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Ray Proudfoot

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Everything posted by Ray Proudfoot

  1. Hi John, Yes, it's for FS Labs Concorde only available in 32-bit for P3D v3. I shall check the FSUIPC4 manual - thanks! Does it require a paid version to run Lua files? I'm assuming so. I have the paid version but it's something I want to distribute so that would be important.
  2. Hi John, I have a small Lua file that I want to run in P3D v3. It indicates the actual IAS because the aircraft’s own gauge isn’t always accurate. I have got it running by assigning a button press to start it but I was wondering if there’s a way of starting it automatically? I need that button for other things. Once displayed it can stay on screen for the duration of the flight as the window can be sized quite small.
  3. Hi Stephanev, yes, unfortunately even the BIOS on new PCs checks the OS and if not Win 10 won't boot up. To be fair I haven't had any real problem with W10. USB devices have been the worst and Windows updates will turn Power Management for USB back on so make sure you check those after any updates.
  4. Hi Stephanev, Im very pleased for you. That’s a brilliant setup you have there. I’m pretty sure I also had the same model of hub. It was certainly a D-Link as mentioned in my post here. I can’t check because I was so disgusted with it I threw it in the bin after getting the new one. 😀 Windows 10 eh? Don’t you just love it? 😠
  5. Dave, You need an additional DLL available here before you can program buttons via FSUIPC5.
  6. @Drumcode, Pete is on holiday now and I know John has been working on finding a solution so please be patient. You will hear from John in due course. The short-term solution is to reduce Ai to around 60%. Not ideal but it should prevent the crashes for now.
  7. That's helpful but the reason I'm asking you to perform my test is because it's at a specific place. That is important when trying to replicate a problem.
  8. I cannot recall any crashes of this type so far into a flight. Would you try the EGLL test please? If you get the .NET crash followed by two FSUIPC crashes within a couple of seconds of the wheels leaving the ground that replicates mine and is reproducible on a third system which adds weight to the argument.
  9. Hi Pete, yes, I mentioned that in my email reply to John which I copied you in on. Getting DXDIAG.EXE to run successfully (two attempts as the first always fails) is key to P3D not crashing but the disconnects / reconnects will still happen in the background. The MSE said it was such a fast computer that’s why you never noticed it when flying.
  10. Pete, I agree it's a very similar problem to mine. One other thing I would mention is the increasing use of USB3 ports on new computers. Some (but not all) devices really do not like USB3 so it's important they are plugged into a USB2 port. Ignore the claims of backward compatibility. Some really do not like USB3. I'm thinking of GoFlight GF166 modules especially as they will just blank out if plugged into USB3. Other devices may be similarly affected. I bought this USB2 powered hub and it solved my problems. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0725WHBX6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  11. @Drumcode, don't worry, he has 300+ Ai with the AIG package installed. 😉
  12. Hi John, Use a default jet. The Raptor should suffice unless you have something else you prefer to use. Position at stand 414 EGLL. Load the plan I provided into RC4 - EGLL-EHAM. In RC4 on the Controller page enter your gate number (414). Close that dialogue box. Open General and select an airline. I use British Airways PLC. Enter a flight number as you will be referred to by that. 123 is fine. Your call-sign is now Speedbird 123. In RC4 open the keyboard settings. Note what key actions are required for the various actions. Go into P3D weather and set whatever you want but make sure winds are from the west. Close the weather dialogue. Start RC4. A SimConnect window should open on the P3D display. Using the relevant keys tune to ATIS (optional) then CLEARANCE. You will be given an initial altitude and squawk code. Unless you want to fly the route just ignore those values. It's probably 1 or 2 for ATIS and CLEARANCE. Use 7 for acknowledge. ATIS loops until you change frequency. Slew backwards from 414 to give you space to taxi. Come out of slew mode and set parking brake. Start engines. When you're ready to taxi contact GROUND. You will be instructed to taxi to Runway xxx. It might be 27L but if not then acknowledge and then press the option for runway selection. Choose the one for 27L. Start taxiing to 27L. It's only a short taxi. Make sure you turn to the right and head towards the end of the runway, that's important. Half-way there you'll be told to contact or monitor TOWER. Change to TOWER frequency. Contact Tower means you're number 1 for departure. Monitor means there's another aircraft ahead of you probably the other side of 27L coming from Terminal 2/3. Hold short until you're cleared to Line Up and Wait. Taxi onto 27L. As you align with the runway heading P3D may crash there and then. It's happened to me a few times. If not, good. You'll be given take-off clearance. Acknowledge and throttle forward. As soon as your wheels leave the ground P3D should initially freeze for a few seconds and then CTD. I can't recall being able to depart EGLL with 100% AIG traffic with RC4 running. Without it it's not a problem. Good luck!
  13. Using RC4 at EGLL I can guarantee a crash either when lining up on the runway or as soon as the wheels leave the ground. I haven't heard from John since he got RC4 installed but the actions required to re-create the crash take just a few minutes.
  14. Correct although John has just installed RC4 so once he's generated the crash he'll be working on a (hopeful) fix.
  15. Hi Pete, Given this problem never occured with MT6 or Ultimate Traffic Live I was curious about how much more Ai was injected into P3D by the AIG Ai. Sitting at 414 at EGLL at 14:17 Local (13:17 GMT) this is the count for each product with 100% Ai set in P3D and no restrictions in the AIG airline %. Total / Ground / Airborne. AIG = 284 / 216 / 68 UTL = 199 / 170 / 29 I have no idea what the maximum number of slewed Ai P3D can cope with but thought those numbers might be helpful.
  16. Hi Pete, I'm only going off what I've read elsewhere. Not tried either since FSX or even FS9 days. Just to report I had a successful flight this morning from Atlanta to Raleigh-Durham. Not as many Ai at KATL as I thought but probably due to the dawn departure. Maximum of 126 in the 80nm bubble and no problems at all. When I lined up to take-off I noticed two Delta aircraft crossing my runway to taxi to the terminal. I just waited until they cleared and then pushed the throttles forward.
  17. After multiple tests and sending the results to Pete and John Dowson we appear to have found a way of avoiding the CTDs when running RC4 but crucially only when running RC4 via WideFS. This was tested with Ai at 100% at EGLL. In the wideclient.ini file locate the [User] section and add this line:- Deny=2900,12 For those running RC4 on the same PC as P3D a solution has yet to be found. The problem appears to be related to RC4 trying to slew multiple aircraft all at once even those not in any danger of colliding with the user's aircraft. The above command prevents that happening. All the requests come at once causing a problem with P3D. The best way of avoiding the crashes it to limit Ai% to less than 50. As that code is in RC4 and John Dekker no longer supports the program why that is done will never be known. Hopefully a fix can be found but after 6 hours of testing I'm knackered and there's a certain football match I want to watch this evening.
  18. Hi Pete, I'll do as you suggest tomorrow and generate a log. The reason I'm so sure it's related to RC is because if it was a bad texture there would be many more posts on the AIG forum and there doesn't appear to be. The only suggestion was to reduce the Ai%. In a topic on AvSim @Quoth had crashes with Ai set to 75% so the trigger point is somewhere between 50 and 75.
  19. Hi Pete, if there was a bad texture then surely it would have caused a crash when Ai was at 100% with RC4 not running. It didn’t either today or earlier in the week with all testing at EGLL. I flew at various times today from around 11:30 to 13:00 and no crashes. Tried another two around 14:00 - 14:30 and still no crash with Ai at 100%. Five minutes after the last crash I tried again this time with RC4 running and it crashed with 100% Ai. As soon as I reduced it to 50% and loaded the same flight it was fine. Don’t see how it could be a bad texture. Crashes have only occurred with RC4 running.
  20. No worries John. It's easy to find the Ai limit that won't cause a crash. I'll check at other heavy airports too. Pete suggested some logging which I'll send privately as the files might be huge.
  21. The crashes are definitely linked with the amount of Ai in the sim and what is being fed to RC4. I never had the problem at EGCC simply because there is only a fraction of the Ai Heathrow has. 50% at EGLL and no problems with RC4. Hope you can get to the bottom of it John. Having all these wonderful airlines is great but not if it causes crashes.
  22. Hi again John. I reduced Ai to 50% and was able to take-off without a crash. This problem is definitely related to the amount of Ai and the impact it's having on RC4 which in fairness would never have been an issue back in 2006 when we tested it. I see in another topic you're going to install AIG traffic and RC4. I look forward to your findings.
  23. Hi John, I've been plagued all this week with P3D v4.4 and v4.5 crashing either when lining up on the runway, or on rotation. It's just happened again now. Earlier today I flew circuits departing 27L at EGLL and landing back on the same runway. TRied dofferent times and dates. All were absolutely fine. The only difference in the flight that crashed was I was running Radar Contact v4. It runs via WideFS on a separate PC. When P3D crashed RC still ran and was telling me to ack take-off clearance. The error was KERNELBASE.dll which probably doesn't provide much help. I had a quick chat with Pete and he says RC does all sorts of things when the aircraft is lining up like checking for Ai and perhaps trying to control them. I also have a LUA module named AiFreezer in Modules to stop incursions when you're landing. Looking at the code it only appears to activate after you land. Suspicious? Hard to say. I had 241 Ai in the bubble when the crash happened. 189 on the ground and 52 airborne. Having completed all these circuits without any problem I feel the problem is linked to RC4 and the amount of Ai in the sim. I'm running FSUIPC5 v5.151b. The fsuipc.log is attached if it helps. Happy to provide any other info you want and Pete may be able to assist with his knowledge of RC4 which he used for many years. FSUIPC5.log
  24. It may be a huge coincidence but when I had that crash at EGLL I was running RC4 via WideFS. I had saved the flight at the holding point so later that day loaded it and tested it again. On 5 separate tests I could take off without a crash. RC4 was not running. All the tests were at the same time as the original crash. Why didn’t it crash? So I decided to start a new flight and this time I did use RC4. As the aircraft rotated P3D crashed again. It seems almost impossible that RC4 could be responsible when it only reads data from P3D. I still feel AIG Ai has a bad texture or model but thought it worth reporting. I am using the ‘b’ variant of FSUIPC5.
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