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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. Right-click the link and select Save link as... John
  2. Hi Leo, Not heard much from you recently - is this a good sign? John
  3. Title of topic updated to reflect this issue is with Pilot2ATC and not FS2Crew.
  4. Ok, then I don't know why its not connecting at the moment. I will take a look, maybe over the weekend but more likely next week. I will report back once I have taken a look. John
  5. Have you only just started using the auto-start function then? This has been available for a long time... No, that doesn't help as your issue seems to occur only when FSUIPC7 is auto-started, no? It will only show messages logged AFTER the console window has been opened. If you keep that option set, the console window should open automatically when FSUIPC7 next auto-starts. So, now you have that option set, just run MSFS again, which should auto-start FSUIP7 and show the console. Once you see the 'starting everything now' message, then try and connect Pilot2ATC. I am only trying to verify that you are not trying to connect before FSUIPC7 is ready. John
  6. Thank you. Your log files look ok. Are you sure that you are not just trying to connect too early? You can only connect once the following line has been logged: -------------------- Starting everything now ---------------------- Can you check that this line has been logged BEFORE you try and connect Pilot2ATC. The easiest way of doing this is to open the console window (using the Log -> Open Console menu item) and monitor the messages. Otherwise I have no idea. I will have to download Pilot2ATC and take a look, but before I do this please check the above and let me know. Thanks, John
  7. I was trying to get you to use the latest version that I attached above, but this seems to be confusing you for some reason, so just forget that for the moment. All you need to do is to run MSFS, which will run FSUIPC7, and then try to connect Pilot2ATC. This should fail (which is your issue). When this happens, exit FSUIPC and restart it (the same version, as you always do). Then, try and connect PilotToATC again - it should succeed, according to your description of the issue. Then exit FSUIPC7, and show me the FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7_prev.log files. All I need is the two log files from the same version of FSUIPC7, one where the Pilot2ATC connection succeeded and one where it fails. This really isn't that difficult. John
  8. I need to see your FSUIPC7.log files, not your FSUIPC7.ini files. And those files are still from 7.2.12. John
  9. As I said: The log file is written to the same folder as where you ran the FSUIPC7.exe. If you don't know where that is, you can use the FSUIPC7 File -> Open Installation Folder... menu option. Please re-read my previous post. John
  10. Sorry, but I can't help with the hardware/cable connection. Doesn't the device come with a serial cable, or can be optionally be purchased from Garmin? Maybe try asking on www.cockpitbuilders.com, or Garmin support. Once you have the device connected, the following web page can help you configure FSUIPC: https://support.flyelite.com/knowledge-base/what-settings-to-use-with-the-696796-gps-cable-in-fsxprepar3d/ Good luck! Regards, John
  11. By the way, are you sure you are in the cockpit when you first attempt to connect Pilot2ATC? The Pilot2ATC User Guide does say: Do not attempt to connect Pilot2ATC until after you are in the cockpit in MSFS Could it be that you are just trying to connect too early? John
  12. The log file is written to the same folder as where you ran the FSUIPC7.exe. You should use that FSUIPC7.exe to replace your currently installed one. The 'not connecting' log is from that new FSUIPC7.exe I attached above - your log shows this, and that you ran it from your Downloads folder: Whereas your 'connecting' log is from your installed v7.2.12 version: No you didn't, as your 'connecting' log shows you are still using this version. Please replace your FSUIPC7.exe in C:\FSUIPC7\ with the one in D:\Downloads. Then start MSFS/FSUIPC7, load an aircraft and try to connect Pilot2ATC. If it doesn't connect, restart FSUIPC7 and try again. If it then connects, show me your FSUIPC7.log file (which will be the successful one) and your FSUIPC7_prev.log file (which will be the previous one, produced when it failed to connect). Also, the usual reason that 3rd party programs cannot connect is that they are ran at different privilege levels. If Pilot2ATC cannot connect when FSUIPC7 is auto-started with MSFS, maybe try restarting Pilot2ATC, first with standard privileges and then with admin privileges. John
  13. If you get the same issue, can you show me your two FSUIPC7.log files, one from when MSFS is started and Pilot2ATC fails to connect, and the other from when you restart and it connects ok.
  14. Sure, I can add them. Any information on available hvars for any aircraft is always welcome, thanks. Note you can add them yourself (as I'm sure you are aware) but hvar files in the Community fsuipc-lvar-module folder location will get over written when you re-install. If you modify any provided hvar files, best to move them to the WASM persistent storage area (under your AppData folder - see the Advanced User Guide) where they will take precedence. John
  15. I have no idea.... Some things to try: 1. Re-order the items - try starting AFC_Bridge first 2. If that doesn't work, try starting only AFC_Bridge: If that works, add the other items in, one by one. If it doesn't, maybe try uninstalling and re-installing ADC_Bridge. If it works then, try adding in the other entries. Otherwise, I suggest you try support for AFC_Bridge. John
  16. Not that I am aware of. Do you know why Pilot2ATC does not connect to MSFS? Any error message? There weren't that many changes between 7.2.11 and 7.2.12, and none that should affect Pilot2ATC. Or was yout previous version not 7.2.11, and if so what version were you using? Maybe try with the attached version, which will be released shortly: John FSUIPC7.exe
  17. Ok, good to know. Thanks for reporting back. John
  18. Also, please update to the latest version of FSUIPC4, v4.976. Only the latest version is supported. John
  19. What you posted (apart from being very difficult to read!) tells me that you don't have any axes assignments in FSUIPC - your [Axes] section is empty and you do not have any [Axes.xxx] profile sections. Are your assigning your axes in FSX? If so, why not try assigning in FSUIPC, then you can try what i have already suggested. If its a boxed version, have you updated with the SP! and SP2 service pack updates? If not, please do this. And please try attaching files, rather than pasting their contents. Just drop them into the box at the bottom of the text entry box. Also, the log file you pasted was pretty pointless. You haven't activated logging for Axes controls, as advised, so it doesn't contain anything useful. I suggest you try disabling controllers in FSX and try to configure your axes in FSUIPC, and we can go from there.... John
  20. The hvar filename must be a substring match to the aircraft name, as reported in the log file, not necessarily the same, John
  21. Did you actually try the solution before posting again? If not, you should have done, and reported problems (in your initial thread) if you had issues. And I also use AFC_Bridge. I am just trying to reduce the number of posts, especially for know issues with known solutions, that are documented as well as having plenty of support questions on the topic. I am finding that I cannot get any new features implemented in FSUIPC7 (and FSUIPC6) at the moment due to number of support requests (and MSFS/P3D updates), most of which are either already addressed in the provided documentation, or have been reported before. I'm sorry but it does get annoying responding to the same questions again and again, when I could be doing something more useful. I am locking this topic now, as I really have nothing more to add to this issue. I will update the documentation to make the solution to this issue clearer... John
  22. I'm sorry, but I cannot advise on the compatibility of such a devices. However, it should work, but you may want PFC (or other such device users) to confirm. I can confirm that the PFChid64.DLL is compatible with both FSUIPC6 and FSUIPC7. John
  23. Got it working....! The issue was that I needed to explicitly set the sim connection to be used by setting the following (WAPI) ini parameter: UseSimConnection=0 (for the WASMClient, this is set in the WASMClient.ini). Setting this for the client will then force it to use the default connection defined in the SimConnect.cfg file (located in the same folder as the application). If this is not done (or if a WAPI client doesn't set the connection using the setSimConfigConnection() method), then the default local connection (-1) is used, which is always local. John
  24. Ok. But please consult the documentation and also search the support forum for similar questions/issues before asking for help. You could have sorted this out yourself using either method. John
  25. I have been trying to get the WASMClient to run on a 2nd/client PC, but with no success. Not sure why. It should be straightforward according to this post: https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/simconnect-from-a-remote-computer-to-msfs.448828/ John
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