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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. When you list lvars via the WASM menu option, an automatic reload is first performed, which will reload all lvars and hvars. The problem will be that the lvar was not discovered (and hence not available) when the lvar list was sent from the WASM to FSUIPC7. By default, the lvar scan is performed 5 seconds after aircraft load has completed. but it can take a minute or longer for lvars to become available in more complex aircraft. You can change this by setting the LvarScanDelay ini parameterin the WASM - see the Advanced User guide for details. I use a value of 45sm which although doesn't give me all the lvars for some of the more complex airliners (e.g. FBW A320), it gives me all those that I use. Alternatively, you can switch from using the lua lvar functions to using calculator code to set the lvars. Setting an lvar via calculator code does not require the lvar to be know to FSUIPC. Also, rather than lua, you can use a calculator code preset and assign to that directly. There is probably already a (MobuFlight) preset available for the lights - check the MobiFlight preset list (https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/). John
  2. You can also use P2ATC on a second computer with FSUIPC7 installed on the 2nd computer, without the need for WideClient. See FSUIPC7 must be registered (i.e. licensed) to do this. A trial license is available in a sticky post at the top of this forum if you would like to try it. John
  3. You still have two sections for [LuaFiles] & [WideServer] - please remove one of each so that each section name appears only once. Ok, but I do not see an assignment to that control - you still seem to be using 65752 (PARKING_BRAKES). Change to use the PMDG custom control, and make sure that you are using the correct parameter for the custom control. And as I said, please also attach your FSUIPC6.log file with appropriate logging enabled. Also try activating the Parking Brakes from the UI to see what is logged when you do that (if you keep the logging console open you should see what is logged when you set/release the parking brakes). John
  4. First, the latest version of FSUIPC6 is 6.1.8 - you are using 6.1.7, so please update - only the latest version is supported. Second, but nothing to do with your issue, you have multiple ini sections for [Sounds], [WideServer], [GPSout], [GPSout2], [AutoSave], [Buttons] and [Axes]. Please remove the duplicated sections, leaving just one of each. Please also turn on AutoAssignLetters in your [JoyNames] section, i.e. AutoAssignLetters=Yes This will prevent possible issues caused if your joystick ids change, and make it easier to recover settings if the devices GUIDs change. And is there any reason why you have turned ini file annotations off? I know you have added your own comments, but you can still do thus with annotations turned on. The ini file is a lot easier for me to understand with the FSUIPC annotations. As for your actual issue, I'm sorry but I don't really understand what you are saying... What does this mean? What "shows"? Why are you giving me event ids? The control/event names are far easier to understand: 65752 = PARKING_BRAKES 70325 = ? what us this - a custom control? The only assignment I see to any of this controls is: 523=P3,0,C65752,536870912 ; -PARK BRAKE LEVER- You don't need a parameter P3D for the Parking Brakes control - it is a toggle control so no parameter needed. You also don't say which aircraft you are using. If its the PMDG 737, check you are using the correct custom control and the correct parameter. Please see this guide: Also, as PMDG has its own custom controls which are not valid for any other aircraft, that aircraft should really have its own profile (i.e. take out the (Freja Viking) Winglets 737 to a separate profile). Also, you should use substrings for profile matching to catch all variants, so change your [Profile.B737] section to the following: (N.B. that still includes the none-PMDG Boeing which should really have its own profile). If you are still having issues, can you please show me the updated ini, together with a log file generated showing your issue (i.e. with logging activated for Buttons & Keys as well as Events), together with a description of what you did and see. John
  5. Why do you say this? You reported an issue and I responded. You ignored my response and created a new topic with the same issue again. I therefore closed the new issue you created and asked you to use this topic if you had further issues, which you have now done. If the license is valid on your, it should be the same on the second computer. Are you sure that you are entering the details exactly as you did on the 1sr computer? Try copying your FSUIPC7.key file across from your 1st computer's FSUIPC7 installation folder to the 2nd computer's FSUIPC7 installation folder. Then run FSUIPC7 to see if it is running as a registered version (check you have the Assignments menu). You can also re-run the installer - the details in the key file will populate the registration page where you can validate - does it validate there? Do you have MSFS installed on your 2nd computer?
  6. You should create a new profile, not clear the default profiles. If you create a new profile for each device it will be empty (by default), and if set for your devices/controllers it should load again the next time you restart MSFS. John
  7. Why are you creating a new topic when you have already created a topic for this issue to which I have already replied? Please use the other topic: John
  8. Try temporarily renaming that and let FSX built a new one, and see then if you get a CTD...
  9. I am not holding out much hope... Did you actually do a full re-installation of FSX or just copy exes and dlls from your backup, as you say in the other post? I ask as it does look like this is related to your FSX installation... John
  10. After you have checked/re-installed the VC++ redistributables, if you still get the CTD, can you try with the attached dll please: FSUIPC4.dll John
  11. Btw, did you actually do a full re-install? Reading your other post, it seems that you were copying the EXE and DLL files from your back-up rather than doing a full re-installation.
  12. Ok. forget the above...I just found your previous post with the same problem: You should have continued in that topic rather than starting a new one.... What vc++ redistributables do you have installed? Maybe try uninstalling any of the following if installed: 2015, 2017, 2019 & 2022. Then install the latest combined package from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170. John
  13. Maybe, if it is a HID type device. You can try the included HidDemo.lua to see if the device is recognised, or try the HidScanner program first to see if that recognises the device and the button/switch changes (available from ) John
  14. I think SP2 and the Acceleration pack are different, but the Acceleration pack includes SP2 (i.e. you don't need to install SP2 if you install the Acceleration pack). What SDKs did you install? You also need to install (in the following order): - FSX SDK 1 - FSX SDK SP1a - then the FSX SDK XPack off of FSX Acceleration. What changed from working fine to the CTDs started? How come you have only just reported if this started a year ago? John
  15. To delete key assignments, use the right-hand side of the key assignments panel, where it says 'Review or delete settings here'. Also check you don't also have the assignment in a profile for the aircraft being used, if using profiles. You could always read the user manual...! John
  16. No. FSUIPC4 has been closed for development for several years... There is nothing in the ini file that would cause a CTD. This is normal. Windows 11 is still windows 10 in the windows registry, the source of this information. Are you sure you have installed SP1 and SP2 when you re-installed FSX? Your version is reported as: fsx.exe version = 10.0.61637.0 However, I see: fsx.exe version = 10.0.62615.0 ? Can you run FSX without FSUIPC? If you haven't tried that, please do - just temporarily rename your FSUIPC4.dll to FSUIPC4.dll.unused (for example) so that it is not loaded. If it runs without FSUIPC, and you are running with SP1 and SP2 (the version numbers may be different if not using steam, I'm not sure...) then we can add more logging to try and get more info... John
  17. I have PM'ed you a full complimentary license. John
  18. Only the first post by a user requires moderator approval. I see no post of yours in that thread. The user in that thread is also using the Aerosoft A320, so it may not work with the ProSim 738. You can try posting again, and you can also notify the user by using the @<username> notation. John
  19. Yes (it is a wrong assumption)... I don't know what your SIOC SC-Pascal software does, but I presume its more like a driver and is specific to your hardware device. LINDA is an interface built on top of lua to make lua assignments easier (well, that is an over-simplification - see the LINDA documentation and web-forums for better description). I presume you will need the SIOC software even if you decide to use LINDA, but I don't really know - these are questions for your hardware provider/manufacturer. I can't really help you with hardware I don't have and know nothing about. Ok. I will post one here for you to try later today... John
  20. If the manufacturer provides a SIOC, then this is what you be using. However, I cannot help you with this - you need support from the manufacturer. The pascal SIOC does not replace lua. You probably don't need a registered version of FSUIPC if using the SIOC, but the SIOC documentation should tell you if you need FSUIPC, and if that needs to be registered or not - I really can't advise. This old post is from a user also using FSUIPC with hispapanels and a PMDG aircraft - reading this it looks like they were using a registered version for assignments: I can provide you with a time-limited trial license for FSUIPC4 if you would like to try the registered facilities. Ok. But there are also cards for using MobiFlight with Hispapanels - see https://hispapanels.com/tienda/en/105-mobiflight John
  21. This post is quite old now... If FSUIPC7 is not starting with MSFS, please follow the instructions provided in the included README.txt: If that doesn't solve your issue, show me your InstallFSUIPC7.log file and also your EXE.xml file (whose location can be found in the InstallFSUIPC7.log file). John
  22. Are you even using WideFS? If so, I doubt very much this has do do with FSX crashing... This is usually due to a corrupt weather file. Try disabling weather by setting NoWeatherAtAll=Yes to the [General] section of your FSUIPC4.INI file. If this solves it then either your wxstationlist.bin file is corrupt, or one of the .wx files saved with scenarios is bad. To resolve this, delete all of the .WX files from your FS Documents folder (where your flights are stored), and the file "wxstationlist.bin" in your <user>\AppData\Roaming folder for FSX. John
  23. FSUIPC6 us an embedded dlll, so if you start P3D as admin, then FSUIPC6 will be loaded with admin privileges. John
  24. @Framac Please try the attached version where the lvar/hvar display window has been re-activated. John FSUIPC7.exe
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