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Dynamic Axis assignment

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2 hours ago, cellular55 said:

For example: is it possible to have an axis assigned to the steering on the ground and to ailerons when airborne?

You'd need to do it via a Lua plug-in.  It would need to be a plug-in running all the time (eg loaded by an [Auto] section entry, then assign using this facility:

LuaValue <plugin name>

to set the ipcPARAM variable to the given parameter, or the axis value when so assigned.

The plugin would use event.param to react to an axis change and call a function which checked on ground or not (an offset) to determine which axis control to use.

The only drawback is that you wouldn't be able to use FSUIPC's calibration.

Simpler really to assign the axis to both controls -- steering does nothing in the air, and ailerons may not do too much damage on the ground. And you'd be able to calibrate them differently -- maybe steering only using a small part of the axis so as not to disturb the ailerons too much.



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6 hours ago, Pete Dowson said:

The only drawback is that you wouldn't be able to use FSUIPC's calibration.

There are offsets that allow you to disconnect the main FSUIPC axis assignments. It should be possible to assign the axis to the aileron control in FSUIPC and then, while on ground, disconnect and redirect it to the STEERING_SET control instead.


function onAileronAxis(_, value)
  ipc.control(STEERING_SET, value)

function disconnectAileronAxis()
  ipc.setbitsUB(0x310A, 2)

function reconnectAileronAxis()
  ipc.clearbitsUB(0x310A, 2)

function onGroundFlag(value)
  local onGround = value == 1
  if onGround then
    event.timer(5000, "disconnectAileronAxis")
    event.offset(0x3328, "SW", "onAileronAxis")

event.offset(0x0366, "UB", "onGroundFlag")


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I think I'm misisng something.

This is what I wrote following @adrem suggestions, but it seems to not properly run:


function onRudderAxis(_, value)
  ipc.control(STEERING_SET, value)

function disconnectRudderAxis()

function reconnectRudderAxis()
  ipc.clearbitsUB(0x310A, 4)

function onGroundFlag(value)
  local onGround = value == 1
  if onGround then
    event.timer(5000, "disconnectRudderAxis")
    event.offset(0x332C, "SW", "onRudderAxis")

event.offset(0x0366, "UB", "onGroundFlag")

Thank and KR


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1 hour ago, cellular55 said:

I think I'm misisng something.

This is what I wrote following @adrem suggestions, but it seems to not properly run:

What is it doing, then? Have you tried the Lua logging option to see what it is doing.

I thought it was Aileron and Steering you wanted to combine on the same axis? If it is just steering and rudder, then why bother? If you assign to both and calibrate both then FSUIPC will gradually change from steering to rudder as the ground speed increases.



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Hi Pete,

yes.. you are right.. I have now assigned rudder and steering to same axis and things are fine.

I was thinking that doing that i could find troubles at high speed during takeoff anf landing, but is not the case

Thanks also to @adrem: for sure I will test that for other stuffs I have in mind.

Thanks again and KR


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