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Show on screen the view of a specific AI Aircraft

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4 hours ago, cellular55 said:

is there a way to switch (for example through a button) in P3D the view on  the screen of a specific AI aircraft knowing  its tail number?

No easy way that I know of. I am not sure if the position (lat, long, altitude) of AI traffic is available. If so, you could possibly do something by using the SimConnect_CameraSetRelative6DOF function to manipulate the current camera, available via offset 0x86A0, but I would have little idea on how to go about this without looking into this. And, as I said, you would need to determine the aircraft position first, and also probably the direction of travel so that you could determine the position to place the camera. All very complicated...



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HI John,

thanks for the reply.

For AI lat, lon and altitude should be possible to use the data in TCAS table (E080)?

Fo sure I was hoping that there was something able to automatically manage the AI view in the P3D view menu where all AI aircrafts are listed with their own tail number.



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6 minutes ago, cellular55 said:

For AI lat, lon and altitude should be possible to use the data in TCAS table (E080)?

Yes you can, also the heading is there. But that is ground traffic, you would also need to use the airborne offsets starting at 0xF000.

8 minutes ago, cellular55 said:

Fo sure I was hoping that there was something able to automatically manage the AI view in the P3D view menu where all AI aircrafts are listed with their own tail number.

Then that would be a P3D function....


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thanks for the reply.

Another question please: i'm trying to read the tail number of Ai aircrafts at offsets F096 (for airbone) and E096 (for ground), but I always get airliner and flight number.

I have tried to set 0 at offset E6A to get the tail number, but without effect.

How can I solve the problem?

Thanks an KR



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1 hour ago, cellular55 said:

Another question please: i'm trying to read the tail number of Ai aircrafts at offsets F096 (for airbone) and E096 (for ground), but I always get airliner and flight number.

As the documentation states:


22 char idATC[15] Zero terminated string identifying the aircraft. By default this is the Airline & Flt No., or Tail no.

So the offset you are reading hold the ATC id, which seem to be the Airline + Flight number, not the tail number. To get the tail number, you have to change the options, which for airborne traffic are at F068:


The 8 bytes at offset F068 contain the current option settings for Airborne aircraft. They are used as follows:
Byte 0 Range in nm (0 = unlimited). Default is 40nm.
Byte 1 Not used.
Byte 2 The TCASid option setting, thus:
    0 = Tail number
    1 = Airline + Flight number
    2 = Type
    3 = Title
    4 = Type + last 3 digits or tail number
    5 = Model
Byte 3 Not used
Bytes 4–7 Reserved.

Alternatively, you can set the TCASid ini parameter:

See the Advanced User guide on this ini parameter.


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Hi John,

I'm developing an airport timeboard using the offsets of AI Traffic tables and I'm facing a strange issue:

I'm not able to get the LANDED status (143).

In fact when there is an aircraft LANDING (status142), after the landing (when it is on ground) I have its tail number in both tables (airborne and ground), but with status different than 143 (status for LANDED) and, by the way, I should have it only in the Ai ground table and no more as airborne.

Any idea about how I could solve that or what I am eventually doing wrong?

Thanks and KR




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12 hours ago, cellular55 said:

Any idea about how I could solve that or what I am eventually doing wrong?

Not really.... I don't have time to check the AI tables (yet again...) at the moment. I can take a look in the new year, For now, you can try logging AI data to see if that helps you. Add the following to the [General] section of your FSUIPC ini file:

You can also try the TrafficLook program, which should should be similar to what you are developing, available from 

You can also search this forum for other issues reported on the AI traffic tables, maybe they will help.

What version of P3D / FSUIPC are you using?


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I think that the problem is due to the fact that when an aircraft was originally on the ground when  becomes airborne, it is not deleted from the ground table and results duplicated in both Ai tables. 

Same thing for the airborne when landed (it appears in both AI tables).

How is it possible to reset the slots of tables?

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4 hours ago, cellular55 said:

I think that the problem is due to the fact that when an aircraft was originally on the ground when  becomes airborne, it is not deleted from the ground table and results duplicated in both Ai tables. 

Same thing for the airborne when landed (it appears in both AI tables).

These tables have been showing the correct information for 15+ years. The logic that populates the tables is not a problem, at least with P3Dv1-5. I have not checked for any changes in AI data for v6.

Maybe there have been some changes since the P3Dv6 release, I do not know. I need time to investigate this, which I do not have until January now, at the earliest.

4 hours ago, cellular55 said:

How is it possible to reset the slots of tables?

It is not possible. Please give me time to look into this. i will respond again when I have time to investigate, and not before.

Please be patient.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi @cellular55. Sorry for the delay in looking into this. I will look now over the next few days.

On 12/13/2023 at 9:16 PM, cellular55 said:

I'm not able to get the LANDED status (143).

In fact when there is an aircraft LANDING (status142), after the landing (when it is on ground) I have its tail number in both tables (airborne and ground), but with status different than 143 (status for LANDED) and, by the way, I should have it only in the Ai ground table and no more as airborne.

But there is no LANDED status for AI traffic - where do you get this from? This is the list of AI Traffic State strings, which iis what FSUIPC uses, from the SDK documentation:

AI TRAFFIC STATE English string describing an AI object's state.  If the object is an aircraft under ATC control the string will be one of:
"flt plan"
"preflight support"
"push back 1"
"push back 2"
"pre taxi out"
"taxi out"
"takeoff 1"
"takeoff 2"
"T&G depart"
"go around"
"taxi in"
"postflight support"

If the AI object is not an aircraft under ATC control, the string is one of:


FSUIPC uses the SIM ON GROUND flag to determine if the AI aircraft is airborne or on the ground,

Anyway, I will do some testing here now and get back to you.


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Just looked at the traffic tables using TrafficLook while sitting on the tarmac at EGLL. The airborne-to-ground transition looks to be fine - I see the aircraft in the airborne view going from Enroute, runway assigned, and then at around 10nm the status changes to Landing, It then either goes to GoAround or is removed from the airborne table and added to the ground table still with status Landing, this soon changes to Rollout and then Taxi-in. So the tables seem to be holding the correct data.

Can you maybe try using the TrafficLook client. It only shows one view at a time (Ground or Airborne), but you can run two copies to show both at the same time. If you see the same aircraft in both tables, take a screenshot and show that to me please.


Later: after a couple of hours monitoring the AI traffic, I see all aircraft removed from the airborne tables when landed, and I then see them in the ground tables if in distance, so I can't see any issues.....

Edited by John Dowson
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