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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. @mtjoeng Took a look and seems there was an issue determining the execution folder when passing command-line parameters. Could you try the attached version please. Should work with symbolic links and bat files, although I haven't tried the latter: FSUIPC7.exe John
  2. The only update for v4.976 was a change om the build environment, which is worrying... It could be related to the VC++ libraries, as people have had issues with FSUIPC7 on new Windows 10/11 builds. Could you try installing (or re0installing) the VC++ 2015, 2017 & 2019 redistributables from here (both x64 and x86): https://support.microsoft.com/en-in/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads Please uninstall them first if already installed (individual or combined). Once that's done, could you try 4.976 again to see if the issue remains. Thanks. John
  3. Ok, thanks - that is interesting... Could you test with 4.975 please? I'll see if I can dig out (or build) a copy.. John
  4. I'll will update shortly...
  5. You need to (manually) change the profile entry to a substring match for the aircraft fir which you want to use the profie, so something like: Please see the User manual. You do not need to change profiles, let alone quickly. Profiles are loaded automatically, based on the loaded aircraft, once configured for that aircraft. You only need to create or assign an aircraft to an existing profile once. You will need to select the check box for profile assignment when assigning for buttons or keys, as all aircraft also use the general assignments for these (unless overridden by a profile assignment) so you have the choice of where to save such assignments, but if you have selected axes to be profile specific, all axes will be profile specific for that aircraft and no general axes profile is used. This is why you have the option of importing current general axes assignments into your profile specific axes assignments when you create a new profile. .John
  6. Maybe this is helpful: http://thegeekforge.com/2017/11/10/arduino-lua-fsuipc-tutorial-001_a/ John
  7. The events should be queued. I don't think this is quite true... I think some events will be queued but for others only the last event may be available. Best to experiment/test for this. John
  8. Ok, thanks for the info. Note that for those experiencing the Windows 11 issue with MSFS not being detected and FSUIPC7 closing soon after start-up, even thought MSFS i still running, there is a new version of FSUIPC7 available in the following post which allows for an additional FSUIPC ini parameter to disable the MSFS window monitor which will keep FSUIPC7 running: This additional functionality will be released in the next official release, v7.2.12 (in the next few days). John
  9. IPC reads/writes logs reading and writing of offsets from external 3rd party FSUIPC clients, so you certainly don't need those activated. Try logging of Events. If you can assign it in the sim, you can assign it to a keypress (or keypress combination) in MSFS, and then assign your ignition switch/button to the keypress in FSUIPC. Did you have an aircraft loaded and ready-to-fly? The options are only available in this state, not when in the MSFS menu. You can send any control via offset 0x3110. To send keystrokes to the FS, you can use offset 0x3200. To use the arduino directly with FSUIPC (i.e. to get it recognised so that you can assign to its buttons/switches in the FSUIPC assignments panel), it needs to be recognised ass a HID joystick type device, or over connected via COM ports and programmed using lua. I can't really help you with this, but google should help you get started, ot maybe look/ask on https://www.cockpitbuilders.com/. John
  10. From the Download Links -> Updated Modules section of this forum, or over at www.fsuipc.com. Yes - just run the installer and it will replace the dll. John
  11. Yes, but isn't that to manage the Community folder / MSFS add-ons? Loaded (and killed) by what? Not sure what you are asking here... Then sounds like something else is going on. I'll take a look at these issues sometime next week and report back afterwards. John
  12. If you are already using links, as opposed to shortcuts, then no, it won't help. I would have expected Windows to handle the link, but sounds like its not doing that. I'll take a look sometime next week. Maybe try Run2=KILL,"k:\Program Files\VoiceAttack\VoiceAttack.exe -nofocus -profile /"MSFS 2020 VR/"" Ok, then the command with arguments also isn't going to work....What does the FSUIPC7.log file show for this? If the BAT file is starting a separate (detached) thread, then FSUIPC will have no knowledge of that thread and won't able to kill it. John
  13. Yes, sorry - missed a d.p.! The crash will be related to the closing down of the lua threads when using the COM interface, and is most probably a timing issue somewhere, and I doubt very much its an issue that can cause problems elsewhere. The events should be queued. Cheers, John
  14. Hi Trevor, that looks like FS Real Time is unregistered. You need FS Real Time support, sorry - I can't help with that. To check if FSUIPC is registered or no, open FSUIPC or check your FSUIPC4.log file. However, I suspect FS Real Time only uses the unregistered facilities of FSUIPC, so if just using FSUIPC for FS Real Time, you probably don't require an FSUIPC license. Cheers, John P.S. You are using quite an old version of FSUIPC4 - you should update to the latest version, v4.976. Only the latest version is supported.
  15. Just download it from the original post.... John
  16. Well, your [Auto] section was fine in the ini you posted: Your issue was certainly in the button assignments, which were assigned to LuaDebug and Lua, and not LuaSet and LuaClear, as specified in the instructions and as I have been trying to tell you... But nevermind. Glad you finally got it working, although you still don't seem to understand what your issue was... It helps to try and understand how the lua file is working! Enjoy your weekend. Cheers, John
  17. You don't need to touch/edit your FSUIPC7.ini file manually - you already have the script starting from your [Auto] section. Just assign your buttons as shown in the diagram (your joystick and button number will be different, the rest the same). And remove those other assignments which are not needed.
  18. ? If you have set it as in the picture, what more is there to do? Have you tried it? As I said, your ini showed you assigned to LuaDebug and Lua, not LuaSet and LuaClear, as specified in the instructions. You are obviously not following the instructions assigning to those controls.... I'm sorry, but I cannot help you if you are not following instructions or doing as I advise. It really isn't that complicated. Can you explain what you are having difficulty with, or why you 'really dont know what to do'? I will be finishing for the day/weekend in 10 mins....
  19. What are these: ? Please remove/delete those assignments, and assign to LuaSet and LuaClear, both with parameter 211, as explained in step 8 and also in the attached screenshot. How do you expect this to work if you are not following the instructions? The lua is ran automatically from your [Auto] section . When you press your assigned button, that should call LuaSet to set flag 211, which is the flag the script is waiting on for action. It then does its stuff (i.e. gradually applies the brakes) until you release the button, which should be assigned to LuaClear for flag 211, which will then gradually release the brakes. John
  20. I have just set this up for the stock 152 and it seems to work as advertised. I found it was a bit slow for my liking, and changed the rate_on and rate_off to 500 (from 300). There are a few strange things in your (continuation) log: Why is the lua being killed and restarted? As indicated in the instructions, you should start the lua from the FSUIPC7.ini [Auto] section (or profile [Auto.xxx] section if only using in certain profiles). And are you sure you have assigned your button to set/clear the 211 flag using the LuaSet and LuaClear controls? If you do that, your log should look something like this: I see no evidence of flag 211 being set in your logs, so it looks like the script "stop" function isn't being called. Maybe show me your FSUIPC7.ini file.... John
  21. You have again posted a continuation log. Please do not do this - as I said, I need to see the full log file. John
  22. An FSUIPC update will not affect your FSUIPC7.ini file. Maybe you changed your installation location, and you have your old FSUIPC7.ini somewhere still in your old installation location. You could try searching your system to see if you can find any other FSUIPC7.ini files (Everything is a good tool for this, available here if you don't already have/use it). I am sorry but I cannot give you step-by-step instructions on how to do this, especially as I do not own a Thrustmaster Warthog. You really need to try and configure this yourself, and I get help if you have issues. Initially try following "THE EASY STEP-by-STEP WAY TO CALIBRATE YOUR CONTROLS" instructions on page 37 of the user manual initially. Take into account this (from here) - I think this is the most important thing to understand when it comes to controlling reverse thrust: Given that, if you have an axes range below the detent, you could assign to the reduce throttle control when your axis enters the reverse range (below the detent). But it is difficult to give you exact instructions, not having this throttle to see how it actually behaves. Also, before you start to assign your axes in FSUIPC7, you will need to remove the MSFS assignments. If you want to clear all assignments, you can create a new profile for your controllers in MSFS, which will, by default, be empty. Sorry to here about your recent brain issues/operations. I wish you a full and quick recovery. Regards, John P.S. I am thinking of purchasing a TM Warthog to help out with support, as it is one of the more common HOTAS controllers. If/when I do, I will hopefully be able to provide more detailed help. I will let you know if/when I do....
  23. As the crash is when the lua thread is being terminated, and this does not cause FSUIPC to hang, I really don't think its worth investigating this any further. But one thing is slightly strange - you say "at the end when going to main menu: lua crash but NO HANG", but the log file shows: i.e. FSUIPC7 exited about 1.5 seconds after the crash as MSFS was no longer available. Did you exit MSFS once in the main menu? John
  24. Can you attach a compete log please, not a partial log. Maybe, did you add the offset monitoring? I cannot tell from a partial log. It may also depend on the aircraft being used, so I need to see the full log. John
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