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  1. John, would you possibly mind to check the MAP menu instead of PLAN? We still compile E-Jets with 4.4 SDK for compatibility reasons, but I've just checked it in 4.5 and 5.0 and it's there. TCAS menu item was removed from PLAN because of testers feedback (I don't remember exact explanation) but it's still here in MAP menu. See my pictures attached. Hope it helps.
  2. Nope, on ground even if it's on, it gets switched into Forced Standby mode in order to protect people around from radar beam. It's a bug if it does.
  3. Yes, it's working correct. We use data from ActiveSky and at the resolution is 1/4 nm per "pixel", that's why it does look ugly at lower ranges
  4. Thanks for reporting, fixed for the upcoming SP
  5. Selected to fix in SP
  6. I will check it. It's strange as I have it installed into Add-on folder. Possibly it's another installer glitch I've attached the file, would you try to put it into C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FeelThere EJets folder and report it back please? Just checked, 170/190 package really doesn't install add-on.xml file. 175/195 is fine. add-on.xml
  7. CustomDB folder was indeed missed in installer, my bad. It will be fixed. Flight plan format is the same and old plans can be reused in this add-on.
  8. Hi Roland There is no place from which you can extract internal data as they are well blackboxed unfortunately. Back in fs9/fsx days I created extra module for another plane, allowing extracting internal data, "click" buttons, virtually everything, allowing to transfer them further into FSUIPC or any other addon but there was very little interest. Cockpit builders support is more business than technical thing, and it's out of my hands.
  9. We don't interact with FSUIPC and don't have easily extractable internal variables so it will be difficult to integrate with cockpits without C programming.
  10. Thank you for the update. Glad that it works now.
  11. Hi Jim I have installed P3D 4.3 and unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce it. But my installation is 100% clean without 3rd party addons, so I suspect there is some sort of incompatibility between them. May I ask you to post here your c:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\dll.xml file? You can try to disable Feelthere modules in this file. It contains sections like this one: <Launch.Addon> <Name>FeelThere ERJ P3Dv4 Helper</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Path>FeelThere\ERJ\E145XH.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> Change <Disabled>False</Disabled> to <Disabled>True</Disabled>, save it and restart the sim. With such change you lose HUD in mini-panel but at least ERJ won't be able to affect other planes. Please try it and let me know. I am going to upgrade panel to 4.3 SDK and it would be nice to test it on your system, if you're ok with it. Hope it helps, Alex
  12. Hi Jim I will try to reproduce, that's definitely wierd behavior. Did it affect default planes too if you have tried?
  13. P3D 4.3? This might me the issue. Is it the same with ERJ-135 in the bundle? Update has the same size because the changes were very small and it's cumulative update. I still have 4.2, will update and check.
  14. Thank you. Other planes use the same gau file so you can just copy it to 145LR and 135
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