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FSUIPC grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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I have a problem with FSUIPC and I'm afraid that it IS your fault and no one else's, so stand up and take it like a man!

Your Honour.......... this man stand's accused of providing a module that has never, in the years that I have used it, failed. He is also accused of improving a "professional" company's product, to provide better use of its ability. Therefore, your honour, I recommend the highest sentance possible. :roll:

The accused will stand. You have been found guilty on two counts of "Flight Simulator" improvements. I have never known anyone who could, in a cold and calculated manner, make improvements to a program as you have done. Therefore, I have have no option but to impose the highest sentence possible. You will be taken from this court and..........be made president of the USA...........opps wrong case. You will be taken from this court and be give the biggest pat on the back. Case dismissed. :P

Hi Pete. I noticed that most people only contact you if they have a problem, so hear's one to say thanks for your work. I know you had an award, but I'm just a simple user of your program, so I thought I'd say thanks. :D :D :D :D :D

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Yeah. Just because we are quiet doesnt mean we are not happy about FSUIPC and enjoying it 8)

So let me count in with the big thanks. It was a tough spot when a freeware thing became non-free, but then again, if something is worth its price it's FSUIPC. And it's not my free time that is going in the development but someone else's.

We'd have just a flight simulator game without it. With FSUIPC there's a whole huge culture around it - self-made and commercial add-on hardware, software and aircraft and such. It's such an amazing thing once you take a step back and look around a bit. There's so much stuff going on, and FSUIPC is the glue that sticks all that together.


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Pete m8, thats it, you must run for govenership of a state, any state, take you pick.

[And indeed, without Pete, a lot of guys wouldn't even have their current dayjobs. (including me)]

Thats more than real polititions do, and you ain't even trying. I'm impressed, :D

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