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unable to create a Mouse Macro

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I made a Mouse Macro a couple years ago, and now I want to make a Mouse Macro but I do not see  a green or red window as it also mentioned here


and the P3D message  text opton is checked, I use the latest version 6.1.6 of FSUIPC P3D V5, could anyone tell me what I have done wrong here



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On 11/6/2021 at 7:44 AM, johnliem said:

I do not see  a green or red window as it also mentioned here

It is not red or green anymore, but you should see a simconnect text window once you have clicked somewhere. Note that the sim will initially be paused when you exit FSUIPC, so  you first have to un-pause (press the 'P' key). You should then be able to click on the control that you wish to create the mouse macro for, and then see the simconnect text window to name the mouse macro.

I have just checked this in P3D and it seems to be working as expected.


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Thank you , I find out what I have done wrong so I see a simconnect text window once I have clicked somewhere and says Tabs to test otherwise press enter and escape so I go back to FSUIPC and end Macro making, so I go to Buttons & Switches I pressed a button to assign but I could not find the Macro's name I just made on the list? 

I would like to make a macro for locked spot (outside view) just wondering if it is possible via this macro, or is there anyone have any anohter idea how to do this as I want to pan around the aircraft in one click and then pan around with my Hat switch of my joystick instead  of pressed right button and then choose outside and then click on locked spot.

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1 minute ago, johnliem said:

I find out what I have done wrong so I see a simconnect text window once I have clicked somewhere and says Tabs to test otherwise press enter and escape so I go back to FSUIPC and end Macro making,

Once you have clicked somewhere, thats the box you get to name the macro. Did you do this?
Once you haver named it, if you have finished creating mouse macros (it is designed so that you can create multiple mouse macros pers session, in one mouse macro file) you  then go to the assignments dialog to finish the macro creation. Then click the Reload all buttons button, and you should see the macro you created for assignment.

4 minutes ago, johnliem said:

I would like to make a macro for locked spot (outside view) just wondering if it is possible via this macro

That doesn't sound like a good use of a macro....macro's are for activating aircraft controls when no other method (e.g. standard controls or lvars) are available. They cannot be used to control P3D (menu) functions.

I think the standard method to achieve this would be to use the view controls - take a look at those.


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