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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. Maybe some connection issues in that version - please update to the attached, Any issues, please attach your FSUIPC7.log and .ini files. John FSUIPC7.exe
  2. There are some issues with the sim data connection that seem to present at the moment, so it could be due to FSUIPC7 not initialising the offsets correctly and so not allowing clients to connect. Seems to be a lot more reliable in the attached version if you would like to try it, If you get the same issue, show me/attach your FSUIPC7.log file (located in the FSUIPC7 installation folder). I will test this further and release when happy, hopefully over the weekend or early next week. John FSUIPC7.exe
  3. There are some issues with the sim data connection that seem to present at the moment, so it could be due to FSUIPC7 not initialising the offsets correctly and so not allowing clients to connect. Seems to be a lot more reliable in the attached version if you would like to try it, If you get the same issue, show me/attach your FSUIPC7.log file (located in the FSUIPC7 installation folder). I will test this further and release when happy, hopefully over the weekend or early next week. John
  4. I don't think so but I am not sure... the devices should still be visible with the same GUIDs, although the ids for the problematic device will change bit the others should stay the same. Don't do anything after this change - show me the files first as some further updates may be needed.
  5. This is a VAMSYS issue - please contact them for support. They can advise me if there is a problem with connection to FSUIPC7. I cannot help with 3rd party apps. John
  6. Looks like the preset name is not being saved for key assignments when the preset is selected from the Find Preset dialog box. I have corrected this in the attached version if you could try it: FSUIPC7.exe John
  7. What app? Try contacting the support for the app you are using. What version of FSUIPC7 were you using begore the update? Please attach your FSUI{C7.log file.
  8. Your scan shows 8 HID devices (4 distinct, with 2 Button Box Interface and 2 Virtual joystick). Disconnect these: Button Box Interface (both) Button Box Interface BBI-64 Virtual joystick (both) BU0836 Interface The script I attached removes the registry setting for these devices. If you look at your JoyScan.csv file, you will see a discrepancy between the HID scanning (first section) and the Registry scanning (second section). These two sections are then matched/merged with your current user settings (third section) to produce thee matched/decided settings (fourth section). The incorrect entries are these in bold: The .reg script removes all the entries for these 6 devices (4 distinct types). Hopefully, when these entries are removed and your devices reconnected, it will add the correct entries. John
  9. I only provide this file. It is generated from the community-driven effort led by MobiFlight, and the source is here: https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/ Note that if/when defining your own presets, you should do this using the myevents.txt file. Otherwise you will lose your changes as the events.txt file will get updated/overwritten each time you install/update FSUIPC7. If any events in the events.txt file, provided by MobiFlight, are not correct, then you should submit changes/updates on the HubHop website. This is the community driven resource for these events/presets. John
  10. Can you please attach your FSUIPC7.ini file complete and in its original format. This is because there is an error in your assignments. If you look at them, they are all like this: 433=38,8,P,0 -{Up: Press=Preset Control }- i,e, assigned to a preset but no preset was selected. An assignment to a preset should look like this: 239=83,8,PParking_Brake_Set,0 -{S: Press=Preset Control }- i.e. with the name of the preset after the P. How are you adding these assignments? For key assignments, you need to Confirm before clicking Ok - are you doing this? Otherwise, please let me know how you are generating assignments to presets with no preset specified. Also, please check what version of FSUIPC7 you are using., If it is not 7.4.5, please update.
  11. From http://fsuipc.com/ Can you please switch to using joyletters: change the following in the [JoyNames] section of your FSUIPC5.ini file: AutoAssignLetters=Yes Then run P3D/FSUIPC5 and exit. This will switch to using JoyLetters. Your JoyScan file shows some confusion in your registry and needs to be cleaned. First, run regedit and take a back-up of your registry. Then, disconnect your devices, and download and run (i.e. double-click) the attached file - this will remove registry entries for 4 of your devices. Reboot and reconnect your devices. Then run P3D/FSUIPC5 and exit, then show me/attach your ini, log and JoyScan.csv files again. removeDevices.reg
  12. Try logging offset 0B63 (as U8 in Hex) to see if this offset is being used. Does it update correctly when using the PMDG->Vehicles->Failure Menu? If you also log events, what events do you see? When your lua script sets/clears the bits in this offset, do you see the same values and events? As you are using a PMDG aircraft (which one?), it may not be responding to standard FS controls. Again, use logging. If you are sending the same control in an event callback that is handling the control, then you will get into an infinite recursive loop. Maybe check the event parameter - is this different between a toggle on and a toggle off (some toggle controls do use a parameter)? If so, you can use that to distinguish between toggle on and toggle off, and only send the control for one parameter. Otherwise, try using event.offset instead, and again only send the required control when needed. What events do you see when you use the menu to toggle failures on and off? Check if a parameter is needed. If you need further help, please show me your lua script, and your ini and log files, the latter with logging for Events activated as well as logging for offset 0B63, and maybe also lua plugin logging. One log file should show you toggling and clearing the brake failure via the PMDG menu (without your lua running), and another log file showing what you are trying to achieve with your lua script running.
  13. @Marcolinno Does your parking brake work with 7.4.4?
  14. Yes, of course - please see the lua library documentation: I have moved your post to the FSUIPC7 / MSFS sub-forum. John
  15. Can you please attach your FSUIPC5.JoyScan.csv file please, as well as your FSUIPC5.ini file. Note that you are also using an old and unsupported version of FSUIPC5, 5.131 - please update to the latest and only supported version, 5.157. John
  16. Not sure what you mean by this - each time you run FSUIPC7. it starts afresh...obviously I would have thought... You can use offset 0x3400 to set/clear most logging options, but not all (e.g. no bit yet assigned to Input Event logging or to Lua Plugin logging), and use the offset controls for assignment. Don't forget you need to set LogOptionsProtect =No before you can change logging options on-the-fly. See the Offset Status document on how to use this offset.. John
  17. There are issues when assigning flaps to an axis and calibrating in FSUIPC - some users have reported that this can reduces the climb rate - see and also Better to switch to using the presets instead - see the first link above. Depending upon when FSUIPC is started and the aircraft used, it can take up to a minute or more for everything to be loaded and started. It is better to just wait for everything to be started before you do anything. It is also not possible to read the position of an axis - data is only sent when an axis is moved, so it is not possible to sync the software position with the hardware position at start-up. You just need to move the hardware lever to its initial position before starting MSFS/FSUIPC. John
  18. Can you please provide more information, and attach both your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log files, the latter with appropriate logging activated. What version of FSUIPC were you previously using? Which switches no longer work? Activate logging for Buttons & Keys and Events and generate a log file showing your issue, i.e. load an aircraft and activate a few buttons/switches that don't work, then exit FSUIPC7 and attach both your .log and .ini files.
  19. To assign the flaps in the PMDG 737, use the button presets PMDG B737 Set Flaps n presets (where n is 1,2,5,10,15,25,30,40 or Up - 9 discrete positions) and assign using the right-hand side of the axes assignment panel. See the User guide from page 34 for details on setting up sending presets on axis ranges. John
  20. I think your issue lies elsewhere. but attached below is 7.4.4 for you to try. FSUIPC7.exe
  21. But that is the current/latest version - are you saying it is now working? If not, what was the version previously installed that WAS working? Your log file shows no issues, but shows that you did not add the testoptions logging, as asked for, and you also attached the log file when FSUIPC7 was still running. Please ALWAYS exit FSUIPC7 before attaching log files. As I have no idea how your parking brake is assigned, I need to know the version you previously used when this was working, and then to look at any changes between that and the current/latest version to see what has changed that could possibly affect this. John
  22. As I said, I don't have it and cannot build this (FSUIPC4 was only added to source control at version 4.976), and if I did then I'm pretty sure it still won't work. The issue is with the build tools used to build the version, not the version itself. Maybe someone has an old copy of 4.971 built with the tools at the time and can attach it for you... John
  23. What was the previous version of FSUIPC that you were using? There are very few changes between 7.4.5 and 7.4.4, and nothing that could affect this. And I know nothing about the CFY driver - does this use FSUIPC? If not, your issue lies elsewhere... Can you please answer my questions and follow the advice in my previous post. And its John, not Pete...Pete retired 5 years ago now.... John
  24. Older versions of FSUIPC are not available, and it is not possible for me to build a version of FSUIPC4 that old, and if I could, it would probably not be compatible with XP. No version of FSUIPC4 is supported on any version of Windows before Windows 7.
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