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Hello Team, hello forum people, 

I am writing to try to understand how to make FSUIPC7 (registered version - simmarket) recognize the periphery in the attached image.

I tried with HidScanner, found the Vendor and Product number and inserted it in the corresponding line in the HidDemo.lua file but without success.

Another problem I have is on the parking brake.
For this I use:
1=PC,8,Cx02000BC8,x8000 -{offset word set, offset 0BC8}-
2=UC,8,Cx02000BC8,x0000 -{offset word set, offset 0BC8}-

It worked very well but, most likely after an update, it started to malfunction, in the sense that once activated this goes off and on continuously. Is there perhaps a value to enter?

Thanks in advance for your answers and your patience with us inexperienced customers


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1 hour ago, Luigi Martinelli said:

I tried with HidScanner, found the Vendor and Product number and inserted it in the corresponding line in the HidDemo.lua file but without success.

Are you sure the lua script was running? Can you set
    Logging = true
in the HidDemo.lua script, set Log -> Log Lua Separately in FSUIPC7, and show me both your FSUIPC7.log and HidDemo.log files, as well as the HidScanner log file.

1 hour ago, Luigi Martinelli said:

Another problem I have is on the parking brake.
For this I use:
1=PC,8,Cx02000BC8,x8000 -{offset word set, offset 0BC8}-
2=UC,8,Cx02000BC8,x0000 -{offset word set, offset 0BC8}-

It worked very well but, most likely after an update, it started to malfunction, in the sense that once activated this goes off and on continuously. Is there perhaps a value to enter?

For this issue, please set logging for Buttons & Keys and Events and generate a short FSUPC7.log file showing your issue, and attach that as well as your FSUIPC7.ini file.


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in fact, I did not find the HidDemo.log file.

I did as you suggested, I attach these files:
log lvars.log
FSUIPC7.1.log (is 7.1.log correct?, I had to zip it)


except HidDemo.log which I can't find

when starting FSUIPC7 I have this message:
Welcome to FSUIPC
847 Lvars loaded, 0 hvars loaded, 10157 presets available

FSUIPC7.1.log.zip log lvars.log FSUIPC7.ini HidScanner.log

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1 hour ago, Luigi Martinelli said:

FSUIPC7.1.log (is 7.1.log correct?, I had to zip it)

No - this file is from 24/03/2023 and from FSUIPC7 version 7.3.19, whereas your FSUIPC7.ini file is from version 7.3.20 (the latest version).
If you cannot see the FSUIPC7.log file, you probably have windows explorer set to hide the extension of known file types.

1 hour ago, Luigi Martinelli said:

except HidDemo.log which I can't find

Then, if you have set the logging as I have asked, then either the extension is hidden, as with the FSUIPC7.log file, or the lua script is not running. How are you starting the HidDemo.lua script? I see no [Auto] section in your FSUIPC7.ini that starts this.

So, please check that the lua script is actually running. Then, once you have confirmed that it is running, please provide the files I asked for with the logging asked for (and no other logging).

For your parking brake issue, please also attach the ini file for the aircraft/profile that you are using, and please keep the test as short as possible, i.e. load your aircraft, press the button to activate the parking brake, then release. Then exit FSUIPC7 and show me the files requested.

Note that you have two issues, and I expect to see two sets of files, one for each issue, as they are not related. In future, please create a separate topic for each issue.

Looking at the in you attached. it looks like you are trying to comment out lines by using the double back-slash '//'. Those characters do NOT designate a comment in an ini file. Use the semicolon ';' instead.

Also, change


1=Leonardo International Flight Training School
2=Leonardo M-346 61mo Stormo
3=Leonardo M-346 61mo Stormo Special Color
4=Leonardo M-346 100000 hours Special Color
5=Leonardo M-346 Reparto Sperimentale di Volo
6=Leonardo M-346FA Factory Livery Camo

1=T-45C Goshawk TW-1

1=IRIS PC-21 - Hurkus-camo
2=IRIS PC-21 - Hurkus-Demo-Team

[Profile.HAWK T1]
1=Just Flight Hawk T1 151 Squadron
2=Just Flight Hawk T1 Indonesian Air Force
3=Just Flight Hawk T1 Royal Saudi Air Force
4=Just Flight Hawk T1 Finnish Air Force
5=Just Flight Hawk T1 ETPS
6=Just Flight Hawk T1 4 CFTS
7=Just Flight Hawk T1 CFS
8=Just Flight Hawk T1 92 Squadron
9=Just Flight Hawk T1 100 Squadron
10=Just Flight Hawk T1 4 FTS



1=Leonardo International Flight Training School
2=Leonardo M-346

1=T-45C Goshawk

1=IRIS PC-21

[Profile.HAWK T1]
1=Just Flight Hawk T1

i.e. use substrings for your aircraft profile names


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Ok, I think I did right now, I attach two zip packages:

HidDEMO problem
with these files inside:
log lvars.log


Parking Brake issue

with 2 subfolders inside and one file
folder M-346
folder MB-339



Parking Brake issue.zip HidDEMO problem.zip

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First, please do not post continuation logs for support, i.e. do NOT use the New Log feature. I always need to see the full log file.

Looking at your log file, you can see:
   751343 LUA: Could not open HID
This is most probably due to the fact that the device is a keyboard device.
Are the keys not recognised by FSUIPC7 in the key assignments panel?
If not, you could try setting
in the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file.  This will tell FSUIPC7 to receive its keyboard input directly from Windows rather than from MSFS. and can help when using additional keyboard controllers. See the Advanced User guide for details.

On 5/27/2023 at 9:00 AM, Luigi Martinelli said:

Another problem I have is on the parking brake.
For this I use:
1=PC,8,Cx02000BC8,x8000 -{offset word set, offset 0BC8}-
2=UC,8,Cx02000BC8,x0000 -{offset word set, offset 0BC8}-

It worked very well but, most likely after an update, it started to malfunction, in the sense that once activated this goes off and on continuously. Is there perhaps a value to enter?

For this issue, your logs show that FSUIPC is behaving as expected. The problem is that FSUIPC is continually seeing button press and release events, and so is acting on these press/release events and setting/clearing the parking brake.

Is the same happening for your other button assignments on your Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant? e.g. what about these assignments:


13=PC,6,K70,10     -{Key press: lctl+F}-
14=UC,6,K82,11     -{Key press: lctl+lshift+R}-

If the same thing is happening with the other buttons, then you need to try and determine what update caused this. Did you install any Saitek drivers or software? If so, try removing that - you should only use the windows default drivers with Saitek controllers if using FSUIPC.
Otherwise, if it is only happening for this button, I suspect that there is a hardware issue with that button...


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Good afternoon,
I was able to make the changes you suggested, but ahimé they didn't solve the problem, the device is not recognized. I will try to read better
the Advanced User guide for details.

For the parking brake problem I didn't install the saitek software,
I didn't assign any keys via the MSFS panel.


Most likely it is as you say, there will be a peripheral HW problem.


Thanks for your patience

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34 minutes ago, Luigi Martinelli said:

I was able to make the changes you suggested, but ahimé they didn't solve the problem, the device is not recognized.

It won't be "recognized" by FSUIPC as a device, as it is a keyboard device. FSUIPC just receives the keyboard input from such devices from windows, and if it is sending keys then they should be picked-up in FSUIPC's keyboard assignment panel.

Is this device actually sending any keys? Is there some configuration software that you use to determine what keys this is sending? If you open another app (e.g. notepad or notepad++) does that receive input/key strokes from this devices?

39 minutes ago, Luigi Martinelli said:

Most likely it is as you say, there will be a peripheral HW problem.

Did you check the other button assignment (as I mentioned) on this device? If that has the same problem, it will be a problem with the device. If not, it will be an issue only with that button,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi John

...sorry if I answer just now,

yes there is software that allows me to program the mini keyboard.
See figure software_screen.png
I programmed it with a series of keys, see figure Programming_screen.png

it's just that it's very limited, having to go through MSFS commands.

As for the problem with the parking brake and the other assignments (see the assignments.png file),

I don't remember very well... but at this point I reset everything and start over.





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On 6/17/2023 at 7:36 PM, Luigi Martinelli said:

I programmed it with a series of keys, see figure Programming_screen.png

it's just that it's very limited, having to go through MSFS commands.

But are the keys that this device is sending recognised by FSUIPC in the key assignment panel, either with or without using the keyboard global hook? As I have said, keyboard devices are NOT recognised as hid devices, but the keys should be recognised.

On 6/17/2023 at 7:36 PM, Luigi Martinelli said:

As for the problem with the parking brake and the other assignments (see the assignments.png file),

I don't remember very well... but at this point I reset everything and start over.

Not sure why you attached that...I have already advised what to try for this to determine what the issue is...


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