-to-fly and WideServer is not enabled, then enable. Then close everything down and start again, and get a a/c ready-to fly. Then it should enable automatically. If it doesn't do that, I will look into it.

To summarize:
   - if for some reason you have set to 'Disable', it will never automatically 'Enable'. You need to manualy 'Enable' at some point.
   - when 'enabled', it will only actually be started once you have a plane loaded and are 'ready to fly'.

If this is not the case, let me know.



John, in the toolbar, options, it is ticked for auto-connect to FS and ticked to exit with FS.

Loaded = launched

Since you automated to launch/connect to MSFS last year I have not had any issues and I use FS several times a day - more so now as I am helping with the E135 Heli development.

Yes, I have noted that the FSUIPC7 banner loads when you press to fly, but that is not doing it now.

Now the WideFS is not enabling and not connecting to a client when I enable it manually.






events issued by MSFS are pretty mixed-up and difficult to use to determine that actual state, and this changes with each release.
And FSUIPC7 has to try to determine the correct state in ALL situations, from having FSUIPC7 running before starting MSFS, having MSFS auto-start FSUIPC7, or starting FSUIPC7 when MSFS is already running, either in a menu, a flight, or in some other state.

And when the WideServer component is started is also dependent on these things.
So, if you have an issue, I need to :
   - know when and how you are starting FSUIPC7
   - know the state of MSFS (in menu, flight, or elsewhere) when you try to connect
   - see your log files, especially your FSUIPC7.log file

Also note that there is currently an issue with the latest 7.0.7 release where things are not being started correctly if FSUIPC7 is started when MSFS is already running and a flight is loaded. This probably also affects WideServer, although i haven't checked. So, please wait for further tests until i have released an update for this, either later this evening or more likely tomorrow  now.

If you are not using that version, then you should really update, but may as well wait now until I have released the update.





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