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FSUIPC conflict with Enable Controller (s) P3D, why?

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Hi, I'd like to know why FSUIPC (version 6 registered in my case) assignments conflict with P3D's "Enable Controller (s)" option (in my case P3Dv5.1, but it was the same with P3Dv4. 4HF3).

In short, if that option is enabled in P3D, it seems that FSUIPC "goes crazy" and responds inconsistently to commands.

Thank you.

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They only conflict if you have conflicting assignments, i.e an axes or button assigned both in FSUIPC and in P3D, either to the same or different controls. When this occurs, this is when things seem to "go crazy" as you say, as the FS is receiving different conflicting commands from the same joystick button press or axis movement.

You can have controllers enabled as long as your assignments in P3D do not "conflict" with those in FSUIPC. However, the problem with having controllers enabled in P3D, is that P3D will sometimes recognize your attached device and automatically create new assignments to it, which can (and will) conflict with FSUIPCs assignments. To prevent this, we recommend disabling controllers completely if assigning in FSUIPC. 



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Ok boss, thanks for the clarification. In reality it is just a nuisance, for example when you have to create a positioning with GSX, I have to disable both ChasePlane and enable the controllers in P3D otherwise with the numeric keypad moving the airplane switches to view modes or does not move at all.

I'm used to it now.

In particular ChasePlane sometimes reports me a conflict with P3D assignments which, however, I cannot find, not even listing them all. Who knows where they will be ... but that's not your problem 😄

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1 hour ago, Freccia said:

I have to disable both ChasePlane and enable the controllers in P3D otherwise with the numeric keypad moving the airplane switches to view modes or does not move at all.

Disabling controllers will not affect the keyboard (or mouse). If the numeric keypad  changes thhe views then you must have assignments for that somewhere, most probably in chase plane. Also check the status of you num-lock, as that will effect the functionality of the numpad keys. Most folks seem to use GSX and FSUIPC (and also chaseplane) without having to do this.

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