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John Dowson

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Posts posted by John Dowson

  1. Hi again Peter,

    I just tried again with adding 'SendKeyPresses=Yes' option to the WideClient.ini '[User]' section and this does work, sending key presses from the WideClient pc to the sim pc when WideClient has the input focus. KeySend is used in WideClient, but for receiving KeySends from the sim PC and directing these as key strokes to  other programs on the WideClient pc.



  2. Hi Max,

    from what you say, it certainly sounds like you have faulty hardware or a faulty connection.

    You also say: 


    But when I move the central lever, the Windows Property advanced panel shows the movement of the third cursor also.

    By 'cursor' do you mean 'lever'? Still, I suspect that your hardware is faulty.

    FSUIPC receives the axis values from Windows, so I'm afraid if Windows is not seeing that lever, then there's nothing that can be done in FSUIPC to resolve this problem. FSUIPC will only recognise the first axis movement/value it receives. Having two axis values for one lever movement sounds very suspicious - either a hardware problem or a driver issue would be the culprit.

    Btw, have you installed any Saitek driver software? If so, please remove this and re-test. If not, I think you have a hardware (or Windows) problem.



    P.S. Don't forget to try without LINDA, and also please post your ini file.

  3. Hi Max,

    the third lever should be the U axis, and the axis is given in the details for that device.

    As I said, I think you have a hardware or connection problem if the axis can't be seen. Anything device/axis thats seen by windows should be available in FSUIPC.  Maybe try temporarily enabling controls in your sim to see if the sim can see it (but I doubt it!).

    I also see you are using LINDA - try without this to see if that makes a difference (e.g. rename your ipcReady.lua to ipcReady.disabled), but again I doubt this will do anything either but quick and worth a try.

    Is this a new device? Have you ever been able to use/assign to this axis?

    Are you also using a VRInsight device? This error indicates that its either not connected or on the wrong com port: VRI port 1 "com0" failed to open

    Maybe you could also post your joyscan.csv file, also located in the Modules folder.




  4. Hi Peter,

    I think you are misunderstanding the KeySend functionality. This is for transmitting key presses/releases from your primary sim pc to the client/WideClient PC.

    For transmitting keystrokes from WideClient to FSUIPC, You should really be looking at using the virtual button facilities (see 'ButtonKeys: making use of FSUIPC’s virtual buttons facilities' section in the WideFS Technical guide). The 'SendKeyPresses' option has limited capabilities to do this (again see Technical Guide) but is limited to certain systems - its not working for me on Windows 7/10 for example (I'll check with Pete but looks like its limited to Windows 98/ME/2000/XP).



  5. Hi Max,

    if you can't see it as an axis, but you can see the other two levers, then I suspect its either faulty or you have a dodgy connection somewhere. Can you see all 3 rocker switch buttons (6 buttons)?

    Can you check what axis the device is reported as having in your fsuipc log file, you should find something like this:

        16813 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Yoke
        16813    Manufacturer= Saitek
        16813    Vendor=06A3, Product=0BAC (Version 3.4)
        16813    GUIDs returned for product: VID_06A3&PID_0BAC:
        16813       GUID= {327F7D90-F534-11E7-8005-444553540000}
        16813       Details: Btns=23, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U255,V255,X1023,Y1023,Z255



  6. This is a problem which only exists since Windows 10, and only when you let P3D install in Windows\Program Files. That folder is protected unless you run "as administrator". Now, for most installations, this isn't a problem because provided you run the Installer "as administrator" it is able to change the permissions (just on the Modules folder) automatically. But on just a few systems it is prevented and gets that Error 1332.

    Sometimes this can cause issues as it can prevent files from being installed and the log and ini files being created. However, your as your docs were installed and you have log and ini files, I wouldn't worry about this too much, but if it you want to get rid of this and If you didn't run the installer as an admin, you could try that, otherwise you can manually edit the Modules folder permissions yourself (to allow full access by right clicking on the folder properties:  Security-->Add Everyone as a user name, then check 'Full Control' access below).

    This won't be the cause of your issue with EFB2. Best to try their support forum for this.



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