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Compound control for MSFS


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I have dual Saitek throttle quadrants. (for a total of 6 toggle) switches. The 4 middle ones are used to control an aftermarket airplane's 4 mixture levers. By using the compound method, I thought it would be an idea to also use these same 4 toggle switches to control the respective magneto's. 

[Buttons.PMDG DC-6]
6=RC,0,C65607,0     -{ELEV_TRIM_DN}-
7=RC,1,C65615,0     -{ELEV_TRIM_UP}-
8=RB,4,C65607,0     -{ELEV_TRIM_DN}-
9=RB,5,C65615,0     -{ELEV_TRIM_UP}-
10=RB,6,C66278,0     -{RUDDER_TRIM_LEFT}-
11=RB,7,C66279,0     -{RUDDER_TRIM_RIGHT}-
18=PA,0,C66587,40202     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
22=PA,3,C66587,40301     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
24=PC,2,C66587,40002     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
25=PC,3,C66587,40001     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
26=PC,4,C66587,40102     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
27=PA,2,C66587,40302     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
28=PC,5,C66587,40101     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
29=PA,1,C66587,40201     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
30=PB,2,C66587,43401     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
31=PB,3,C66587,43601     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
32=PD,10,C66587,60101     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
33=PD,6,C66587,60201     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
34=PD,8,C66587,6001     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
38=UB,0,C66587,40401     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
39=PA,5,K87,10     -{Key press: ctl+W}-
40=CP(+JB,B1)JC,B2,C66587,5202     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
41=PB,1,C66587,5202     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-

Line 40 represents my effort. Pressing button 1 on the Saitek yoke, before pressing button 2 of the throttle quadrant, I want it be act out Rotor Brake 5202, which turns the magneto rotary selector counter-clock wise. However it does not work. So the next step was to make sure the rotor bake code works.

Line 41 represents my effort to make sure Rotor Brake 5202 does indeed control the rotary switch as it should. It does. You notice the same Jostick B (Yoke) button 1 is set to control the rotor brake code.

Any ideas why the code does not work?

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14 minutes ago, xkoote said:

Any ideas why the code does not work?

Yes. You have unwanted "J"s and "B"s in there:

40=CP(+JB,B1)JC,B2,C66587,5202     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-

The parameters just need the joystick number or letter and the button number -- as in the other lines, you'll see. The program knows which is which by their position. So:

40=CP(+B,1)C,2,C66587,5202     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-


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Note that you have an unconditional assignment to the same button:So when B 1 is pressed button C2 will give two actions. You may want to put the opposite condition on this assignment:

24=CP,2,C66587,40002     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-

So when B 1 is pressed button C 2 will give two actions. You may want to put the opposite condition on this assignment:

24=CP(-B,1)C,2,C66587,40002     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-




Edited by John Dowson
extra comma removed
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41 minutes ago, xkoote said:

Pressing button 1 on the Saitek yoke, before pressing button 2 of the throttle quadrant

As well as what Pete has said, depending upon how your button 1 functions (i.e. if its an always on button or not), then your button 1 may not be read as pressed when pressing button 2 (as you are doing this before you pressing button 2). If this is the case, you can use the button flag functionality to toggle a flag when you press button 1, then check the flag status when pressing button 2. This is also explained in the Advanced user Guide, P20.

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1 hour ago, Pete Dowson said:

Note that you have an unconditional assignment to the same button:So when B 1 is pressed button C2 will give two actions. You may want to put the opposite condition on this assognment:

24=CP,2,C66587,40002     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-

So when B 1 is pressed button C 2 will give two actions. You may want to put the opposite condition on this assignment:

24=CP(-B,1)C,2,C66587,40002     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-




Unfortunately adding this line to my .ini file creates an error. (24=CP(-B,1),C,2,C66587,40002 << ERROR 19! Line ignored >>). I'll have a look at the flagging options.

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Solved !!!

You guys rock. Thanks a million ....

[Buttons.PMDG DC-6]
1=CP(-B,1)A,0,C66587,40202     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
2=CP(-B,1)A,1,C66587,40201     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
3=CP(-B,1)A,2,C66587,40302     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
4=CP(-B,1)A,3,C66587,40301     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
5=PA,5,K87,10     -{Key press: ctl+W}-
6=UB,0,C66587,40401     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
7=PB,2,C66587,43401     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
8=PB,3,C66587,43601     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
9=RB,6,C66278,0     -{RUDDER_TRIM_LEFT}-
10=RB,7,C66279,0     -{RUDDER_TRIM_RIGHT}-
11=RC,0,C65607,0     -{ELEV_TRIM_DN}-
12=RC,1,C65615,0     -{ELEV_TRIM_UP}-
13=CP(-B,1)C,2,C66587,40002     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
14=CP(-B,1)C,3,C66587,40001     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
15=CP(-B,1)C,4,C66587,40102     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
16=CP(-B,1)C,5,C66587,40101     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
17=PD,10,C66587,60101     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
18=PD,6,C66587,60201     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
19=PD,8,C66587,6001     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
20=CP(+B,1)C,2,C66587,5202     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
21=CP(+B,1)C,3,C66587,5201     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
22=CP(+B,1)C,4,C66587,5302     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
23=CP(+B,1)C,5,C66587,5301     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
24=CP(+B,1)A,0,C66587,5402     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
25=CP(+B,1)A,1,C66587,5401     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
26=CP(+B,1)A,2,C66587,5502     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
27=CP(+B,1)A,3,C66587,5501     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-

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