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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. The preset is only listed for the dev version (see https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/), so yes, switch to the dev version and try with that,,, John
  2. What version of the A320 are you using? That preset is listed for the A320-Dev version only... John
  3. I cannot see any preset being logged there - as the documentation states: Also, most presets to not include spaces (but some do!) - they use underscores '_'. These are replaced by spaces to display in the FSUIPC drop-down menus. So, this one: 208594 LUA.3: WT CJ4 AP ALT VAR DEC should be P:WT_CJ4_AP_ALT_VAR_DEC You can see the correct preset name in the events.txt file (or look in the MF Hun Hop site). John
  4. This is not necessarily the case. Please follow the provided instructions and install the latest COMBINED redistibutable packages, as documented. John
  5. As I said yesterday morning: John
  6. I am sorry you feel that way, but I don't understand why you say this. Do you think I should accept any question in any post and in any sub-forum? The forums are not only for asking questions, but also a repository of previous questions people have asked to together, hopefully, with the resolution of the issue. This can then be used by others who encounter a similar issue, and if a post is properly titled and in the correct sub-forum then this can be found more easily... I am spending almost all of my time on support these days, and around 70% of support requests have been asked before - and usually not just once but many times. The more I can reduce support, the more time I can spend on improving the software - and documentation. Maybe even one day I will get time for some recreational flying - it seems that I only fly these days fir testing or support issues.... I am (always!) trying to reduce the time I spend on support but this seems impossible - it seems that hardly anyone consults the documentation before posting, and even fewer people search the forum for similar issues. All I am trying to do is to help people to use the provided resources how they are intended to be used, and for the good of all. I do not mean to give offense or to be rude. And I can appreciate that new users to FSUIPC and to the FSUIPC forums sometimes (mostly!) don't understand how the forums work, and so I have to continually explain this to newcomers. But I do not expect to have to do this to people who have used the forum many times before.... There is also a sticky-topic in the main forum called READ BEFORE POSTING FSUIPC PROBLEM REPORT, not that anybody reads that either.... John
  7. License is per user, so no need to buy twice. John
  8. I'm away in 10 mins for the weekend - I will update the license on Monday morning... Also see the section on handling VRInsight devices in FSUIPC in the Advanced User guide, and also the separate document on lua plug-ins for such devices. You may not need LINDA, but maybe easier if it has an existing profile you can use. John
  9. Are you using FSUIPC in a commercial and/or multi-user environment? The FSUIPC license is for a single user only (multiple installations allowed). For all other license requirements, you need to contact me to discuss requirements. I would suspect so...FSUIPC is meant to be installed for a single user. Please clarify how you are using FSUIPC and P3D - and what type of P3D license you have (is it a commercial license)? Probably better to discuss this via PM/DM. John
  10. Of course this is the wrong place - what does your question have to do with the PMDG 737 Leds for A/P P/RST, A/T P/RST, FMC P/RST, that this topic is about? I am not going to answer your question here (or even read it fully). Please find a relevant topic, and if you cannot find one then create a new topic with a relevant title. I will delete your comment (and my response) from this topic in a few days. You have over 44 posts already and so you should really know how and where to post by now.... Note also I am away this weekend, so will not be responding now until Monday. John
  11. Your registration key is the one in the SimMarket email, and also available from your SimMarket account. All three fields of the registration details (name, address, key) must exactly match the ones specified in your purchase email and SimMarket account - best to copy and paste your details. If you have entered the details correctly, then it could be that your VC++ redistibutables need updating. You can download the latest combined redistributable package from the following site: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-US/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist It is recommended to uninstall any of the 2015, 2017, 2019 or 2022 VC++ redistubutables that you already have installed (using the Windows App management panel), and download and install/run both the x86 and x64 packages from that link. John
  12. Just looked at your log file. Brake controls/events are logged as this is what FSUIPC is seeing - doesn't mean that they are assigned in FSUIPC. Every event that is used/seen by simconnect is logged, depending on the logging you have activated in FSUIPC. As you have logging for Axes Controls activated, that is what is logged. If you are trying to determine the events for buttons and switches, you should turn off/uncheck logging for Axes Controls, and set/check logging for Events. Your log also shows no presets loaded: Did you delete or not install the events.txt file? This is the file that holds the MF presets. You can either download it from https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/ using the Export Presets button (you need to create an account, if you don't already have one, and login to be able to do this). Alternatively, re-install FSUIPC7 with the events.txt file. John Later: you can use the attached one - save it to your FSUIPC7 installation folder and restart FSUIPC7 and you should see 9509 presets: events.txt
  13. Of what? What have brakes got to do with this? Can you please explain what your issue is if you would like me to assist you... John
  14. Did you try the preset I mentioned, or is that for something else? Did you not see anything in the logging console when you set the started in the virtual cockpit? You should ay least get familiar with logging to determine controls/events used, and how to search for and use presets. Both of these things are (or should be!) quite easy to use... But there is also no problem mixing assignments between MSFS and FSUIPC7. Use wharever works.
  15. The FSUIPC7.log is created each time you run FSUIPC7, so no point saving that. If you are using on a different machine or on an update machine, then the GUID's of your devices could have changed and you will need to manually update your FSUIPC7.ini to handle this. Can you please show me your FSUIPC7.ini after it has been updated and your latest FSUIPC7.log file.
  16. Your log shows that 9 Go Flight devices were detected, including the TQ6: However, there is something strange going on with the registry, as the TQ6 is being allocated a joystick id of 1, which is also allocated to a Gamepad F310, which itself is initially identified as an Xbox 360 controller. Do you have a xbox 360 or a gamepad F310 controller? Could you also please show me your FSUIPC7.ini - we can first try changing the id's there, bur if that doesn't work we will need to clean your registry. A couple of other things: - you are using version 7.3.15. The latest version is 7.3.16 - please update - please always exit FSUIPC7 before attaching a log or ini file. Thanks, John
  17. Then show me/attach your FSUIPC7.log file. Finishing now for the evening...check the driver is loaded and see if your device is detected... It works the same way with MSFS and FSUIPC7 as with P3Dv4 and FSUIPC5/6....
  18. It goes in the FSUIPC installation folder. If you don't know where that is, use the File -> Open Installation folder option in FSUIPC7. Once it is installed, restart FSUIPC7 to get it loaded. Why? Remove it from there. No, doesn't help - you need to install the driver. John
  19. Have you installed the GF driver? If not, download the 64-bit driver/dll from http://fsuipc.com/ and try again. John
  20. You don't need to use conditional programming for this (and there is no such thing as conditional programming for axes anyway) - you can just overload your assignments, i.e. have multiple assignments for the same axis. Even though the multiple assignments are sent, only the ones appropriate to the current view mode will be acted upon. Note also that you cannot control any camera in MSFS using the standard controls/events. You have to assign to the keypress which is assigned to the camera control in MSFS. I recently showed how to do this for the external camera on an axis in another post - showcase/drone should be similar. But if it works perfectly in MSFS, why nor just leave the assignments there? FYI, the current camera state is held in offset 0x026D, which will change depending on the view mode.
  21. You should also try the standard method to determine what control to use: activate logging for Events, open the logging console window (Log->Open Console), set the starter in the VC and see what control/event (if anything) and parameter are logged, and if so, try using that. For the B-47 G, there is also a preset available: Starter Collective Switch (Starter Switch On Collective Lever) - although maybe that is different, I am not familiar with helicopter controls. Generally, to determine what to use for controlling any switch or control, you should, in the following order): 1. Use logging first, and if anything logged, try that. 2. Check any SDK/ custom controls available for the aircraft (third party) 3. Check if any MF presets are available (see https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/) - these are available for assignment by checking the Select for preset box 4. List the lvars and see if any look appropriate, then try using them using the Add-ons->WASM->Set Lvar menu option. If that works, you can then use that (see the Advanced User guide on how to use lvars).
  22. Which aircraft are you using? No - in the SDK, the key event for this is defined as (in gauges.h): #define KEY_SET_STARTER1_HELD (KEY_ID_MIN + 1471) and an error would be reported if "SET_STARTER1_HELD" was not a valid key string. Some events work when assigned in MSFS but not when used via the SDK, and this can be aircraft dependent. So, let me know which aircraft you are using and I can check - if I have the a/c. You could also try the Magneto controls to see if they work. John
  23. Could you also try updating windows - your CoreMessaging.dll version (where the crash is) is 10.0.19041.867, quite a but older than the one I have (10.0.19041.2193). If you get the same issue after that, please show me those files as well as the crash/error event. Thanks.
  24. I guess you can do that - but you may have difficulties setting up reverse... Would be better to remove the scaling, go into the flypad and configure the throttle axis for no reverse : Settings -> Sim Options -> Throttle Detents, uncheck 'Reverse on Axis' and then 'Save and Apply'. John
  25. I have replaced / regenerated the previous installer zip file: http://www.fsuipc.com/download/Install_FSUIPC6a.zip Sorry about this - not sure why this is happening.... John
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