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Profiles not recognized after reinstall

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I was having an issue with P3d4 pausing every couple minutes and read that it could be an issue with FSUIPC. So I uninstalled and reinstalled version 5. I edited the ini to reflect using separate profiles and allowed FSUIPC to build a new folder. I then transferred all my saved profiles into the new profiles folder. In the sim, FSUIPC will not recognize my old profiles. It will make new ones just fine but the old ones are nowhere to be seen. Any advice?


Thank you,

Max Schmelzer

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13 hours ago, mschmelzer said:

I edited the ini to reflect using separate profiles and allowed FSUIPC to build a new folder. I then transferred all my saved profiles into the new profiles folder. In the sim, FSUIPC will not recognize my old profiles. It will make new ones just fine but the old ones are nowhere to be seen. Any advice?

Profiles in a separate Profiles folder still need the entries in the INI which links to them for specific aircraft. Just copying over the folder isn't enough, you needed the entries in the main INI file, so you should have retained your previous INI.



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