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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. FYI, I have just updated FSUIPC7-Beta. It is now built against the static lib, so the dll is no longer required.
  2. I have now re-build FSUIPC7 against the static SimConnect.lib, so the SimConnect.dll is no longer necessary. Please download the new version, and delete the SimConnect.dll from the FSUIPC7 installation folder. John
  3. It is only added once FSUIPC7 is connect to the sim. Its not there otherwise.
  4. I wouldn't rely on this as it seems to be a server-side issue, but there may be a work around. I'll test once I have it up and running. John
  5. No. Please follow the SDK installation instructions, and then the FSUIPC7 installation instructions. I'll be posting a new version later today that doesn't require the SimConnect.dll. If you have issues, please wait for this update. I am no longer going to respond to SimConnect.dll issues. All the information you need is already available. John
  6. Your image shows 'Simulator not detected'. The PFC config panel, and Add-on drop-down menu, with the PFC menu entry, only appear once the sim is detected and FSUIPC7 has a working SimConnect connection (i.e. status of 'Connected'). This is because the driver waits for the 'Ready-to-fly' flag to be set before it finishes initialisation. John
  7. That may mean that you are using a 32-bit SimConnect.dll, rather than the 64-bit one supplied by the MSFS SDK. Where did you get the SimConnect.dll from? If it is the 64-bit one from the MSFS SDK, then see https://ugetfix.com/ask/how-to-fix-application-unable-to-start-error-0x000007b/ This was also reported in this post: And this has nothing to do with the topic in which you posted. If you have an issue, please first look to see if it has already been reported. If not, start a new topic - don't hijack existing topics that are not relevant. Thanks.
  8. I'm still downloading MSFS, should be ready in a few hours. I'm also now downloading the SDK.... John
  9. Hmm, strange. Mine has Path=D:\Prepar3D v4\Sound\ which is obviously wrong! I've made a note and will look into this, when time permits. John
  10. FSUIPC7 is currently build against SDK 0.4.1. I don't have the 0.5.1 SDK yet. Once I do, I'll release a update. So, currently we are registering for all events in the 0.4.1 SDK. John
  11. No FSUIPC7-beta comes with a time-limited key, valid until end of October 2020
  12. The newer PFC USB devices should show be ok in FSUIPC (without a driver) and also in MSFS. Its the older ones that require FSUIPC and the PFChid64.dll driver. John
  13. Please check for other posts on the same issue before posting. See John
  14. The ini looks ok. I suspect that those events may not be working (yet), but I'll check once I have the sim installed. As mentioned in the FSUIPC7 release note, we currently don't have any information from Microsoft/Asobo as to what events are currently working, only that they are 'recognized'. John
  15. Did you also follow the FSUIPC7 installation instructions, i.e. copy the SimConnect.dll (from the SDK you installed following that link) to the FSUIPC7 installation folder?
  16. Could you please attach you FSUIPC7.ini so that I can take a look. It may take a few days though, as I'm still downloading the official release (and my download speeds aren't that good....) John
  17. Can you please check existing topics where solutions can be found rather than repeatedly posting the same questions. I am closing this topic.
  18. That's good to know! Shame about the FPS drop/SimConnect issue, hopefully it will be fixed soon. John
  19. Which SimConnect.dll are you using - the one from the MSFS SDK? If so, are you sure that it is located in the installation folder, next to the FSUIPC7.exe? If you are using the correct dll, (and not a 32-bit version from another SimConnect SDK), then please see https://ugetfix.com/ask/how-to-fix-application-unable-to-start-error-0x000007b/
  20. This seems to be a known problem with the released version of the SimConnect library, which wasn't present in the beta build. It affects all SimConnect clients, including FSUIPC7. It has been reported to MSFS/Asobo. I'll update when I have further information. John
  21. Yes. First you have to activate developer mode and then download and install the SDK. You'll find the dll in the SDK installation. See https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/how-to-getting-started-with-the-sdk-dev-mode/123241 John
  22. Sorry, I don't know. I don't have the released version yet. MSFS said that it would be included in the release version, but I don't know where or how to access. I assume there would be an msi installer file somewhere for the SDK. Hopefully somebody will post details when found.
  23. I am closing this topic now. I'll post in the Announcements later today. We'll also create a specific sub-forum for MSFS/FSUIPC7 questions and feedback. John
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