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FSUIPC7 closing shortly after MSFS running [Windows 11].


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Hi. After a new install of MSFS I have this problem. I have looked through the forum but cannot find an answer. Simply put, Whether I let FSUIPC7 auto-run or launch manually, it appears to close a few moments after MSFS presents its Home screen. I see from the log file that it reports "  43078 MSFS no longer running - exiting" but I assure you it is still running normally!

I have uninstalled FSUIPC7 (including the ini file) and re-installed twice. Can you help please?

I attach the log and ini files



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This is very strange! Could you try manually starting FSUIPC7 before MSFS, and uncheck the option 'Exit with FS', then start MSFS.
FSUIPC7 will then attempt to re-connect when it thinks MSFS is no longer available. Please try this and show me the updated FSUIPC7.log file.


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Even stranger....
I suspect something is wrong with your windows installation. I'll take a look (maybe later today, more probably tomorrow) to see if I can add some extra logging to see what is happening. In the mean time, can you try uninstalling your VC++ redistributables and reinstalling - instructions are in the README.txt that comes in the zip download.


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1 hour ago, chrisal said:

I'd just installed the preview edition of Windows 11 this week.

Ah, yes - you didn't mention that! 

40 minutes ago, chrisal said:

And that seems to have worked, John. I'll test further but we may have solved it.

Ok, good. Sounds like the windows 11 installation may have screwed up the installed VC++ redistributables. Interesting.



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Another voice to this topic - I am also experiencing similar behaviour since the Win11 update (updated on Friday using the "release preview" channel - this should be the build pushed out globally in a couple of days time). FSUIPC shuts down, and reports in the log that MSFS is no longer running. This doesn't happen immediately and seems quite random, often happening after it has been running for some time.

This has happened a few times over the last couple of days. I shall give the suggestions given above a try and will also report back with feedback.

Log attached



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Unfortunatelly, I have the same problem in Win 11. FSUIPC shuts down for no apparent reason (the MSFS runs normally). I'll try with the unchecked "exit with MSFS" option and see how it goes. I reinstalled all VC++ libraries as suggested.

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29 minutes ago, FlyerSG said:

I have the same problem in Win 11.

I haven't checked compatibility of FSUIPC7 with Win 11 yet. The current requirements of FSUIPC7 are windows 10.
I will look into Windows 11 compatibility shortly. Until I do this, Windows 11 is not supported, and you are on your own. I cannot look into these issues until I have checked and approved Win11 compatibility. 

I hope you understand. Please be patient.  I will inform when compatible.


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  • John Dowson changed the title to FSUIPC7 closing shortly after MSFS running [Windows 11].

Dear Mr. Dowson, by all means. I've been using FSUIPC since it's birth and I can only confirm that it is a single most usable interface I ever experienced, with impeccable support and functionality. I'm certain that you will be able to sort it for Windows 11 users as well.

All the best and many thanks in advance.



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Greetings, just to add my recent observation: when I disable the option "Exit with FS", the FSUIPC.exe won't close randomly and stays on for the duration of the entire flight. When the option is enabled (to exit with FS), FSUIPC.exe shuts down and exits randomly, between 30 - 90 minutes into the flight, however there is no indication that MSFS crashed or exited in Windows Event viewer. Please find attached the log.

FSUIPC7 - Copy.log

Edited by FlyerSG
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Chrisal, indeed, today I had it running (automatic start with MSFS and with "exit with MSFS" option disabled) and yet it crashed after 30 minutes, so this doesn't help much. I'm attaching the log, if it is of any help to Mr. Dowson. As he mentioned above, he is working on it, we just need to be patient for a while.


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4 minutes ago, FlyerSG said:

As he mentioned above, he is working on it, we just need to be patient for a while.

You are mistaken! I am not looking at this at the moment - I am still on Windows 10.
It will be a while before I can update to windows 11, not sure when at the moment.

As I said, the current requirements for FSUIPC7 (and MSFS as far as I know!) are windows 10. 

Windows 10 applications should be compatible with Windows 11, as long as the PC meets the Windows 11 requirements, as far as I'm aware.
If this is not the case, it is really an issue for MS!

I am not planning on updating my flight system to windows 11 for quite a while. I currently need to keep my development system on Windows 10, as that is still currently what most users are on. I still have a a windows 7 system which I need for certain activities (mainly key generation). I need to move these to  windows 10, then update my windows 7 system to windows 10, then my windows 10 system to windows 11. It is going to take quite a while.

For the time being, I will not be responding to any Windows 11 issues, except maybe just to re-instate that it is currently not supported.

As I said, you need to be patient!



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Not supporting a pre release OS is one thing, but Windows 11 is now the standard, for supported hardware (updates will push users to it and new systems will come with it preinstalled), so I think this is a short sighted view for a commercial software developer. 

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12 hours ago, TwoSuits said:

Not supporting a pre release OS is one thing, but Windows 11 is now the standard, for supported hardware (updates will push users to it and new systems will come with it preinstalled), so I think this is a short sighted view for a commercial software developer. 

The majority of FSUIPC users are still on Windows 10, as am I, which I still need to support. I will be updating to Windows 11 shortly (this weekend). Windows 11 is still only available to Windows Insiders, as far as I'm aware, although it is now the version installed on new hardware.

There should really be no changes needed to FSUIPC to support Windows 11. At least, according to Microsoft. So I am not sure why some users are having issues, unless their hardware doesn't meet the minimum requirements for windows 11.


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My hardware meets all requirements (TPM 2.0, Secure Boot, etc) and Windows 11 was released to the general public over a week ago, that's when I installed it. FSUIPC7 frequently dies for no apparent reason on Windows 11. It wasn't particularly reliable before on Windows 10, programs like Pilot2ATC wouldn't connect to FSUIPC until you killed and restarted FSUIPC7. That doesn't appear to be an issue in this clean install of Win11 but the random FSUIPC process vanishing and P2ATC disconnecting are. They can be anywhere from a few seconds after launch of a flight in the sim to a couple hours later.

If there is anything I can do to assist please do reach out.

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9 hours ago, Andydigital said:

Windows 11 was released to the general public over a week ago, that's when I installed it.

Well, still not available to me. I've joined the Insider program to get access and was planning to update this weekend.

9 hours ago, Andydigital said:

FSUIPC7 frequently dies for no apparent reason on Windows 11.

It doesn't "die". It exits as the periodic check, which runs every 500ms, cannot fin MSFS, so it thinks MSFS has closed/crashed and so exits.
This is due to a standard windows call not being able to find the MSFS main window. I have no idea why this is failing.
Some folks have had success with re-installing the VC++ combined redistributables for 2015, 2017 & 2019. Others say that this has improved things but till have issues. If you haven't re-installed (uninstall first) those, please try that.

9 hours ago, Andydigital said:

It wasn't particularly reliable before on Windows 10, programs like Pilot2ATC wouldn't connect to FSUIPC until you killed and restarted FSUIPC7.

Well, many people use FSUIPC, and Pilot2ATC, without these issues. If you have such issues, you should raise a support request.

9 hours ago, Andydigital said:

If there is anything I can do to assist please do reach out.

Have patience and wait until I have upgraded and see if I can reproduce the issue.


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https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/software-download/windows11 If you wait for windows update to show you it will be 6 months before it shows up for the majority.

I'm not reinstalling anything John I've only just done a fresh (including format) install of Windows 11 it shouldn't need reinstalling.

You have access now so I will wait thanks.

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1 hour ago, Andydigital said:

I don't have that option enabled so it shouldn't be closing if it see's MSFS close or not.

If FSUIPC7 is auto-started, that option is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. Are you starting FSUIPC7 manually then?
For other users that reported this issue, FSUIPC7 keeps running but cannot be used as its continually trying to re-connect.
Can you show me your FSUIPC7.log file please.


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I see the option to not close FSUIPC when the sim closes is actually gone now. I updated FSUIPC yesterday so not sure when you removed that option. so I will stop FSUIPC from starting with the sim, to see if that helps show anything. I don't currently have a log from a flight where FSUIPC stopped mid flight. I'll post one when it happens again, sorry.

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I have now updated to Windows 11 and, as suspected, I cannot reproduce the issue.

The issue is that the Windows API call FindWindowEx cannot see the MSFS main window, and therefore thinks that MSFS has exited or crashed, and so disconnects.

If anyone is experiencing this issue AFTER re-installing the VC++ 2015, 2017 and 2019 combined package (make sure to uninstall the individual packages first!) [instructions in the README.txt] then please report here, and specify if you have a windows 11 clean install or have done an in-place upgrade. Also, please let me know the hardware/processor you are using, to try and determine what, if anything, is common in the hardware of folks  experiencing this issue.

There is not much else I can do about this issue at the moment. I will add an additional ini parameter to allow this feature (i.e. the check on MSFS availability) to be disabled. With this, FSUIPC should  still close/exit with MSFS when MSFS exits normally, but you will probably need to manually close FSUIPC7 if MSFS CTDs.

However, there could also be other issues that occur when the FindWindowEx call fails, so this may not be a work-around.

Anyway, I'll post a version with this additional ini parameter here in this thread, in a day or two.


P.S. Please also make sure that you are running MSFS and FSUIPC7 at the same permissions level...

Edited by John Dowson
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For those experiencing this issue, please try the attached version. in this version, you can disable the MSFS window monitor so that FSUIPC7 will not automatically disconnect from the FS when it cannot find the MSFS main window, by adding the following line to the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file:
Please report back if this helps or produces other issues.





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