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Two questions


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Lua Log Entries - is there documentation of the Lua log entries, including Lua errors. I so, please describe where they may be.

Simvar Tool - Do you use a tool to discover/analyze MSFS Simvars and/or controls? If so which one and can we download it?


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12 hours ago, DrDave- said:

Lua Log Entries - is there documentation of the Lua log entries, including Lua errors. I so, please describe where they may be.

What do you mean by 'Lua Log Entries'? You can see the lua documentation provided in your documents folder:
    FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins
    FSUIPC Lua Library
    Lua Plugins for VRInsight Devices
    Lua License
Example are also provided in the Example LUA plugins.zip file and are described in the Lua Plug-Ins document.
For any other lua documentation you require, see the official lua documentation: https://www.lua.org/docs.html


12 hours ago, DrDave- said:

Simvar Tool - Do you use a tool to discover/analyze MSFS Simvars and/or controls? If so which one and can we download it?

No. For simvars (A-type variables) and controls (actually called events in MSFS and also accessible as k-type variables), see the MSFS SDK Documentation: https://docs.flightsimulator.com/html/Programming_Tools/SimVars/Simulation_Variables.htm
For other variable types (l:vars, h:vars, b:vars, etc), you can use the Dev tools provided by MSFS to inspect the code of the current aircraft. For example, see the following article on how to use these dev tools to discover input events: https://www.badcasserole.com/uncovering-input-events-using-the-msfs2020-model-behavior-dialog/


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18 hours ago, DrDave- said:

Simvar Tool - Do you use a tool to discover/analyze MSFS Simvars and/or controls? If so which one and can we download it?

There is a Simvar Watcher tool provided by Asobo that looks like this.  See https://docs.flightsimulator.com/html/Samples_And_Tutorials/Samples/VisualStudio/SimvarWatcher.htm and the zip file below.





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7 hours ago, ark1320 said:

There is a Simvar Watcher tool provided by Asobo that looks like this.  See https://docs.flightsimulator.com/html/Samples_And_Tutorials/Samples/VisualStudio/SimvarWatcher.htm and the zip file below




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13 hours ago, John Dowson said:

What do you mean by 'Lua Log Entries'? You can see the lua documentation provided in your documents folder:
    FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins
    FSUIPC Lua Library
    Lua Plugins for VRInsight Devices
    Lua License
Example are also provided in the Example LUA plugins.zip file and are described in the Lua Plug-Ins document.
For any other lua documentation you require, see the official lua documentation: https://www.lua.org/docs.html


No. For simvars (A-type variables) and controls (actually called events in MSFS and also accessible as k-type variables), see the MSFS SDK Documentation: https://docs.flightsimulator.com/html/Programming_Tools/SimVars/Simulation_Variables.htm


Sorry, but you must think we are all dummies. I already know much of what you mentioned above.

I'm trying to find out where documentation on items in the file FSUIPC7.log that are entries from the choice to log Lua. I can figure out what is happening in the entries below except the number on the end of the line. Is there anywhere these types of entries are discussed? I was asking above is there documentation? 

    63891 LUA.2: C:\FSUIPC7\A-B-Buttons.lua:6
    63907 LUA.1: C:\FSUIPC7\Sayo-12Keys.lua:8
    63907 LUA.2: C:\FSUIPC7\A-B-Buttons.lua:25
    63922 LUA.2: C:\FSUIPC7\A-B-Buttons.lua:21

Thanks for another's input to me of SimvarWatcher. As you are the expert in using the MSFS SimConnect and the SDK Variables and Events, I was asking if you knew of a tool that may not be obvious to the general public that can inspect an MSFS aircraft. The problem with SimvarWatcher is that you have to know the variable or event you want to watch.


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8 hours ago, DrDave- said:

I can figure out what is happening in the entries below except the number on the end of the line

That is the line number of the lua script that prompts the message. To see how the debug output is generated, take a look at the ipcDebug.lua script in the provided examples.

8 hours ago, DrDave- said:

As you are the expert in using the MSFS SimConnect and the SDK Variables and Events, I was asking if you knew of a tool that may not be obvious to the general public that can inspect an MSFS aircraft.

There are just the dev tools (available when in devmode) provided by Asobo, which I use but very rarely. I rely in the MSF SDK.
The dev tools can be useful to determine the code that  a UI element (such as a switch or button) uses so that you can replicate the action via a controller, but this would be the last method to try.  I do help out with this sort if thing, but its really out-of-scope of what FSUIPC provides. 


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