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FSUIPC7 icon created on the desktop after installation


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3 hours ago, nantelp said:

Just a quick question on the MSFS icon that FSUIPC& created. I guess buy using this icon it should load both FSUIPC and MSFS? In my case, it only loads MSFS and not FSUIPC7, is this ok?

The icon displays a splash screen and loads MSFS. MSFS should start FSUIPC7. Of it doesn't, there was possibly an issue updating your EXE.xml file during the installation process. Please check or post you install log. The usual solution is to delete/rename you current EXE.xml and re-install FSUIPC.

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Thanks you John,

I have attach the installation log. I do get the splash screen and MSFS2020 does load. But not FSUIPC7.


You are talking about the EXE.XML file located in C:\Users\Pierr\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache ?


I will wait for you to confirm, before I delete the xml file, I had to completely re-installed my DVD version to get it to work again. So I am very careful now. 

Pierre Nantel

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1 hour ago, nantelp said:

I will wait for you to confirm, before I delete the xml file

No need to. Your installation log looks fine, as does your EXE.xml.

1 hour ago, nantelp said:

I had to completely re-installed my DVD version to get it to work again. So I am very careful now. 

Ah, then maybe you are now using an early version of MSFS that does not have this facility (EXE.xml) yet enabled. What version are you using? Will you be updating to the latest version?

If that is the case, and you are not updating (or if it still doesn't auto-start via the EXE.xml), you could re-activate the older method of doing this, via the desktop link. To do this, open the desktop link MSFS.lnk in an editor and fine these lines (should be from line 32):


:: wait for MSFS to start (2mins)
::timeout /t %delay% /nobreak > NUL

:: start FSUIPC7
::start "" "C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe"

Remove those two double colons (highlighted) before the timeout... and start... commands and save. 

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I am using version that I think is the latest.

So the MSFS should look like this:

:: wait for MSFS to start (2mins)
timeout /t %delay% /nobreak > NUL

:: start FSUIPC7
start "" "C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe"


Pierre Nantel

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Yes FSUIPC7 works perfectly when I start it manually.

I have done the upgrade, same thing it doesn't start

But with the edit of the MSFS file it's now working, but I am getting a security warning see picture


and the file in question is the splash screen, it seem to be downloading it from somewhere.



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