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Achilles Philippopoulos

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Posts posted by Achilles Philippopoulos

  1. So you are saying not use fsx exe on 6 cores I can only use this program on addons ? also how do I know its working, jsut start it up and minimize it, just not sure if its doing anything how do I know it is ? thanks


    You have to place your addons at first core and execute from inside the program. Then, you can shutdown the program.

  2. Hi:

    I am reading that this type of software is basically a rip off, I am not sure I belive this so again I would ask, "how do I know its working, just start it up and minimize it, just not sure if its doing anything how do I know it is ? thanks " I need a bit more info on how to run this also with frame limiter, thank you.


    Multicore series was build primary (before 2 years) for FS9 and Win xp or Vista.

    At win7 does nothing.

  3. Hi:

    Not sure what this link is, you had a button in the main fsxbooster program that let frame limiter run now missing, this is another version of a frame limiter what does this have to do with my question ? please explain more, also my original limiter what am I suppose to do with that ?

    Regards, Rich


    Yep. This was last year when the previous limiter used to work before win7 sp1. No, it does not work anymore. They have to build a new one that is compitable with win7 sp1.

  4. Hi:

    Qusetion on the Multicore execute button as stated in manual it says to execute the cores I grouped 2-6 for fsx, I have an i7-970, when I execute the group it starts up fsx so not sure how this works, I dont think by the instructions it is suppose to do this, also when it does start fsx - fsx just ends right away, I use frame limiter so thats how I start fsx, doesn't this program just run in the background if so when you execute the fsx group it wants to start fsx then nothing, also put core 1 on REX same thing hit execute and starts up REX ? Thank you.


    Multicore series has been build manly for fs9 or fsx addons. So, add your fsx addons there and start fsx always from fsx icon.

  5. Hi,

    I just bought Ultimate Checklist, but it do not work. The message is "FSPS-Ultimate Checlistst can not connect to internet. Please allow traffic from firewall. FSX Booster will shut down"

    I check my Windows firewall and I have put Ultimate Checklist in the "Exception List".

    Ultimate Checklist is installed on a PC withd Windows XP connected to FS2004 on other PC by WideFS.

    Many Thancks for answers

    Paolo M. Fradelloni


    Get latest build from


  6. Hi,

    I had to reinstal my Win764 bit and I have the problem with activation of Multicore Environment now (I have downloaded v 1.6 now, but the older version did not work too), I still get the "invalid serial number" message. I have tried to contact FSPS support, but without answer. Can you help me please? Need I new serial number?

    I have buy software at FSpilot shop more than one year ago.

    Many thanks for your help

    Jiri Steinbach, Prague, CZ


    Drop an email to support.fsps@737ng.gr to recieve a new serial

  7. hey i sent a email in to support, sent you a email and still nothing, well if i had knew this was going to be setup this way i would have never bought this at all, i got plenty of addons, i had to reinstall windows and everything and this is the only program that i got to go thougrh loops just to activate? some other guy said he as waited over 3 weeks and still not heard from you people, well this is why fsx and all this addon bullcrap is nothing but a pain in the butt, so give people what they have paid for, and you got keys so now you want everyone to go dig up invoices and keys from the place they got it from? well if your system is that messed up were you don't keep up with people who have bought this already then i know i don't care what you make i will never support such a place


    I send privite message to you.

  8. hello i uninstalled the mea? i hope i can get back to where i was lol,and hey achillesp what cores are fsx running on with xtreme ?


    Just rename settings.ini file to settingsbackup.ini. Then start the program.

    It uses all cores except the first one which is dedicated for addons and fibers.

  9. Hi.

    I am very upset at this point can anyone tell me why when I ask for support thru extream pc I get no response this was a real good application and support was great to is it me or did something happen that I dont know about . I have sent three to four requests to have my config repaired because of a multiple gpu entry issue but there has been no responce what gives?

    \I had the thing working great then my nvidia driver automatically updated and now I get two or three Gpu entries in my FSX config file that should not happen when there is only one gpu in the system. That is a bug with this program that just should not happen in my opinion. Maybe I am wrong in what I say but it seems strange that this program seem to think there is more than one gpu in your system when there isn,t What is it that I am missing Here,

    Please forgive the harshness but I am not the type to pay for things and not get what it is that I was expecting. You say send it I do And then nothing . Did you mail provider get spammed again. Well whatever the issue is all would be forgive if I can get this running so i can get back in the air T^hanks for hte help in advance and again I do appolgize for the way that this sounds.



    Sorry for the delay. We had a problem with our outgoing emails. Report that you had recieved our email please.

  10. yea same here op, seems this started off as a blast and now getting worse with every update that is for me, fps will go from 70 to 10 just like that i don't know what to do.i use to really enjoy this program when i 1st got it, now i don't know what to expect when i fire up fsx, what a shame.


    Restore original settings.

  11. Hi, I purchased 3D Real Cockpit effect today, and I have problem using it with TrackIR. Whenever TrackIR is running, effect doesn't work. There was no warning on the store site regarding this product, that it's not compatible with TrackIR. Can I get an estimate on a fix, or ask for refund please ?




    Currently trackir is not supported yet. But we have a schedule update for this together with hattrack

  12. Actual Updater in will display new version ... but will not download.

    None of the links in the "About FSX" window work.

    My System ...

    Dell XPS720

    Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Ultimate

    Mozilla Firefox

    Norton Security Suite

    NVIDIA nForce Serial ATA Controller

    Intel® Core™2 Extreme CPU Q6850

    Hard Drives

    C: 693.93 Gb 511.33 Gb 26 %

    F: 698.64 Gb 654.07 Gb 6 % (FSX here)

    Total 8192 Mb 667 Mhz DDR

    Dual NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX 768 Mb

    Ageia PhysX Processor

    1Kw power supply


    Use the direct one from http://fsps.737ng.gr/Downloads.html

  13. I had a syatem crash and I copied my FSPS 2. over from ny external HDD. FSPS wants to start up but' I get an error:can't find "cabarc.exe".

    I would like to get the most current version of FSPS but I can't seem to follow the reinstall instructions. I have a Proof of Purchase Certificate Dated Jul 7 2009. My old email address was dpend@earthlink.net.

    Please send this old guy (77) understandable reinstall instructions

    Thank you

    Donal W Pendergast Sr


    This file is unknow to us.

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