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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. @asessa Sorry for the delay. I have now added 0x0C46 1Byte AUTOBRAKES ACTIVE 0x0C47 1Byte LIGHT BRAKE ON in the attached version, v7.04e. They are both recognised (i.e. do not give simconnect errors), but I haven't verified the values - I'll leave that to you! John FSUIPC7.exe
  2. Yes, please do. I have had various reports of offsets/controls not working when using the FBW mod.
  3. Maybe @Thomas Richter can explain why this value isn't in the -1 to +1 range, or what the actual complete range is so, that I can calibrate to an integer range of -16383 to +16383?
  4. Btw, I have noticed that offset 0x0BF8 is already reserved for 'Unlimited visibility value', so in the next release I have moved this value to offset 0x0C10. You can still test with the dll posted above in the original offset position. John
  5. Sorry, but what is APP en LOC? What is DEC? Control 65806 is AP_APR_HOLD_ON Control 65723 is AP_LOC_HOLD And what do you mean by anymore? And what have you changed since whatever it was was working? In summary, please provide more information as to what your problem is, and attach any files that I may need to investigate, which initially would be - your FSUIPC7.ini - your FSUIPC.log file, generated when experiencing your issue John
  6. If the control is being sent (check by activating Event logging) and it isn't having the desired affect for a particular aircraft (or all aircraft for which it applies), then you need to report to Asobo via zendesk. I only add the controls provided by the SDK, if they are don't work then thats usually an FS issue. John
  7. Sure. It is what it is as I based the script on an existing script and I didn't modify the timer interval. You can just set it to your time-out value, not decrease the timer and cancel both timers and exit the script when the timer function is called, as indicated by Pete's comment: This is already implemented on the event.key() function for the return/enter key. John
  8. No, as that will be for xbox one and 360 controllers ONLY, as they do not support DirectInput (very well...). DirectInput can support up to 128 buttons anyway, and I will also look into supporting more buttons (at least to 64, hopefully to 128) via UI assignments at some point for DirectInput devices. Unfortunately, I am spending at least 80% of my time at the moment covering support, which leaves me hardly any time for fixing bugs, let alone adding/improving current functionality. Hopefully this will change at some point..... John
  9. But this is easily handled by adding an additional lua. For example, see the lua scrips in the last comment in this post (derived from HidDemo.lua), that provide access to the buttons in the new Honeycomb devices that are > 32: However, if you are happy with your solution, then go ahead with that. I just want to emphasize that your issue was not caused by FSUIPC. There are also various solutions around the 32 button limit, from lua files to using the vJoyOffsets utility, or this utility (written for StreamDeck, to provide virtual button functionality for that device, but I'm sure easily adapted): I have not heard of any "slow response" reports when using any of these. John
  10. The default is 10 (i.e. every 10ms). So by setting this to 100, you are actually slowing things down. It was probably the ButtonRepeat rate you wanted to adjust. Me neither. If you took Linda out of the equation, then we could look into it, but if using Linda then you really need their support. But as long as your happy with this 'different tool' (a name would be helpful for other users!), I will consider this closed. John
  11. There's not much I can do with this. I think you would be better off supplying any feedback/questions to the Aerosoft forums. As I said, I don't have that aircraft or quadrant, or even FSX/FSX-SE or FSUIPC4! But still, let me know how you get on and I can still take a look at your logs/ini once you have revised your set-up from the Aerosoft advice. John
  12. This has now been implemented in FSUIPC6/7 and will be included in the next release of those products. John
  13. No, I'm sorry. I cannot authorise a refund in such situations as you nowhave a key for FSUIPC7. The requirements for FSUIPC7 are clearly stated as for MSFS only. And we also provide the free version for you to test before purchase. John
  14. Found this on the Aerosoft forums (https://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/112537-throttle-problems/) that may help (especially item 6): John
  15. @GBOULANGER Hi Guy, welcome to the forum. Your problem seems to be the same as the OPs. Its interesting that you are both using FSUIPC4...I wonder if this is just a problem with the FSX/FSX-SE version of the Aerosoft Airbuses....
  16. Sorry, I have no idea how that software works. BUT, they key strings don't (usually) start with KEY_ (only those few you can see). Try searching for the key string name itself. So, for example, to use #define KEY_ENGINE_MODE_CRANK_SET (KEY_ID_MIN + 1737) the corresponding key string is 'Engine Mode Crank Set' (in FSUIPC 7 controls lists drop-downs). This would be ENGINE_MODE_CRANK_SET in your MF software. John
  17. Here's FSUIPCv7.0.4d containing the event.cancel() fix. I hope to release this version officially in the next day or two: FSUIPC7.exe John
  18. To clarify, the term 'key strings' refers to the strings available as 'sim events' or controls (basically command instructions), and the key IDs are the internal numbers assigned to those event strings in the sim. They are not related to 'key presses' or keyboard keys - its using the work 'key' in the sense of 'crucial importance'! And to confuse things further, there are also 'key input events' which are the key strings relating to the windows virtual key codes. John
  19. Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying/asking. Those are new events/control, and are not related to offsets. They will be additional controls available from the assignments drop-down menus. If you want to send any available control via an offset, you can use the standard control offset at 0x3110. John
  20. Sorry, what do you mean? To send key presses via offsets?
  21. @styves When attaching logs, always attach the full log (zipped if too big), not a continuation log, as there is information that is missing from continuation logs that I need to see (what aircraft you have loaded, for example). Your log does show that the parameters for your axis controls are all zero, which is very strange . Do you see the in/out numbers changing when you move your throttle with the Axis Assignment tab open in FSUIPC? Also, did you try moving the throttle in the UI (with the mouse)? What does the FSUIPC4.log show when you do this? John
  22. Also, for this issue, please see this post: This topic is now locked. John
  23. Hi Al, could you create a post in the User Contributions section, and add your lua scripts to that - they will have more visibility there. I fixed the event.cancel() function yesterday but still need to test. Once I've done that, I'll post a copy here for you to test and adjust your scripts. John
  24. There are now specific scripts for handling buttons > 32 for the Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo - you may be better off using these: hidBravoButtons.luahidAlphaButtons.lua I will add these to the lua plug-in examples for the next release. Really - you did say 'and placed it in my Modules folder', which is where it goes (i.e. your FSUIPC installation folder, wherever that is). Anyway, glad its now working. You are using an old unsupported version if FSUIPC5. Only the latest version is supported, please update to v5.157 (see www.fsuipc.com). John
  25. FSUIPC7 is for MSFS ONLY. You need FSUIPC4 for FSX/FSX-SE. Also, I would think that if it is for use with a 3rd party program you don't need a license, you will probably be ok with the free/unregistered version (although I don't know FS Commander). You can get FSUIPC4 to try from www.fsuipc.com. John
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