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Ray Proudfoot

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Everything posted by Ray Proudfoot

  1. Just an update to this. I added the AIFreezer.lua to the P3Dv5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6 folder and edited FSUIPC6.ini to call the file. A flight from LEBB over to LEBL was used to test things. Landing traffic was assigned to 07L with departures using 07R. I requested 07R in RC4 and when around 8 miles out I noticed one Ai with a status of TakeOff2 indicating he was on his take-off roll. Others were taxiing out to 07R. I lowered the gear around 4 miles and was cleared to land. Landing was fine with no go-around instruction. SUCCESS! The FSUIPC6.log indicates the lua was called and froze and then released Ai at the relevant points. Thanks for your help Pete. šŸ˜€
  2. Hi Pete. I dunno why RC4 doesnā€™t handle Ai very well. Maybe itā€™s the increased number of them with AIG injecting far more than back then. But the lua file you mention looks like it will do the job. Iā€™ll investigate, thanks.
  3. Heā€™s too busy walking the dog and watching the snooker! šŸ¤£ Itā€™s okay John, it was more a request to see if it was doable and it sounds like someone with LUA skills could help out. With the RC author haven given up many years ago working out why it no longer works is a non-starter.
  4. Hi John. I would imagine the guilty aircraft would be one of the 96. My LUA skills are fairly rudimentary sadly. I do use Ai Companion and that offers the facility to delete Ai aircraft but youā€™ll appreciate switching attention to another screen whilst manually flying the final approach is not ideal. As a former RC user Pete might have some thoughts about how best to manage this. If Iā€™m really lucky he might even knock together a script for me. šŸ˜€ Something that every RC user would appreciate.
  5. Hi John, hope you're keeping well in these difficult times. I wonder if you could help with an Ai problem in P3D which impacts on Radar Contact instructions. When I'm around 3-4 miles out it's too far to see if Ai are lining up to depart on my landing runway. Even if I could see them I suspect Traffic Zapper would not work that far out. What then happens is the Ai lines up and with 2 miles to run Radar Contact detects the Ai and issues me with a Go-Around. Very frustrating when the rest of the flight has gone well. Would it be possible for FSUIPC to monitor Ai assigned to my landing runway and as soon as the status changes to TakeOff1 to kill them? That status is activated when the Ai start to move onto the runway from the hold-short point. Is that doable? Radar Contact used to freeze Ai when the user's aircraft was on finals but it doesn't appear to work any more.
  6. Hi Luke, the only indication mine were disconnecting and reconnecting almost immediately in flight was the USB disconnect / reconnect sound being played. If youā€™re not hearing that (confirmed by entries in the FSUIPC.log then itā€™s not the problem I was having. Certainly keeping devices plugged in to the same ports is essential to avoid these problems. Good luck!
  7. Hi Pete, thatā€™s why I removed my comment as I noticed he was plugging the yoke in only when the sim was running. But if Devices are disconnecting and reconnecting during flight then it sounds like the problem I had.
  8. Agreed Pete. Most seemed to be the taxiway link joining on the runway. Just a tiny segment of an otherwise normal path. Odd really because ADE is very good.
  9. Pete, I've been deleting the broken links and recreating them but for some unknown reason ADE v1.78 still sees them as broken. It probably needs reporting to the author. For now there doesn't seem to be any point in trying to correct them. Hopefully the t5.csv I supplied will help you.
  10. Sadly not. It's a manual job to do that. There are 13 broken taxi links in EDDB_AFX_OP01-BER.BGL. I've attached the report generated by ADE. I'm not sure how much impact this has on Ai. They seem to behave okay despite the ADE warning they may not. But it make have an impact elsewhere. EDDB_ADEP4_RAY_faultList.csv
  11. Hi Pete, Have you tried running the Fault Finder in ADE and see what it reports? There may be multiple broken links. ADEs are pretty near the bottom when it comes to airport design.
  12. @agutz, any chance you could provide that file to Pete please and perhaps also to me. I'll send you my email address privately. Thanks!
  13. Thanks Pete. I guessed you hosted it without unzipping. Iā€™ll write to the developer.
  14. Gents, I've tried to use this utility for the first time. One problem. There is no executable in the zip. Just 3 txt files and a CPP file. Has anyone got this working and if so, how?
  15. I'll raise it on AvSim although Aerosoft would be the more logical site. But given you can never speak to the developer that is probably a waste of time. If others confirm the problem with v4.5 but then say it doesn't occur with v5 that's food for thought. Malaga or Bilbao to Madrid are also short hops. Malaga with northerly winds or Bilbao with southerly. Try to get some flying time in Pete inbetween the updates! šŸ˜
  16. When I land at Aerosoft Madrid Professional the instant the wheels touch the ground there is the most appalling series of stutters. Itā€™s been like this for a while but I decided Iā€™d had enough and investigated. CPU1 is close to 100% so I loaded the LEMD utility and turned off all settings. All of them. Reloaded the flight 10 miles out and again, the same stutters on touch-down. CPU1 was still in the high 90s. To cut a long story short only by turning off DL in P3D did the stutters cease. But this is in daytime with no DL options enabled at Madrid. There must be some code that is called on touchdown that is causing this. Crazy it has such an impact on performance. Does the same happen in v5 in daytime flights with DL enabled in P3D. If itā€™s fixed it might be worth considering a switch. The alternative is not to have any taxi and landing lights illuminating the ground which takes away a degree of realism. Madrid seems alone in this problem. Maybe the airport is coded differently to other Mega Airports.
  17. Not in v4.5. šŸ˜ They give it realism. I don't spend enough time at airports to think about building shadows.
  18. I conducted some tests earlier with AA at various settings to gauge the impact on GPU rather than fps as that is adjusted back to 30 by removing Ai in FSUIPC. I was more concerned about trying to reduce the load on my 1080Ti. Iā€™ll check shadows but this seems like one of those things where you could spend a lot of time tweaking to find the perfect settings. Youā€™ll have far more leeway than I Pete. Cloud shadows are worthwhile but not sure about building ones. Vehicles certainly not. LOD has only been an issue with Concorde in v3 but I had to keep than low for VAS purposes.
  19. Hi John, the aircraft in question is Xtreme Prototypeā€™s Learjet 25 from the 1970s. I tried another aircraft - Vertx Diamond DA62 - and the hit was far less. I didnā€™t set all lights on to run a full test but even looking at the GPU usage it was well down. It appears to be a combination of 1) Bilbao, 2) XP Learjet 25 and 3) 3840*2160. Remove any one of those and the problem disappears. This is in daytime, not dusk or night. You can use SimStarterNG for the settings in P3D but as you say, it canā€™t change them on the fly. Iā€™m sure there must be a reason why LM never gave us this option especially DL as it has such a profound impact on performance. SimStarterNG is great for having different scenarios where you might want very different settings for each. Iā€™ve used it since it was donation-ware. Very clever author.
  20. Hi Pete, I just checked RTSS against Task Manager / Performance and for a single display it's spot on. But for rich people with more than one it sounds ideal. šŸ˜ I've found the culprit for stutters at Bilbao. I was testing using a 3rd party Learjet with nice cockpit lighting. It takes a real toll on DL. 10% extra with flight deck flood lighting on but the real killer is taxi and landing lights both required for take-off and landing because of the switch configuration. GPU usage goes from 64% (C&D) to 80% with instrument lighting on. Turn on taxi lights and it goes to 99% and fps drops below 30 with lots of stuttering. Add landing lights and it goes even worse with fps down to 21. With them both on plus instrument lighting it pushes GPU to 100% which is where the stuttering starts. In comparison the PMDG737 with all lights on does max out at LEBB too but without changing anything switching to LEMD - a far bigger airport - has the GPU at just 65%. I'll write to the developer and ask if anything can be done to improve it.
  21. Hi Pete, Most of the time especially during daylight flights having it off is not a problem. But during dusk and when flying some aircraft the enhanced effects it gives makes it desirable. And there are some ORBX airports like LEBB where even in daylight the DL option kills performance in UHD. It was for that airport where a toggle option would have been helpful instead of going into the menu. Since I posted I've been doing some research and testing. The MSAA settings does have an appreciable effect on performance so I've switched it off as I never really saw any benefit running at 3840*2160 anyway. SSAA is even worse and I never used that. AA is also off for obvious reasons. Some flight deck lighting on certain aircraft has a big impact on the GPU so I'm avoiding using those. All this has been possible by using Riva Tuner RTSS which is great for monitoring performance.
  22. Hi Pete / John, Dynamic Lighting at some airports imposes a significant hit on my frame rate. To get around the problem I have to bring up the menu and switch it off. I wondered if there was a command in P3D to do it but there isn't. Neither does a Toggle Dynamic Lighting appear in FSUIPC commands. Is it possible to control this outside of the P3D menu? Having a button to toggle it on/off would be helpful. This is with P3D v4.5 but the same would apply to v5 too I imagine.
  23. Sorry for resurrecting this topic but I had the same problem after installing my new Fulcrum One yoke and have found a solution. In ChasePlane - Control Assignments - there are view commands that you can associate with keys. These include Tilt Up, Tilt Down, Pan Left and Pan Right. I associated those to CTRL+UpArrow, CTRL+DownArrow, CTRL+LeftArrow and CTRL+RightArrow. If you then associate those key commands with the relevant hat switch in FSUIPC you then get full panning and tilting in the VC. Assign them in Buttons & Switches tab. The external views and panning / tilting remain the same.
  24. Thanks Pete, will do. I definitely saw those entries in the Events drop-down for exits. Hopefully weā€™ll get a solution.
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