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Accessing the MSFS GPS postion info on Android

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I have MSFS, with FSUIPC7 all working, using Skydemon as my nav app. I am trying to write my own little bit of code for Android (Purebasic/Spiderbasic), but the GPS lat/long/alt info does not seem to be available to my code although Skydemon is working ok. I don't seem to be able to find anything on this elsewhere, hence this post.

Any ideas would be much appreciated.


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48 minutes ago, Eric42 said:

I am trying to write my own little bit of code for Android (Purebasic/Spiderbasic), but the GPS lat/long/alt info does not seem to be available to my code although Skydemon is working ok

You might be able to use the GPSout data provided by FSUIPC.  it can send it to any serial port -- for USB connected ports you would need to figure out the correct port name, but for simple Serial COM ports it's only the COM number (COM1 etc) needed, and your selection of NMEA messages (or other supported ones) needed for the data you need.



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