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comment impossible in profile


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Hello, I know I have asked this often, would it be possible to put comments in the profile put one; at the end of the line is useless they are automatically deleted, and putting comments by putting unique numbers at the start of the line is tedious, especially when you have a hundred lines and you have to add a comment and redo all the numbering line by line I gave up. It would be really useful to be able to post comments easily. Thank you for your understanding.

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On 5/11/2024 at 4:44 PM, target11 said:

Hello, I know I have asked this often

Have you? Then I must have answered often, so why ask again?

On 5/11/2024 at 4:44 PM, target11 said:

would it be possible to put comments in the profile put one; at the end of the line is useless they are automatically deleted,

This depends on the section., You can certainly add comments to button and key assignments and they are not deleted. I think I recently allowed comments in the [Auto] section see 

I am not sure about other sections - which sections are you referring to?

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49 minutes ago, target11 said:

in fsuipc.ini (version 7.4.11) I see an [AutoSave] section but no [Save] section or should it be added?

No - there is no such section, and no need for such a section

41 minutes ago, target11 said:

and then in a profile file for example
0=PC,8,K118,8 -{Key press: F7}- ;flaps
  ;flaps when starting fsuipc fades

The documentation on comments in the buttons section states (from Advanced User guide):


You can add comments following a semicolon (;) at the end of the line, and these will be retained. You can also insert lines containing only comments, but they need an <Entry number> too, otherwise they may not retain their relative position. Comments can contain up to 63 characters—longer ones will be truncated if and when the [Buttons] section is re-written by FSUIPC.

So that line comment may be moved - and also comments should go before the annotations added by FSUIPC. So use either


0=PC,8,K118,8 ;flaps  -{Key press: F7}-
1=; flaps when starting fsuipc fades

or (better, IMHO)


0=PC,8,K118,8 ;flaps when starting fsuipc fades -{Key press: F7}-

Note that ini files are a windows construct that FSUIPC uses (FSUIPC adds the indexing),  and the # symbol is also indicates a comment line, and it looks like this holds position, so also maybe try:


0=PC,8,K118,8 ;flaps -{Key press: F7}-
 # flaps when starting fsuipc fades

For example, these comments are kept:


# a section comment
1=PT,11,C65758,0 ; flaps inc     -{FLAPS_INCR}-
2=; line comment with index number
# comment after indexed comment
3=PT,12,C65759,0     -{FLAPS_DECR}-
# comment after 3

See https://www.w3schools.io/file/ini-comments-syntax/.

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An exclamation point at the start of a line also works to indicate a FSUIPC7.ini file comment, for example:

! PY,1,C66289,0     -{SYNC_FLIGHT_DIRECTOR_PITCH}-  no longer used

 I have been using the ! to comment FSUIPC.ini files for years, but now can't find a reference to it, and don't know where I first saw this.  🤔 

The # stands out better than the ! so maybe I will replace all the ! with # to comment out whole lines, and use the  ;  just for inline comments as I do now.

Thanks for the info, John.


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4 hours ago, ark1320 said:

 I have been using the ! to comment FSUIPC.ini files for years, but now can't find a reference to it, and don't know where I first saw this.  🤔 

Thats very strange, but interesting...I have no idea why that works...!


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