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 I have an issue with the Joystick Calibration, I set my pedals as LeftBrake and RightBrake in FSUIPC, and set the curve to +3 to make the brake less sensitive, everything is perfect!

Until I restart the sim and reload the plane (NGXu) the brake is now so sensitive as just like I didn't set any response curve to it, despite of the value is still the same

Could you please verify this ? in the attachment, my fsuipc ini 737NG Section

Im running the latest FSUIPC UpdatedByVersion=6100


2 hours ago, hkhoanguyen said:

I have an issue with the Joystick Calibration, I set my pedals as LeftBrake and RightBrake in FSUIPC, and set the curve to +3 to make the brake less sensitive, everything is perfect!

Could you try calibrating your left/right brake again, but this time check the 'Profile specific?' checkbox.
Not sure why the general calibration isn't being used as there is no profile specific one - I will look into this.


1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

Could you try calibrating your left/right brake again, but this time check the 'Profile specific?' checkbox.
Not sure why the general calibration isn't being used as there is no profile specific one - I will look into this.


Thanks John for the reply,

I open FSUIPC, and saw that Profile Specific is checked by default and grey out, unable to check or un check


5 minutes ago, hkhoanguyen said:

I open FSUIPC, and saw that Profile Specific is checked by default and grey out, unable to check or un check

In the calibration tab (not the axis tab)? It shouldn't be, as you have no profile specific calibration, only profile specific axis assignment.

31 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

In the calibration tab (not the axis tab)? It shouldn't be, as you have no profile specific calibration, only profile specific axis assignment.


John, here is my calibration tab

3 minutes ago, hkhoanguyen said:

John, here is my calibration tab

Yes, sorry - you already have a calibration section in your ini. I missed it as there is no new line before it for some reason!

Could you activate logging for Extras please, as well as Axes Controls, produce a short log file showing your issue (i.e. move each brake through its full axis range). and show me the log file. Thanks.

4 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

Yes, sorry - you already have a calibration section in your ini. I missed it as there is no new line before it for some reason!

Could you activate logging for Extras please, as well as Axes Controls, produce a short log file showing your issue (i.e. move each brake through its full axis range). and show me the log file. Thanks.

User Name="Khoa Nguyen"
User Addr="hkhoanguyen@gmail.com"
FSUIPC6 Key is provided
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
   181797 System time = 07/05/2021 14:17:57, Simulator time = 12:00:52 (17:00Z)
   181797 FLT path = "D:\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Files\"
[Continuation log requested by user]
Running inside Prepar3D v5 on Windows 10
Module base=7FFDCA8F0000
   182250 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=Y, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N
   184281 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 3 (IN=-15773, OUT=-15872)
   184297 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 4 (IN=-15131, OUT=-15648)
   184312 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 6 (IN=-14360, OUT=-15360)
   184312 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -15401 (0xffffc3d7) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   184328 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 11 (IN=-13525, OUT=-14554)
   184359 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 13 (IN=-12754, OUT=-14294)
   184375 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 16 (IN=-11822, OUT=-13824)
   184390 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -13762 (0xffffca3e) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   184390 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 21 (IN=-10923, OUT=-12974)
   184406 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 23 (IN=-10023, OUT=-12586)
   184437 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 28 (IN=-9156, OUT=-11776)
   184437 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -11796 (0xffffd1ec) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   184453 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 32 (IN=-8096, OUT=-11170)
   184468 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 36 (IN=-6907, OUT=-10494)
   184500 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 41 (IN=-5783, OUT=-9728)
   184500 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -9666 (0xffffda3e) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   184515 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 47 (IN=-4594, OUT=-8692)
   184531 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 52 (IN=-3309, OUT=-7918)
   184547 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 60 (IN=-2024, OUT=-6634)
   184578 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 66 (IN=-771, OUT=-5632)
   184578 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -5571 (0xffffea3d) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   184593 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 70 (IN=192, OUT=-4928)
   184625 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 76 (IN=1184, OUT=-3936)
   184625 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -3932 (0xfffff0a4) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   184625 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 83 (IN=2304, OUT=-2816)
   184656 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 89 (IN=3296, OUT=-1824)
   184672 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 94 (IN=4064, OUT=-1056)
   184703 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 99 (IN=4800, OUT=-128)
   184703 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -164 (0xffffff5c) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   184718 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 105 (IN=5376, OUT=768)
   184734 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 109 (IN=6112, OUT=1504)
   184750 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 114 (IN=6880, OUT=2272)
   184750 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 2293 (0x000008f5) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   184765 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 125 (IN=8160, OUT=4064)
   184797 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 133 (IN=9343, OUT=5376)
   184812 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 141 (IN=10271, OUT=6720)
   184828 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 6717 (0x00001a3d) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   184843 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 149 (IN=11167, OUT=8096)
   184843 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 158 (IN=11999, OUT=9440)
   184875 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 166 (IN=12895, OUT=10850)
   184890 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 10812 (0x00002a3c) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   184890 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 173 (IN=13663, OUT=11972)
   184922 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 181 (IN=14303, OUT=13252)
   184937 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 184 (IN=14751, OUT=13730)
   184953 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 188 (IN=15103, OUT=14340)
   184953 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 14417 (0x00003851) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   184968 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 193 (IN=15551, OUT=15236)
   185000 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 198 (IN=16127, OUT=16130)
   185015 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 16055 (0x00003eb7) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   185015 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 200 (IN=16383, OUT=16384)
   185062 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 16383 (0x00003fff) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   186750 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 195 (IN=15679, OUT=15492)
   186781 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 184 (IN=14751, OUT=13730)
   186797 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 170 (IN=13439, OUT=11524)
   186812 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 158 (IN=11999, OUT=9440)
   186828 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 9502 (0x0000251e) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   186828 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 141 (IN=10271, OUT=6720)
   186859 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 126 (IN=8415, OUT=4320)
   186875 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 110 (IN=6208, OUT=1600)
   186875 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 1638 (0x00000666) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   186890 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 92 (IN=3744, OUT=-1376)
   186922 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 75 (IN=1088, OUT=-4032)
   186937 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 63 (IN=-1510, OUT=-6120)
   186953 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 50 (IN=-4144, OUT=-8242)
   186953 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -8192 (0xffffe000) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   186968 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 39 (IN=-6329, OUT=-9916)
   187000 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 31 (IN=-8288, OUT=-11364)
   187000 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -11305 (0xffffd3d7) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   187015 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 24 (IN=-9862, OUT=-12426)
   187031 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 18 (IN=-11340, OUT=-13392)
   187047 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 12 (IN=-12818, OUT=-14336)
   187078 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 7 (IN=-14199, OUT=-15228)
   187078 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -15237 (0xffffc47b) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   187093 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 3 (IN=-15645, OUT=-15872)
   187125 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 0 (IN=-16384, OUT=-16383)
   187187 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -16384 (0xffffc000) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET
   188672 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 3 (IN=-15516, OUT=-15872)
   188687 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 6 (IN=-14488, OUT=-15360)
   188687 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -15401 (0xffffc3d7) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET
   188718 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 10 (IN=-13750, OUT=-14778)
   188734 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 13 (IN=-12754, OUT=-14294)
   188765 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 22 (IN=-10698, OUT=-12800)
   188765 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -12779 (0xffffce15) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET
   188765 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 33 (IN=-7967, OUT=-11042)
   188797 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 43 (IN=-5237, OUT=-9336)
   188812 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 55 (IN=-2731, OUT=-7340)
   188828 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 66 (IN=-546, OUT=-5632)
   188843 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -5571 (0xffffea3d) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET
   188859 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 79 (IN=1664, OUT=-3456)
   188875 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 92 (IN=3808, OUT=-1312)
   188890 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 108 (IN=5856, OUT=1248)
   188890 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= 1310 (0x0000051e) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET
   188906 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 120 (IN=7552, OUT=3328)
   188937 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 133 (IN=9375, OUT=5440)
   188953 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= 5406 (0x0000151e) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET
   188953 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 149 (IN=11135, OUT=8064)
   188984 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 165 (IN=12767, OUT=10692)
   188984 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 181 (IN=14303, OUT=13252)
   189015 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 194 (IN=15647, OUT=15428)
   189031 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= 15400 (0x00003c28) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET
   189031 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 200 (IN=16383, OUT=16384)
   189078 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= 16383 (0x00003fff) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET
   190625 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 188 (IN=15103, OUT=14340)
   190625 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 178 (IN=14079, OUT=12804)
   190656 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 171 (IN=13471, OUT=11588)
   190672 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= 11631 (0x00002d6f) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET
   190672 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 166 (IN=12799, OUT=10754)
   190703 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 157 (IN=11967, OUT=9408)
   190718 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 149 (IN=11039, OUT=7968)
   190718 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= 8027 (0x00001f5b) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET
   190734 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 138 (IN=9823, OUT=6240)
   190750 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 128 (IN=8703, OUT=4608)
   190765 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 120 (IN=7552, OUT=3328)
   190765 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= 4587 (0x000011eb) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET
   190797 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 112 (IN=6528, OUT=1920)
   190812 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 104 (IN=5280, OUT=672)
   190843 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 90 (IN=3488, OUT=-1632)
   190843 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 74 (IN=800, OUT=-4320)
   190843 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -4260 (0xffffef5c) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET
   190875 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 56 (IN=-2667, OUT=-7276)
   190890 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 37 (IN=-6682, OUT=-10268)
   190906 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -10322 (0xffffd7ae) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET
   190922 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 20 (IN=-10987, OUT=-13038)
   190937 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 6 (IN=-14296, OUT=-15324)
   190953 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 0 (IN=-16384, OUT=-16383)
   191031 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -11960 (0xffffd148) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET
   191078 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -13598 (0xffffcae2) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET
   191156 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -15237 (0xffffc47b) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET
   191203 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -16384 (0xffffc000) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET
   194500 Deactivated: culprit unknown
   194500 Focus lost: culprit unknown

John, here is my log file, after moving left and right brake

6 minutes ago, hkhoanguyen said:

John, here is my log file, after moving left and right brake

Ok, thanks. However, the logging I was after (slope adjustment) doesn't seem to be present. I think I may have added that logging  to FSUIPC7 only at the moment, so I'll add that to FSUIPC6 and post you another dll to try, to produce the same log.

39 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

Ok, thanks. However, the logging I was after (slope adjustment) doesn't seem to be present.

Still, though, judging by the difference between those IN and OUT values, the braking amount is being substantially reduced at the start -- still negative when the axis reached +4800.

IN=4800, OUT=-128

I saw that all the axes are assigned "direct" and calibrated in FSUIPC. I didn't think the PMDG Boeings liked that for some of the controls. Perhaps toe brakes is one of them (or two rather).

Though I suppose really the main question is why is it okay until P3D is restarted.  I see only one of the NGXu's is assigned in that Profile:

1=PMDG 737-800NGXu BW Ryanair EI-DAL

I assume it is always thant one being reloaded?



On 5/7/2021 at 3:01 PM, John Dowson said:

Please repeat the test with the attached version, v6.1.1g, and show me the log. Also, please show/attach the full log, not a continuation log. Thanks.  


FSUIPC6.dll 491 kB · 0 downloads

Hi John, here is the full log using your latest dll, thanks



On 5/7/2021 at 3:24 PM, Pete Dowson said:

1=PMDG 737-800NGXu BW Ryanair EI-DAL

I assume it is always thant one being reloaded?



Hi Pete, Yes , it is the only plane that I set in FSUIPC for the moment, I deleted all previous ini file and do a new one


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