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Cannot start Lua script


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I'm missing something about running a Lua script..
I'm using a registered version of FSUIPC7 v 7.1.0 with MSFS2020
I modified one of the provided lua examples and named it "IASDisplay.lua" and put it into the root FSUIPC7 folder.
In my FSUIPC7.ini file I have:

Under the Assignments menu I assigned Alt+D to run LuaIASDisplay

I run FSUIPC7 which starts MSFS2020 and shows Connected.
Everything looks normal but using Alt+D does not start the script, at least not that I can see.

FSUIPC7.log shows  "KeyDown received from FS but not programmed" but in Key Assignments it shows that script assigned to Alt+D.

So, I'm looking for a way to start the script, either through the FSUIPC7 Assignments menu or through MSFS2020's Controls dialogs.

Log attached.


IASDisplay Script:
w = wnd.open("IAS", WND_FIXED, 100,100,425,185)
-- Update the display at 1000 msec intervals (see event at end)

function mytimer(time)
    -- display 1 = airspeed
    airspeed = math.floor((ipc.readSD(0x02BC) / 128) + 0.5)
    --display.show(h, 1, "Airspeed " .. airspeed .. " knots")
-- Adjust timing to taste: 1000 = 1 second
event.timer(1000, "mytimer")




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More on my first lua foray, page 1 of the FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf reads "When you start a Lua program running which is already running, the previous incarnation is first ruthlessly and unceremoniously terminated. "
I found this not to be the case.
I edited my previous test script and then invoked it again from the same Key Assignment but the previous code would always run. I was just trying to change the window position and size.
I finally had to quit both the sim and FSUIPC7 and restart in order to see the new script.

I hope I'm missing something here, that would be a really tedious way to code.


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10 hours ago, dougfir said:

More on my first lua foray, page 1 of the FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf reads "When you start a Lua program running which is already running, the previous incarnation is first ruthlessly and unceremoniously terminated. "
I found this not to be the case.

Well, it works for me, every time. I develop all my plug-ins this way.

Are you sure it isn't related to the MSFS window problems? I only use P3D5. I'm sure john can check it, bit you should show the relevant logs.



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11 hours ago, dougfir said:

I found this not to be the case.
I edited my previous test script and then invoked it again from the same Key Assignment but the previous code would always run. I was just trying to change the window position and size.

It does kill and re-run the script. However, the size and position information is only used the first time the script is ran, then on subsequent runs the size & position is taken from your FSUIPC7.ini file, from your [ExtWindow] section.  So, to get the new size/position, you must delete the entry for that window in that section first.
Alternatively, Ext windows can be moved and re-sized manually, using the arrow keys to move and the same keys but with either the alt or ctrl modifier to resize, and the updated size/position will also be recorded in your ini file. Or you can modify the size / position directly in the ini file.


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