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Achilles Philippopoulos

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Posts posted by Achilles Philippopoulos

  1. Hi,

    Just started using the product yesterday (Version and have experienced an annoying thumping sound every few seconds, even when I'm parked at the gate. If this is intentional, can you show me how to turn it off.


    We know the problem and we will fix it. You can set the sound bar to 0% until the fix.

  2. I agree.

    I note that you have added the ability to change the viewpoint to the latest version, but it is not very convenient as you can't see the effect in fsx immediately.

    Is it possible to make the default fsx controls for viewpoint work?



    Yes it is. We will add it.

  3. OK- version 1.3 solves that problem. However it is not possible to use the 'raise eyepoint' and 'lower eyepoint' views consistently.

    Also whilst it is nice to have the roll sound, it has introduced a burst of white noise every few seconds.


    It will be available today.

  4. I have done that several times without any useful response - I don't know how to explain it any clearer.

    My last email included a screenshot which clearly illustrates the difficulty

    Can you resend the email please?

  5. I treated myself to a new desktop system running Windows 7 and have been busy installing all my FSX addons.

    When it came to FSX Booster I made the mistake of trying to reinstall the original software - not realizing it could only be used on one computer.

    I then contacted FSPS who then reset the serial number.

    Unfortunately this does not work , all I get is the validation page instantly giving the message [number missing or invalid] without it attempting to connect via internet.

    Believe me, the serial number is correct.

    I believe my initial attempt to load this on the new computer, before I was aware of the one computer requirement, has left something in the Windows system which now denies acceptance of the serial number.

    I have contacted FSPS numerous times and am getting nowhere, whoever is reading my emails obviously does not understand the problem.

    In desperation I am hoping some knowledgeable person reads this and gives me a solution.

    This is the only one of my numerous addons I am having trouble with.


    [moderator edit] Image deleted at poster's request - a new one will be added later


    Drop an email to support please

  6. Yes, me too, Alberto. I am astounded that this is so, and quite frankly, pretty upset: you're correct - at least 60-80% of regular long-time simmers use TrackIR, and there is no mention of lack of TIR support anywhere in their advertisement; given the present use of TIR, one would naturally assume that it IS compatible. I understand from Achillies' statements above, that "we are working on this function", but my understanding is that TIR uses SimConnect to talk to FSX whereas RCE uses FSUIPC - so how are these two apps, using different application-level protocols going to interact with each other?. EZCA had enough problems when hooking their product with TIR. It was eventually successful, but took almost a year before it happened.

    Can you comment further on this development, Achilles?


    Paul J.

    Ontario, Canada


    We have asked from Trackir the sdk in order to add this feature.

  7. Hi!

    Please help, my 3D real Cockpit Effect doesn't work. My FSX is installed on D:! FSUIPC is new. Maybe the wrong path in the installer?


    What fsuipc version you have? Needs 4.70 or later

    What fsx version you have? Needs SP2 or accelaretor

    The program have to be executed after airplane is loaded.

  8. Consider to buy your program :)

    Can I use it with EZdok Cam if I turn off vibrations in EZdok...Can I use it with 3rd part add- on aircraft..

    and what about FPS ?

    Chris from Denmark


    never used it together with ezdoc camera, but if you disable the vibrations from ezdoc then I see no reason why not to work.

    The program has no fps drop.

  9. I have tried several times to send the file for support (see above posts), however, like others in this forum, you don't seem to be able to receive e-mails from my account. I don't have another account to use. Is there an alternative address I can send it to?


    For some reason the emails are stored somewhere and does not come into our account. The provider still try to fix that.

  10. Hi, I have the last version of FSPS UC and a FSUIPC registered. I am the only user and administrator, but, in any way, the UC can work. Always the same message of error starting the program. " FSPS- Ultimate Checklist must be executed with admin rights. Ultimate Checklist will shutdown".

    I did the re install three times and nothing.... always the same message !!

    What can I do ?

    I have: XP / MSFS FS9 / 8GB RAM / Intel Dual Core / 30GB free in HD / FSUIPC resgistered

    Broken download maybe?

    get it from http://www.737ng.gr/Programs/UC/Updates/UC_Setup.exe

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